Forks Over Knives posts recipies on Facebook (from their website). This weekend will be a white bean, kale, red potato stew - yum!!!
For the past couple of weeks I've been trying new exercise routines & making nutritious smoothies on a daily basis... I'm really starting to feel the rewards of my effort!

Hope everyone is having a good weekend. Kuya, so nice to see you back on the boards...your support & wisdom was missed. I hope things are easing up for you. :l
Byrd- I can so relate to your recent post of saying how you wish you could show someone their future without AL; that all the struggles to keep from having that first drink is worth the effort, no matter how hard it seems right now.
I was fortunate enough when I quit, that I had a great mentor & also the personal experience myself of going through a tough smoking quit. One of the greatest lessons I learned & used when I quit drinking was that no matter how dismal life seemed at the present time... this too shall pass. I plodded through my 3-4 months of sobriety in a very depressed state, but I knew that the only way out, was through. And so I continued on, knowing that if I just stayed sober, that this dark time would pass. There was no alternative... if I drank, I would be miserable & have to start over at square one... and did I have the strength for that, was the big question. If I stayed sober, I would be miserable for a time, but I knew it wouldn't last forever. And so I held on... held on when I wondered "what's the point", held on when all I wanted was a way to escape from myself, held on because that's all I could do if I wanted to have a life worth living.
"Keep on for keepin on" was my mantra in those dark days... that's was the extent of my energy at that time... but thankfully, it was enough.
I broke through the barrier at 6 months... it felt like emerging from a long, dark tunnel into the bright sunlight.

It's the challenging times of our journey that make us cherish & protect our sobriety. I worked hard to get sober, and I continue the vigilance every single day...
because the quality of my life depends on it.