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100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread

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    100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread

    Lav - I hope Stella appreciated how important the award is...I can just see you 'splainin' it to her. LOL

    Well...I am attempting to give up the cigs again. I promised my daughter I would never quit trying to here we go!
    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


      100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread

      I quit smoking hundreds of times BUT the reason I truly succeeded this time was because I joined Quit Smoking All Together: the Web's Largest Quit Smoking Community
      I go there every morning & pledge to remain smoke free for the day. Also, I took their advice & decided to use a nicotine replacement product ~ something I had never done before. They were right, it truly made the difference
      I chose to use Commit Lozenges, they saved my sorry self!
      I went for hypnosis nearly 20 years ago. Yeah, it worked for a few days :H

      Good luck little sister. Use some Lavan-itude ~ it helps
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread

        Way to go , LAV.!
        Congrats on 4 years!

        ?Alcohol removes inhibitions - like that scared little mouse who got drunk and shook his whiskers and shouted: "Now bring on that damn cat!"-Eleanor Early


          100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread

          Thanks BHOG

          Exercise, cooking, baking, house cleaning, dog grooming, holiday decorating, etc on my day plan today. Absolutely no smoking or drinking - yay! I don't even remember how I had time to work those nasty habits in anyway :H
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread

            I think we always find time for the people and things we love.
            So it stands to reason, if we always found time to drink, we must have loved it a lot. Even more than we loved our families, our homes, our lives....
            Almost sorry I thought about that line.

            ?Alcohol removes inhibitions - like that scared little mouse who got drunk and shook his whiskers and shouted: "Now bring on that damn cat!"-Eleanor Early


              100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread

              BHOG -
              You're one point we DID love alcohol more than anything else! Sad, but true. I honestly don't know how I had time to drink either...well come to think of it, I fit it in by neglecting everything else!
              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread

                When I finally dried up, I looked around me at the stuff I had let go, or not done, or refused to think about, all so I could sit and drink. I realized I had a LOT to do, and it was almost overwhelming in scope. So I would just tackle it one project/chore/issue at a time. Eventually, it all gets taken care of.
                But, I still get frustrated that I let so many years of my life go down the drain. I have gotten to the point that I KNOW I cannot go back and change anything, and it does me no good to beat myself up over the past.
                But it took a long time to arrive at that knowledge.

                ?Alcohol removes inhibitions - like that scared little mouse who got drunk and shook his whiskers and shouted: "Now bring on that damn cat!"-Eleanor Early


                  100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread

                  Good morning & Happy Easter to one & all
                  Hope your day is sweet!!!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread

                    Hope everybunny is having a hoppy day!!!! XO, Byrdie
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread

                      Lav! Congratulations on your four year anniversary! You are truly an inspiration to us all. I am so happy for you and to know you.
                      we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


                        100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread

                        Hoppy it was Byrdie especially after the kids OD'd on chocolate :H

                        Thanks nurdl, I'm so glad yuo are back & doing well
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread

                          Lavande;1485878 wrote: Hoppy it was Byrdie especially after the kids OD'd on chocolate :H

                          Thanks nurdl, I'm so glad yuo are back & doing well
                          Amen to that Lav...the girls Od'd yesterday On birthday cake and Easter egg hunts...Madison threw up 4 times in the middle of the night...:upset:

                          I was not very 'hoppy' today... :cupajoe:

                          Congratulations on 4 great years! :h
                          On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                          *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
                 tool box
                 newbie nest


                            100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread

                            Thanks Kradle ~ sorry about the kiddie puking - ruins the day
                            I'm just happy that I can play the mean old granny & hide the candy before it goes too far :H
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread

                              Happy Monday!
                              I have stumbled upon something that is really working for me and I wanted to share it....
                              Work has been very stressful lately and has been 'keeping me up nights'!!! I couldn't fall asleep or stay asleep for all the thinking!!! (kind of like the old days....). But I started counting backwards from 100....and it works! I have had success 4 out of the last 4 nights. I told hubs about it and he tried it....he says with mixed results...he kept dozing off! :H:H:H This very simple technique has helped me so much...if you lose count, just pick it back up somewhere...if your thoughts wander, reel them back to the count. I am amazed. Just thought I'd share that....have a great day (and night!) Byrdie
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest


                                100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread

                                Byrdie - you are just brilliant! Do you realize that this method is actually a form of mindful meditation? How marvelous that you are figuring out how to de-stress in such a healthy way. I have been working on doing mindful meditation for the past month or so. It sure is making a real difference in my level of mind peace and sense of well-being.

                                I've been learning about it as well. The research into meditation has just exploded in the last decade. Turns out that meditation triggers the process that can actually alter the chemical and structural nature of our brains. don't have to be a neuroscientist to know that meditation just gives our busy, busy minds a well-deserved break from the incessant chatter, chatter, chatter that's always churning around up there. This calming...or quieting state is essential to our overall well being. For starters, it lets the body stop churning out cortisol and other stress-triggered hormones which are not meant to be endured in continuing quantities! Cortisol is good when you need to run from a dinosaur. RIGHT NOW! lol Maybe not so much when you're worried about a bad boss. All the time.

                       to avoid the velociraptors.....
                                Sober for the Revolution!
                                AF & NF July 23, 2011

