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100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread

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    100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread

    What is that Buddy List? I've seen it but don't really know anything about it .

    Pav, if you're like me and are posting on some threads regularly, it feels like you're deserting the thread or the people on it when you stop. At some point I realized that there is a natural evolution to all of this that just happens if you let go of feeling a sense of 'responsibility'. I used to welcome newbies as much as I could and contribute to the monthly achievement thread . At that time, I was helping others (I hope!) and it helped me to post there. At some point I was posting in those threads as a "job" and my heart wasn't in it, making the posts less useful to others or myself. Now I contribute to some of those threads only when what someone has written makes me want to respond.

    Another thing you have going is that you try to respond to everyone who has posted. That makes people feel great - we all want to be seen and heard. But that can make writing a post more complicated than it needs to be and everyone has to understand how a forum such as this works. Odds are that over time, you'll call out all the frequent posters by name because one of their posts will raise an issue you want to address. So, kind of like with babies, if you just let it happen, "weaning" is a natural process (However, I wouldn't suggest weaning entirely in this case :H!).


      100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread

      Hey ho all
      part of posting these days is just being able to get on here, then once you try to post, whether it goes or not.... that being said, I enjoy looking at all the threads and have certain ones I look at more than others. Haven't felt the need to wean myself because it is a good reminder to me of what can be.

      I still read and find the NN necessary for that very reason of reminding and when someone hit close to home, I'll either post or PM someone. Sometimes PM's seem to be a better way to reach out.

      happy weekend everyone
      Liberated 5/11/2013


        100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread

        Pav, I love your posts. And everyone's, really - short or long, frequent or sparingly. I think everyone of you has written something that hit home for me, for which I'm very grateful.
        NS you also have a gift for saying what seems to be the perfect thing with the just the right timing, and with beauty and grace, to boot.

        My back is much better, and thx for the replies re: meds. I took the muscle relaxants and only needed them for 2 days before everything loosened up, and this morning I felt normal. But I did skip taking hydrocodone (for pain) and will chuck it. I'm afraid I'd like it. Although I'm loving being clear-headed and these new cat-like reflexes of mine. Sort of. The clear-headed part is absolutely true. Cat-like reflexes are just around the corner, probably.

        Have a nice weekend, all!
        Gratefully AF and NF since March 23, 2014


          100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread

          Greetings Everyone,

          Agreed, Peppersnow, each poster shares something which we all gain from. So glad i finally checked back in tonight. Been way too long since i posted here!

          Had a close call today. Was at a local community event, where i was surrounded by people drinking. The ups and downs of life have been wearing me down lately, and i found myself thinking those stupid circular thoughts around drinking - "Oh stuff it, why don't i just have a drink?" Was growing increasingly uncomfortable when I happened to glance up at a TV screen (the sound was off), with an advert for a brand of car. Suddenly a nice yellow (my favourite colour) car came into view; the licence plate was "STEADFAST"! - I don't think i believe in God or anything like that, but it really felt that something was trying to give me a message! I don't want to give up my Steady status! Phew!

          Stay well everyone.
          AF free since April 29, 2013


            100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread

            Wow Steady that was surely a sign from somewhere that you were not meant to drink girl. I am in sunny Queensland and mum has had her nightly wine and i was on the phone to an old family friend tonight and looked at the glass of wine and thought "oh wouldnt that be nice to have while chatting". i quickly looked away. I feel normal but i wonder if i ever will be normal in this drinking thinking.

            Home tomorrow, back to the lovely Melbourne weather.
            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


              100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread

              Molls, i think i am as normal as i will ever be now. I know how to act on those thoughts of al now i have been sober for some time but it would be nice if they just disappeared but i suppose it is like anything we are addicted to. Certain situations set off that al thinking and yes we all have a choice to drink or not. my choice is definitely not too again. This is why i am here daily, god i dont trust myself otherwise.
              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread

                The support system I found here was priceless for me - made all the difference in the world

                I sometimes wonder what would happen to me if I stopped posting after all this time.
                I think I don't want to find out
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread

                  mollyka;1686787 wrote: --- 'leave your brains at the front door' Nothing to do with intelligence or willpower -- support is our 'medicine' -- so why wouldn't we take it:l
                  I sure wish I'd spent the time I wasted trying to think and will my way out of this on MWO instead! When those 2 things have worked for essentially everything else, it is hard to believe it when they don't. Plus, I didn't know of any options to consider other than AA and I wasn't prepared to do that. Man, am I grateful to Al Gore for inventing the World Wide Web :H!


                    100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread

                    That's me, Lav. I 'get it' and all that..... I CAN NOT drink! BUT, as addicts in a world where everyone is promoting the thing I shouldn't have, well, it's just not worth the risk. Posting is a small price to pay for being sober. People with more sober time, resolve, fame, fortune, you-name-it, have fallen without support...I know I don't want to be one of those people. Besides, I have met some of the finest people in the world here and cultivated deep friendships. I don't ever want to forget where I came from, either....and I know over time, we tend to forget just how bad we were. (Misty Watercolor Memories....of the way we were!) I don't mind doing the work it takes to keep my resolve strong. I will always be AWARE of Alcohol! B
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread

                      NoSugar;1687265 wrote: I sure wish I'd spent the time I wasted trying to think and will my way out of this on MWO instead! When those 2 things have worked for essentially everything else, it is hard to believe it when they don't. Plus, I didn't know of any options to consider other than AA and I wasn't prepared to do that. Man, am I grateful to Al Gore for inventing the World Wide Web :H!
                      Cross Post, NS!! We all owe Al Gore for inventing the internet!!!! :H:H
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread

                        So I was a drunk !
                        And life was simple
                        It was all about work ...
                        and having a drink ...
                        Real simple ...

                        Then it became all about drink ...
                        And then work ...
                        It became even more simpler
                        Work to drink ...

                        That was my purpose ...
                        Drink - my fake soul mate
                        My untrue love
                        My biggest mistake ..
                        But it made life simple
                        Just to have it will give ...
                        Biggest illusion of
                        satisfaction, accomplishment ...

                        But was a lie ... So I had to take it away
                        I was a drunk...
                        I am now in recovery
                        And life's more complicated ... Yes soooo simple !
                        With drink there for so long .. And now not being there ...
                        I must find real purpose why I was working ..
                        It's now - not about work to drink ...
                        It's now about work to live !
                        And live happily ..
                        True happiness. ... Wonder what it is ..
                        I thought I was drink ... I know now it not
                        What's what do we live for ?
                        Success ? Fame ? Money ? Love ?
                        But aren't they all illusions like the drink ?
                        Not meant to last long. ..
                        Or maybe they do ..
                        But if I have them then what's Next ?

                        Why are we here ? What are we living life for ?
                        I see my kids
                        They grow fast.
                        I miss their younger years
                        I was drinking
                        And working ...
                        Or just drinking ...
                        But I missed their youth
                        Soon they will be teens
                        Not so long ago I was a teen ...
                        How did I get here so fast ?
                        Time just flew ...
                        What was I doing all this time ?
                        Besides drinking ... Nothing ... Or just about everything ..
                        Now I can't do that
                        I can't drink and can't do just about anything ...
                        I must do what I should do
                        What I enjoy doing ...

                        What do I enjoy ...?
                        Was drinking ..
                        But now what ... This work ...
                        I don't enjoy this ... But why am I working ?
                        Or maybe I really enjoy it and my mind is numb ..

                        Used to so carefree ..
                        No worries ...
                        I always had a drink ...
                        But then it was fake ...
                        I was just being careless,
                        Heartless, irresponsible ..
                        Now suddenly I have to be all .. Responsible, careful etc.

                        It's a new feeling ..
                        New life ..
                        New purpose ..
                        New challenge ..
                        New experience ..
                        It's like being re born ...

                        I don't need drink ..
                        I need rest ...
                        Or maybe peace with myself
                        I know I am free ..
                        But something's missing ...
                        It's not the drink ... I don't miss her ..
                        It's so something else ...
                        I will find it ...
                        Rewiring my brain ... done ...
                        Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
                        Rebooting ... done ...
                        Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


                          100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread

                          Happy anniversary to me. 1 year. Who would have thunk it possible
                          Happiness is neither virtue nor pleasure nor this thing nor that but simply growth, We are happy when we are growing.

                          William Butler Yeats


                            100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread

                            Congratulations, TJAF! It is a big thing you've done - and probably one of the best you'll ever do.


                              100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread

                              Hey TJAF,

                              Congrats ... You rock !
                              Rewiring my brain ... done ...
                              Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
                              Rebooting ... done ...
                              Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


                                100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread

                                MAE, everyone,

                                Firstly, congratulations TJAF on your one year AF! :goodjob:

                                Doesn't it feel great?! It can be good to read back over one's older posts every now and then, to chart the progress and celebrate sobriety. Very happy for everyone who's staying the course.

                                Welcome back to Melbourne, Ava! Perfect time of year to head up to QLD. Hope you enjoyed yourself! I really get the feeling Spring's just round the corner in our neck of the woods, wouldn't you say?

                                Lots of comments here about frequency of posting; it certainly is comforting to check in and stay accountable. Like others have said I give thanks that I found this website. It's like an anchor when I feel like I might do the unthinkable and mess myself up again.

                                Take care, all....Oh, actually, been wondering for some time now how Tess is; does anyone hear from her??

                                AF free since April 29, 2013

