The days are still so long here and it starts to get light WAY too early.
I am back to my afternoon naps, which I think is bad for my overall sleep patterns anyway. I try really hard not to sleep in the day.
Good excuse: headache today. I have to nap on headache days, otherwise I am grumpy and start hating everything and anything in the line of fire.
So, after my nap this afternoon (and very weird dreams of suffocating and lying in a coffin but able to watch all that was happening around me, which wasn't much as I was in my own bedroom. The mind is so weird sometimes. )
and then I think : oh, I would love to be drunk.
Then the thought just stopped dead there in it's tracks.
This is my first drinking fantasy that didn't start with a sparkling image of cold white wine in a pretty glass. This one just fast forwarded to the drunk and nothing matters stage.
Should I be worried?
I am not. I am going to be happy the thought only lasted a couple of seconds.
Just wanted to share that those drinking/drunk thoughts do get shorter and shorter. Probably they never die completely, but ....