I hope everyone is doing OK

Chero, I never imagined I would end up dealing with AL addiction problems.
I was a strong, in charge type of person all of my life but stupidly chose AL to numb myself in my mid-forties. I couldn't handle the emotional pain of dealing with my chronically depressed, cold, disinterested husband. He refused to lift a finger to help himself & I almost destroyed myself 'waiting' for him to see the light. Bad decision on my part.
We've inflicted a lot of pain & suffering on ourselves BUT we have turned the page now - right?
The best thing we can do is stay on our AF path & keep moving forward. We have to forgive ourselves for the past then leave it there. It's history, it can't be changed, it's over. There is a wonderful book called 'Radical Forgiveness' by Colin Tipping that really helped me move through the self-forgiveness process. Read it & do the worksheets as a gift to yourself

You deserve the very best
