I'm taking advantage of this opportunity to join, as I want to continue to strengthen my sober muscles. Making it to 100 was a great day, and I hope, with the support of this site and friends I'll continue on this journey for a long, long, time. One day at a time.
Steady, sorry to hear of your mother's illness. It's so sad to see, so emotional. I'm going through similar stuff right now, and my emotions are all over the place. One day I'm strong, the next I'm crying off and on. But the important thing is we aren't relying on booze to get us through those moments and it would only make us feel so much worse and unable to take on this big family responsibility."
Yes, that's exactly how it is, J-Vo. If I was still drinking now I'd be incapable of doing anything; wouldn't be able to drive to see Mum. Given the way I was in the months prior to quitting, I doubt I'd still be with my partner, or be capable of getting into work! So very grateful to MWO and all the lovely people. :love: