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100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread
Omg! Finally I made it here to new MWO. I am doing good. I had a little bump when I was tired and hungry but my fellow MWO member saved meAF since 10/20/2013
Smoke free since 09/24/2007
Meat free since 09/20/2008
With will one can do anything - Samuel Smiles
Thanks yall. A hot bubble bath and a good meal went a long way. Really sleepy now and ready to hit the hay. Thank you, my dear friends! You are the best! B
Pav, I just love your avatar!
Sorry you had the week from H E Double Hockey sticks.
Everything I touched broke.
Its a beautiful Sattidy, 4 years ago, Id have been drinking by now. I started at 10:30 in the morning. Why? That's as long as I could hold out. Hard to believe. What an addiction this is. So happy to be out of those chains. I still feel the pull sometimes on weekends, but I know what to do. I guess it will always be there to some degree. All I know is Im not going back!! Hope everyone has an easy day!!! Byrdie
Good you see things so clearly in your mind Brydie.
It is good to have mwo back and to know I can find support as needed.
I worked today and am tired, but decided I better get myself over here and look around.
Looking for the newbie nest now....(AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober
Greetings friends,
Just a quick Sunday night check in with everyone.
Can't believe we are almost at the middle of October already. How did that happen????
Hope everyone has a safe nightAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Cute pic, Cherokee. I made it, too.
I saw your post in the nest last evening that I guess you deleted. It is fine to post about that kind of stuff here if you want feedback from longer term AF people about how they deal with stress once they've given up the easy and effective fix. (Crying all day works pretty well for me, too, but the headache that follows is a bear...).
I hope this week is a good one for all of us!
Have an extended craving/urge today. Lasted a good few hours. Now, as much as it was awful horrible almost unbearable, it did have one thing going for it.
It made me realise that I haven't experienced one so bad for rather a while. I've had the triggered ones, from habit, such as finishing something, but they are more a memory of how it used to be. This was a biggie. And a longie. And intense the whole time it lasted. I thought it was not going to go away.
What I had today I had everyday at first. I don't want to go back to that.
Hard to take but what a good reminder, Rox! And ... You survived it. Remember how at the beginning even that seemed to be in doubt?? No way do I want to go through all that again!
hi, Lav. Glad to hear your chickens are more attractive than that one!
Roxy, sure makes you appreciate how far we've come. One hit me about a year ago and really had me up-ended. Then a couple weeks later, I read that Jackie Claire had one at four years that upset her. I guess fighting AL will always be part of our lives. Reason #435 to stay connected with our support! If I hadn't had my peeps here, odds are good I wouldnt have made it thru that.
I just do what Lav does, she has the longest sober time I know. So far, so good!! Xo, t
No Sugar, I didn't delete my post on purpose. If I did it was unintentional. I still don't know what I am doing. Lav, my daughter has 20 chickens all named for lord of the rings characters. Speaking of my daughter, I need some advice. She has been drinking a lot lately. I really want to speak to her about it but I worry about being hypocritical and inducing a full-on attack. Not to mention the guilt I feel about teaching her to drink when she has problems. I started drinking when she was 18 or 19. She is really pissed at me and my husband for calling her out on how she was acting. She is having a very rough emotional time right now. I just wish she would stop drinking every night. It may dull the pain for a little while but six years later she's me. I wish I could take the pain away for her. I can't, I would do anything to.
God, sometimes I wish all AL would just vanish off the planet. No good has ever come of it. I am so sick of it always everywhere. It's like no one can have a good time without it. I am coming to enjoy my own company more than anyone else's now days. I smudged my whole house today from top to bottom. It needed a good cleansing as did I. Where is that damn red redo button when you need it?
Sorry for the schizophrenic world salad.:nutso:
No Sam she doesn't and its really not a normal behavior for her. That is why it stands out so much. She is normally just an occasional drinker but in the last month she is drinking way more than normal. I am hoping that as things get better she will taper back to normal.