I don't know...
I guess by the same token there's a lot of folks that are abstinate that also use meds & supps. Maybe it's once we reach a point with an addictive personality "type".. we all just need whatever help we need...
whatever works for each of us...
All I know is, I've been thru in-patient treatment 2 times. Very expensive, and didn't do a whole lot for me. I did meet some nice folks... but in the day to day living in reality... MWO is working!
It is something I can live with.
But everything combined is very important especially when just starting to "clean up" after a long time of abusing your body...
For me, exercise is key. Probably more important than the supps or meds.
If you feel good from the inside, to start with... well, it carries over to all aspects of your life...