This is my annual check-in... I am 7 years sober and I have no intention of going back to the chaos and misery that made up my life in the years leading up to my 'rock bottom'.
There has been loss and turmoil in the past 7 years as well... but, I am so much better equipped now to deal with it. As always, this post isn't for bragging rights, but rather to encourage anyone struggling with the beast. It IS possible and it IS worth it. YOU are worth it.
I wish you all a happy and sober 24 hours, I hope you have a friend you can call when the going gets tough, and I implore you to dust yourself off and get back up, should you have tripped and face planted. You can do it. I screwed around for years, half assed and with ever increased self loathing and regret. I cannot overstate this: If I can get sober, you can as well.
Take care of yourself and be kind to yourself :hug:
Love, always... Gina