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Desert Sandstorms...

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    Desert Sandstorms...

    Hello everyone:

    Whew! Talk about another storm.

    Something new is arising from within. Something different.

    The past couple of months of sobriety have seen me wandering through another period of depressed confusion. I have gone through the storm waves before. They?re ones that happen at intervals. Those of you who have several months under your belt know what I?m talking about. A surge of emotional turbulence, and the drinking monster comes and goads you. Sometimes it is strange sensations, many unpleasant and irritating.

    There have been thunderstorms, and light rain showers. There was a hurricane at 9 months. There have been a few short lived tornados. An earthquake or two. These are the best ways I can find to describe what I?ve gone through the last year and a half.

    The last couple of months have been a desert sandstorm. It?s one where I could not see my hand in front of my face. I have not posted so much the last couple of months, because this sand storm has put the binders on any clear thinking. I went through at least one surge of drinking desire that lasted a few hours, but nothing that has not been handled before, and conquered. No, this last one has been wandering around in circles, with no reference anywhere. Confusion most of the time. I read that these things are to be expected during the second year of the sober life.

    So today, the sand cleared a bit. I had new reference points and a weird new clarity. Hopefully this storm is abating. It?s been a long one, and longer than any one yet since I began this journey. However, the clarity that peeked at me today is new and vivid.

    Nothing much new on the program tools route to account for it. I have been letting up on the supplements for days at a time. The exercise program is on hold for now, while an injured ankle heals from a minor sprain.

    Another layer of fog seems to be lifting here. I was looking at a book yesterday in a store, which had to do with biochemistry. I was interested in getting an idea of how simple protein and enzyme molecules interact. The very core processes of life. In my head, I was imagining the electromagnetic attractions and interactions between the very smallest particles of living organisms. The body I inhabit is a construction of these molecules.

    Ethanol, or ethyl alcohol itself is an organic molecule. A simple hydrocarbon, that interacts with the molecules or our body when we pour it down our gullets. It poisons, and corrupts the cells constructed from billions of those proteins. It spreads it destruction throughout the system. I could go on here, but this train of thought is sort of an intellectual exercise in rationalizing sobriety forever for myself.

    The point being, as I thumbed through page after page of incredibly complex chemistry descriptions, a new perception peeked through. The forces that have given rise to this system of atoms, molecules, cells, organs, and so on are capable of being described by mathematics and symbols. I was hunting for a set of mathematical expressions, which might describe the tendency of these molecules to combine, replicate, and regenerate.

    I was seeking a way of understanding life, in terms I have been trained to think in. Mathematics, chemistry, and biology are tools to gain insight. I needed something more tangible and detailed than ?it is, because it is?.

    Maybe I have lost most of you here, but that is not my intention. The intention is to convey that I am experiencing a new and expanded perception. This is absolutely new for me, and is only possible because I have not poisoned my brain or body for almost a year and a half now. I have exercised, and meditated, and put the right things into my body. I know positively, that if I had continued drinking, I would never have achieved this new insight and awareness ever in my life.

    Again, this last storm has been very different in nature than anything I went through during my first year of sobriety. I was beginning to wonder if I was going to wander in the desert for the next several years. A moment came today, and I knew it was starting to clear.

    Anybody remember that group ?America?? The song went (1970 or so)

    I?ve been through the desert,
    on a horse with no name.
    It felt good to get out of the rain.

    Sort of the way I feel today.

    Please hang in there.

    Be well.


    Desert Sandstorms...

    I remember that song. Glad the rain came to quiet the sandstorm and that you can come in now and dry off. I hope my journey is not as rough as yours, but if it is I will look to you fora model of strength.


      Desert Sandstorms...

      Hi Neil,
      I remember the song.
      I've been AF for just over two months now. I've had no major upsets; a lot of interference from 'Drinking Paul', but I've managed to slap him down so far. Also, some weird and rapid mood-swings. Concentration levels are getting better and generally I'm a lot happier. I don't feel such a failure.
      I fully intend to keep going along this route and experiencing all the physical, psychological and physiological changes that you have. Trying to understand them is a different matter, but I'll give it my best shot.
      Thanks again for another wonderful post.


        Desert Sandstorms...

        Neil, you are amazing. You have offered up all of your thoughts,experiments, and wisdom. Many of us on this site envy you for the sobriety you have achieved under horrible cravings, etc. You were deep inside a hole and you fought to get out and you have succeeded. I applaud you many times.

        Some of our members who live alone find it more difficult because there is no monitor, etc. and "who would know", but you have stayed true to yourself.

        I wish that I had your conviction and determination.

        I am a huge Xtexan fan!!!!!!!!:h
        Enlightened by MWO


          Desert Sandstorms...


          As a long-term Mod, I would also like to join in and say how much I enjoy your articulate reports of your progress.

          On a lighter note - you encouraged me to delve deeper into cyberworld by posting your link to the South Park characters. I think you titled your post something like "Your Inner Child". I DID IT!!! That was my first ever 'upload'.

          Thank you.


            Desert Sandstorms...

            Hi there Xtexan, It is rough getting through the storms but you now have the strength to hang on for dear life until they pass. Good for you. Its good to be out of the rain! Take care. Bella xxx


              Desert Sandstorms...

              Hi Ex,

              You didn't lose everyone. Some of us have a need to understand more completely the "why" rather than the "what is" in order to explain the "what is".

              I soak up every word like a sponge.

              F. xx

              sober for 6 months.
              It always seems impossible until it's done....


                Desert Sandstorms...

                Hey Neil,

                I not only admire your fortitude, but I admire your writing. It's a joy to read your phrasing --even after the dust cleared. I shake my head when I remember how I used to reach for a glass of wine to help me write.

                Thanks again for being here and sharing your thoughts.




                  Desert Sandstorms...


                  I don't post much! but do read alot of your threads! Sometimes I wish I could wrap myself up in a bundle and post myself to you! (hold on, I don't mean it like it sounds!) I am posting this and it just means I love your persona and everybody could use a friend. Shit! Shit! What I really mean is probably could love some of help from the friends that understand me.
                  Just keep on swmming, just keep on swimming!


                    Desert Sandstorms...

                    Thanks everyone for the good words. It's why I keep coming back here.

                    Been feeling clear the last few days, and motivated. I tackled quite a few tasks in just the last couple of days that would have been impossible to consider a couple of months ago. The house is clean and organized, which is a miracle for a single guy like me. Things are in their proper place for once, both internally and externally. I hope this one lasts a while.
                    Kate! No worries on your situation there. I start threads like this to sort of document the road. Breadcrumb trail as it were.

                    During the second year of abstinence, it is double important to do the psychological self work. This is what I have learned. Things that worked fantastic the first 6 months, may not be appropriate the second six months. Same for going from the second to the third 6 month period. Now I'm at the threshold of the fourth 6 month period, and I have to "shift gears" again. No time to even let the smallest thought I could "only have one or two", and even believe it for a micro-second.

                    It's the psychological cravings that are the terror after a year. I have just got to change my core way of thinking about myself, and been doing a lot of reading and research. There seems to be less material out there for us long term, past the year mark abstainers, than there is for the ones struggling with all their might to make it even six months. But it is there, and it often is hidden in books for people who never had a drinking problem at all. I won't get overtly philosophic or spiritual here, as it seems like we all have to choose our own path at this point.

                    Sorry you are in the fog, Kate. Just know that I've wandered around in it myself for weeks, months at a time. Having faith that it will clear tests our souls no end it seems. I look forward to the next step in this journey.

                    I am looking forward to Gabby's one year celebration here as well. If you are reading this Gabby, having another member make it a whole year gives me hope and encouragement. This is the far territory, and it gets a bit lonely at times.

                    Be well.



                      Desert Sandstorms...


                      Thank you for your second post, the next few years are not something I have thought about as I have been so busy learning and being sober right now! Of course it will continue! What did I think would happen? that it would all go away? Sometimes I really do live for the day!

                      CAn you tell me what it is you are reading - I read everything I can to get an understanding of this process, but I am most interested to hear where your path has taken you.

                      It always seems impossible until it's done....


                        Desert Sandstorms...

                        Neil, I just have to express my admiration for you as you have continued to struggle through emotional (psychological?) and physical difficulties and kept fighting the good fight no matter how difficult or how bleak things have seemed for you.

                        I am glad that you now seem to be entering a period of clarity and light. I pray that it continues for you!

                        All the best,

                        AF as of August 5th, 2012


                          Desert Sandstorms...

                          Hi Everyone:

                          Thanks Kathy for vote of confidence.

                          Flip, some of the things I've been reading lately actually have to do with science and technology. Been taking a break from the hard core self-help stuff as of late. However, I've been downloading some of those radio programs from Hayhouse Radio. I think R.J. recommended the site, and some of the programs by Wayne Dyer. I have books from Wayne Dyer going back to when he still had hair on his head (late 1970's or early '80's). I download an MP3 program from Hayhouse from a selected speaker, and burn to a CD so I can listen on my commute to work. Audio books are great for me, since it takes an hour to get to work, and same back. A hour long program neatly fills that time, otherwise wasted on boredom of the same old drive.

                          I'm taking a break right now from a upper body weights workout. The ankle is still not 100%, but that won't affect upper body workout. I may try to ease into bicycle here this week. OOhh, I turn 51 this Friday. Wish it was only 31, but what can I say?

                          The clarity is still with me on this go around. This is the nature of physical and mental recovery over the long haul for me, and many others who choose to hammer it out solid. There are things that need work, and more work. Until I have it solid in my head, that "There will be no relapse, because I'm just not ever going to put alcohol in my body again. EVER.", then this must continue. No way I can be sure of that. I have to get it through my entire being, that drink equals dead. Again and again, for Neil, it is DRINK=DEAD. No middle ground, no gray area.

                          Been feeling great these past couple of weeks. No fog, no sandstorm. It getting to be the good old summer time here, and I have made progess.

                          Progress..........that's all any of us can hope for I guess.

                          Like Steven Wright the comedian says, "You can't have everything....Where would you put it?"



                            Desert Sandstorms...

                   this storm your talkin about when you are thinkin about drinkin but your not gonna drink cuz your alcohol free but it doesnt mean that you sometimes still think about it but your not gonna do it?
                            Gabby :flower:


                              Desert Sandstorms...


                              Uh, yea, maybe a little of that (what you said).

                              More like not having any coordination in thinking or action.

                              During my drinking years, I guess I got so used to getting that booze fix to alleviate stress, anxiety, depression, that I came to depend on it emotionally. Same with my cigarette habit. So my brain got used to all that crud, and adapted to it. I could think, concentrate, and do several tough tasks just as long as I knew that the booze was waiting for me as a "friend". It was a dependence just as sure as we depend on air, water, and food to satisfy our basic needs.

                              So, upon removing those chemicals from my existence, a massive void was left. It's like I am lost in the middle of an ocean with no landmarks. The booze was always the land to steer towards. Now, I have headed away from the very thing I was dependent on.

                              The storms are periods of unclear thinking. It is most likely post acute alcohol withdrawal syndrome. The word syndrome implies a collection of symptoms.

                              A classic example. I am a fairly good typist. Learned in high school like a lot of folks. Now, years and years of getting those nerve pathways in the head connected to the fingers, and it becomes second nature. You can go fast, without ever having to look at the keyboard. So for all the years I was drinking, no problems at all typing. During those storm periods, my fingers "forget" where a lot of stuff should be. Typing became almost impossible for me at the nine month mark when I first joined this forum. I had to hunt for the keys, and go back and correct a lot of things.

                              The brain is slowly rewiring itself, and getting accustomed to the fact that the booze is no longer part of the regular diet. Many long term changes.

                              At any rate, the thought that I "need" a drink pops up from time to time. No where as often as it did when I first started, or even last year, or even 3 months ago. Thank God for small miracles. I do know that the thought will pop up again. Heck, I saw a movie last night where two blue-collar characters were really enjoying boilermakers, and did it ever look good. That thought lasted for about 10 seconds before my new logic kicked in, and said "Concentrated poison washed down with dilute poison. Flammable, toxic, solvent, ugh!!"

                              And thats how it is. Retraining the brain, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Booze NOT GOOD.

                              Again, felt great today. How long this period will last, who knows? I'm new to this long term abstinence thing. A year and a half this Friday as well. 18 months. Less storms, more clarity I am hoping for the future.



