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Desert Sandstorms...

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    Desert Sandstorms...

    Ok....I see. Well cuz sometimes even lately I sure do have a craving or two. Not gonna give.....but it does call.

    Its irritating to say the least. I like what you say tho....


    Thanks Neil.
    Gabby :flower:


      Desert Sandstorms...

      Oh and Kate.....keep the AK47 for my ex. (if it only was that easy)
      Gabby :flower:


        Desert Sandstorms...

        Is the cure worse than the disease

        Hi everyone,After reading Kate and xtexan I am scared.I have wanted to quit and tried several times.I'm sober now and trying again.I have drank for 30 years(since age 14) and feel like such a loser all the time.Somehow I have accomplished many of my personal and business goals,but I feel lost and worthless.I have a family and feel estranged because of my drinking.I want my life and happiness back,but how?I don't know you all but I am proud of you.Also i was wondering if your head ever clears.I seem to be in a constant haze.Is there hope,because I really want to change.Thanks for reading and any comments will be appreciated.Bob.:new:


          Desert Sandstorms...

          Hey MontBob:

          Welcome to the MWO forum. I saw the old thread bump, and saw your post.

          I can tell you that right now, I am feeling better than I have been in years and years. This last period of clarity and good feelings has persisted, and it is very strange for me.

          I crossed 19 months without a single drop of alcohol this past Sunday.

          Actually, I have this weird new feeling. I am optimistic for the first time in a quarter-century I think. Very optimistic. I actually feel like something good is going to happen to me, and it is really weirding me out.

          Natural to be afraid, but you can read and learn and communicate your situation here, with no fear. You can come and go as you please, and get an incredible amount of information.

          I remember feeling terrible, like the lowest creature on earth, with the only end being one of horrible abandonment while I was drinking.

          My head is clearing in a way I have not known since Nixon was president of the US. Thats been a while, and it is a great sensation. Still hope this one lasts a while, but I am prepared for another storm to hit. This recovery thing has happened in waves for me, but the waves get slower, and less intense with the months.

          Hang in there, and know it can be done, even after years of abuse.


