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100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread

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    100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread

    Thank you.

    Lavande, yes i went to AA 4 times. It did not do anything for me. I know how selfish that sounds. I am here to share. I know i am not out of the woods. I know its a life quest to stay sober. But so far I am good. No relapse very very small cravings and most of the time AL is the farthest thing from my mind. Ive always been that way though. Stubborn. When i make up my mind and i know its right and good with God i never change it. I decided to quit and i quit, thats it. It was tough at first. I drank for 27 years. Every day. Most of the time to drunkenness only some of the time did i have 6 or less. Most of the time 12 -15 or more.
    Byrdie I think you are fantastic and i just met you here about 3 hours ago! lol. Thank you for your heart felt hello, encouragement and telling me about yourself. Ya that’s a tuff one when the spouse has had it. You want to tell your spouse to take a friggin hike! HA! But after it hits you and you make your choice so to speak boy do things change fast. My wife is my best friend she has saved my life. All I did was let her. Good stuff.
    Just quit. Dont think, just do. God will help.


      100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread

      Thank you all

      Lavande, yes i went to AA 4 times. It did not do anything for me. I know how selfish that sounds. I dont think it is all about me and i am here to share. Its just that AA didn?t do anything for me. Yes i know how that sounds to. I know i am not out of the woods. I know its a life quest to stay sober. if i do slip i will be at the very next meeting because it will be obvious i cant do it this way. But so far I am good. No relapse very very small cravings and most of the time AL is the farthest thing from my mind. Ive always been that way though. Stubborn. When i make up my mind and i know its right and good with God i never change it. I decided to quit and i quit, thats it. It was tough at first. I drank for 27 years. Every day. Most of the time to drunkenness only some of the time did i have 6 or less. Most of the time 12 -15 or more.
      Byrdie I think you are fantastic and i just met you here about 3 hours ago! lol. Thank you for your heart felt hello, encouragement and telling me about yourself. Ya that?s a tuff one when the spouse has had it. You want to tell your spouse to take a friggin hike! HA! But after it hits you and you make your choice so to speak boy do things change fast. My wife is my best friend she has saved my life. All I did was let her. Good stuff.
      Just quit. Dont think, just do. God will help.


        100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread

        Thank you, Erik....yes, that was a really hard day when he sat me down on the morning of Jan 20, 2011. I like the way you phrase it...yes, he saved my life, too! And, of course this website! B
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread

          Welcome, Erik! I love the conviction in your voice. It really does work. Early on, I got the advice to say "I don't drink" when AL was a topic, in my mind or in my environment. It works. No need to ever pick up the bottle again, once you've decided you won't. Lav told me a profound and deeply accurate thing once, "there are no slips, only decisions to drink."

          FA, the inversion table is pretty amazing. I bought an expensive one (around $500) and it is worth the added comfort, ease and safety features. It unwinds your joints and spine - that is the best way I can describe it. Everything slowly opens up. Short of a chiropractor, I can't think of another way to do this. Effective and slow, you only hang for as long as feels good. I think I started around 30 seconds. Now it is comfortable for five minutes. It's subtle and gentle, now.

          "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

          AF since Oct 2, 2012


            100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread

            YES Cat! That works for me too "I dont Drink" with a smile. makes me feel good the rest of the day.
            Jeez can hardly walk today. That elyptical machine kicks butt. Really sweated one out this morning. I have always wanted to try the inversion stuff. if i find one at a yard sale i will buy and give it a try. When i was a kid i could do it on the monkey bars...those days are over HA!
            Just quit. Dont think, just do. God will help.


              100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread

              FA, I'm sorry you weren't able to buy your bike from a place that allows you to try before you buy. That happened to my husband once. I am lucky to know of a place that let me borrow the bike for a couple of hours. Biking weather is almost here, though there is a chance of freezing rain early tomorrow.

              I bought 50 stones today that fit together like puzzle pieces for a more solid path through my big back garden. I'm tired of the plants growing around my stepping stones.
              My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread

                The reality, for me, is how quickly I was able to convert my mind-set to "no alcohol" ONCE I finally stopped kidding myself and made up my mind to quit.
                It jsut took a long time to get to that place.

                ?Alcohol removes inhibitions - like that scared little mouse who got drunk and shook his whiskers and shouted: "Now bring on that damn cat!"-Eleanor Early


                  100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread

                  On my 500th post, just a heads-up that I'll be seeing you all on July 10th. That is all...carry on...

                  Be good,
                  Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
                  Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

                  Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

                  Go forward boldly and unafraid


                    100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread

                    We look forward to seeing you, Fin!! It is such a good feeling to break free of those dam chains...July 10th will be here before you turn around good! I'm so proud of you! Byrdie
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread

                      Congrats on 500 posts Fin -
                      keep talking

                      I'm with you BHOG - the struggle with AL ended rather abruptly when I just accepted the fact that I can/will no longer drink! So, so grateful I finally gave in & gave up fighting a battle that I just couldn't win!

                      Sunbeam, I could use some of those stones. I am tired of walking thru mud around here - yuck.

                      Hi Byrdie!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread

                        We'll be here Fin, and you have every bit of control to be here too. Like BHOG said, it just comes down to deciding, you know, after all, I really can't drink.

                        "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

                        AF since Oct 2, 2012


                          100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread

                          Keep on keeping on Fin.

                          I have just spent the week in the company of an old friend I haven't seen in 13 years......she and her partner are heavy drinkers and we stayed up til stupid o'clock every night. I did not want to drink, had a hilarious time sober, they are now wrecked and exhausted, vowing to quit when they get back to the UK ( I sincerely hope so ) but I am just a little tired but well and happy. If I had drank I would be in a sad state and back at day 1 with remorse, guilt and probably damaged relationships.

                          I could not have done this in the early days of my quit, I would say four months was needed to repair and be strong enough mentally. But I am so glad to have that monkey off my back and possibly inspired my friend to do the same.


                            100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread

                            Kuya, no truer words! It is a tremendous burden lifted when you have 'strength of quit' on your side. Drinking is not an option! Not one, not ever! I am so glad you led by example. Others that we don't even think about see what we do and how we conduct ourselves. Without knowing it, I pushed people into drinking all the time back then...when they came to the house, or when we'd go out for lunch. I hope I never ruined anyone's quit...(other than mine...ugg). Our actions really are like ripples on the water, they reach far beyond where the stone is thrown in.

                            MindPeace. Byrdie
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread

                              Catbuddy;1490501 wrote: We'll be here Fin, and you have every bit of control to be here too. Like BHOG said, it just comes down to deciding, you know, after all, I really can't drink.

                              Yep, and thanks again for reeling me back in. You are a good soldier.
                              Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
                              Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

                              Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

                              Go forward boldly and unafraid


                                100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread

                                Erik K;1489331 wrote: New here. I am past 100...145 actually but believe it or not this is the first day i have actually counted up the total. I like this threads idea. I really dont need to talk about the past 145.
                                Welcome Erik! Congratulations on deciding to change your life's direction. For me, quitting AL has been the biggest & by far the best life transformation I have ever experienced. Welcome to your new life! :l

                                Catbuddy;1489539 wrote:
                                FA, the inversion table is pretty amazing. ...It unwinds your joints and spine - that is the best way I can describe it. Everything slowly opens up. Short of a chiropractor, I can't think of another way to do this. Effective and slow, you only hang for as long as feels good. I think I started around 30 seconds. Now it is comfortable for five minutes. It's subtle and gentle, now. Oh.... that sounds like something my joints & spine would love! I'm going to keep my eye open for one. Is it the quality of construction that makes a difference, or do the pricey ones have more features?

                                Sunbeam;1490210 wrote:
                                FA, I'm sorry you weren't able to buy your bike from a place that allows you to try before you buy.
                                I bought it from a great place, if it happens that I'm not totally in love with the bike, there will be no problem in returning/exchanging it. But something told me this was the one... I could tell as soon as I layed eyes on it. It had "me" written all over it.

                                Fin;1490382 wrote:
                                On my 500th post, just a heads-up that I'll be seeing you all on July 10th. That is all...carry on...
                                You got a great attitude... one that will get you to where you want to be.
                                I remember when I first quit, I knew this was it... my drinking days were over, now I just had to put the time in to distance myself further away from that last drink. I was "as quit" on my first day as I am now... it was a done deal.
                                AF 6 years
                                NF 7 years

                                A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step

