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100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread
100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread
3June2013;1648396 wrote: . If it comes from the heart then how bad can it be? If the advice isn't well received that doesn't mean it wasn't good advice., not everyone wants to be just like me.
100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread
Hi ladies... my first post here on the Maintenance Thread... I haven't read back here very far, but came across just the recent mention of moderating. I understand some people can moderate, and if that is good for them, that's great! I tried over the years to moderate... always thinking "this time I'll control when and how much I drink".. like I would say I would just drink on a Friday night, or just on the weekend, or maybe just on Tuesday night after 6 oclock and only with a meal.. etc There were so many rules and regulations I was setting for myself... and as we all know rules are often meant to be brokenSo... I decided time had come, I had enough of trying to control all of this...and gave up last August. I see a counsellor each week or two.... not as often now, now its every 3 weeks or so, for maintenance
But I am so glad I finally realized that I could not moderate, it was just too much work and it didn't work!!! I enjoy being here at this site. Thanks for you ladies who have welcomed me so far in the other sections for New members and also Private Messages. It's much appreciated.
"Saw the light" in August 2013
100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread
Hi, Fleur:
Welcome to MWO - it is a great, sober community. Your moderation sounds a lot like mine - a lot of rules that were or weren't kept.
3J - you never know when a quick post will make an impression to a Newbie. You posted this on your thread, "If only one, why not none?" That phrase has saved my nagging thoughts of al and "moderating" MANY times and I repeat it often.
'Night all, and happy new week.
100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread
Pavati,, what you said about 3J's words "If only one, why not none", I so relate to that too. I used to try and con myself into thinking I'd have just one drink... but I knew that would hardly ever happen. I used to feel like what's the use of one... so I also decided on 'none'... so much easier, and conversation with 'self' is over. Bonus.. you can wake up nice and fresh the next day!!
"Saw the light" in August 2013
100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread
3J, you just never know when a sentence is going to resonate with someone. Like Pav, as soon as I heard YOUR sentence, it made me think of the one that became MY mantra. It's by Jolie, posted in the NN 1-23-11. She was exactly 2 weeks ahead of me and her words always resonated with me. She wrote:
Had lunch with my mom and sister yesterday at an upscale restaurant. When the waitress asked if we wanted cocktails I saw my sister hesitate - before either of us could say anything my Mom said "just water" and I followed with "water w/lemon" and my sister had tea. We plan on making this a monthly ritual so I know I'm going to need to stay strong and keep on course. (besides - what is 1 glass of wine going to do for me anyway
And THAT is the phrase that got me thru many a trying time!!! You just never know what will stick! That's why EVERY post is important!!
Thank you all about the kind words about my posts. XXOO, Byrdie
100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread
You guys have probably already seen the podcast I've linked all over MWO so I won't repeat myself yet again but a quote mentioned in that podcast (in my signature) led me to Bill Smith's website.
Of his blogs that I've read, 2 really stood out to me.
One is about "spreading" recovery:
Recovery is Contagious Redux | Blog & New Postings | William L. White.
The other is about the process of recovery after the relatively easy not drinking part has been accomplished:
The Masks of Addiction and Recovery | Blog & New Postings | William L. White.
:h NS
100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread
Greetings to all in the geriatric ward
I've posted this on my journal but will do so here as well:
Thank you, peeps
I know I haven't been around much and won't be for a couple of weeks yet. To be honest, I've just been coping, that's about it. With the junior, with the wait on the baby, and the upcoming trip to deal with my dad's estate.
Unfortunately, it looks like I will also have to deal with some family drama. I got REAMED out yesterday on the phone by my uncle.. for taking so long to come, and for only staying 2 weeks. He expected me to stay until the end of May to see everything through. Both, my aunt and uncle are exhausted, frustrated (because much of what needs to be done, they cannot do without me), and they sank their own money in to pay the bills. So, there will definitely be some unpleasantries. Oh well.
It is somewhat interesting though, that while my first gut reaction was outrage and anger, what I'm learning through AA makes me now stop and turn things around to see it from the other party's perspective. My aunt and uncle are both retired... so the notion of having to work to survive is probably no longer on the fore front for them. They also don't have children. So, they cannot be expected to understand 1. the worry of a mother about her daughter giving birth, nor 2. what it's like to have and infant and a toddler without a support system at home.
I am terribly sorry that things turned out the way they did and my aunt and uncle have had to deal with the aftermath of my dad's passing by themselves. Hind sight is always 20/20. Had I known the little princess would take her sweet time like this, I would have travelled to Germany first. However, with the information I had (from the doctors), I made the best and only decision possible at the time. I do not regret that.
The other thing (although, I probably shouldn't say that to them) is, that all of what they have done and what I will be doing is bureaucratic and money bs. It is not about a living person. It isn't even about a dead person. It's about 'stuff'. I don't care much for 'stuff'. I care about helping someone, make their life a little easier.
Of course, now it's time to make my aunt and uncle's life easier. I will do my best to do so.
So, if I seem to be MIA for a while, don't worry. I'm still AF... I will celebrate my 6 months next week while away. I have made contact with AA in Germany and hopefully will get to a meeting or two.
Take care everyone, protect your own sobriety, and thank you for all your support.
:lOkay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?
Winning since October 24th, 2013
100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread
Well, CONGRATS to you Granny Sunni
I'm so happy your granddaughter finally decided to make her appearance.
It is truly unfortunate that you have to immediately jump into dealing with your Dad's estate. But, it is what it is & you seem to have a pretty good grip on things - I'm proud of you :l
I hope your trip is goes smoothly & your aunt & uncle are calmed down when your arrive with pictures of your new addition
Take care of yourself & keep going on your hard path - you are doing so well with your awesome 6 AF months!!!!!AF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread
I said it on another thread, but I'll say it again here: Love you SunniG! :h Please take care of YOU. Let us know how everything turns out.
I have a question for Stella's Mom: Lav, you use(d) Seredyn right? Did you find it really works for anxiousness? Also, can you ONLY get it online? I am weaning myself off of prescription meds, but sometimes I get a bit antsy. I take Valerian and sometimes Kava, but I was wondering about Seredyn....:heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:
Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.
100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread
K9, I have used Seredyn with good results
I've never seen it in stores, buying it directly from the manufacturer is really easy.
Fast Relief of Anxiety & Stress | SEREDYN | Natural Anxiety Remedy
You can occasionally find an Amazon reseller offering it as well. Just be sure you check with them about expiration dates.
I find the product to be very effective, relaxes you without making you drowsy.
Now I sound like I should be working for the company :H
I haven't taken any for quite some time but there is a bottle on my shelf - just in case.
Hoping everything is OK with you Sunni :lAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread
Hi Friends, just checking in to set hi.
NS, that William White blog is some great reading. Thanks for sharing that!
Have a great AF day!"When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
AF 11/12/11
100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread
Lavande;1650037 wrote: K9, I have used Seredyn with good results
I've never seen it in stores, buying it directly from the manufacturer is really easy.
Fast Relief of Anxiety & Stress | SEREDYN | Natural Anxiety Remedy
You can occasionally find an Amazon reseller offering it as well. Just be sure you check with them about expiration dates.
I find the product to be very effective, relaxes you without making you drowsy.
Now I sound like I should be working for the company :H
I haven't taken any for quite some time but there is a bottle on my shelf - just in case.
Hoping everything is OK with you Sunni :l
I used it when I had a big convention going on and I had to be social. And just for other random occasions, or just when I was feeling anxious for no known reason. It does seem to work.
100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread
Thank you both!!! I just wanted to check before I ordered it...plus I was hoping it was available in stores, but I figured it wasn't. I may order a bottle today...just in case!:heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:
Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.
100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread
Hi Jane!!! How are you doing today Miss 101 Days??? :l
We're glad you're here!!!:heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:
Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.