Time to recognise alcohol affects us differently that what we expect or wish for.
Time to realise drinking is impacting our life negatively.
Time to recognise we need to get help, reach out & it takes time to find the right support.
Time to grieve a normal healthy relationship with Al that we once hoped for.
It takes time to accept and come to terms with.
What is the cost of my alcoholism to me? Time.
The time that I have lost is a tragic loss.
I cannot turn back the clock nor would I like to.
No pity, no regrets and no shame.
I am glad for the past & what I have learned from it.
I am grateful for who it makes me today.
My challenge is not to live with alcoholism.
My dream is not a life beyond alcoholism.
It is both.
And it takes a lifetime to rise to.
And a lifetime to realise it.