I think to fully heal, your body needs to be re-nourished. Alcohol replaces nutritious foods and affects how well you absorb and metabolize nutrients from the food you eat. So especially for people who don't eat very well while drinking or in the early AF days, repairing their health with food and if necessary, supplements, is really important to regain full mental and physical health.
As with most things, the main thing you need is time. Many experts think at least a year is needed for the brain to re-set and another year before it can be considered healed. I felt pretty good by 1 year but have noticed more welcome changes during this second one. The main things I would say are to be grateful for what you've gained, help others, do things you enjoy with people you care about, get enough sleep, eat well, exercise, continue learning, and don't compare yourself to others or expect to feel a certain way at any particular time. As long as you don't drink, it will be ok.
well, that got rather long. I think I may have been talking to myself as I wrote to you
