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Where are the moderators??

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    Where are the moderators??

    Thanks for this thread!!

    I posted this in another thread, but thought it might be better here...

    I think most of the people who come to this site come to abstain or decided to abstain after their own struggles led them to the conclusion it was best for them. While I think it is a personal journey...we don't all drink or not drink for the same reasons, but I do belive that our social groups influence our thinking, our behavior and out beliefs in what we think is possible and I wonder why so many people who have chosen to abstain come to a monthly moderation thread to talk about how they couldn't moderate? This sounds a bit bitchy and perhaps it is, but it is important to say because it is about the level of support and possibility of options that we allow each here and that really doesn't support the person trying to mod to realize their own chosen goals. In my opinion this is more appropriately placed in General Discussion or The Abstinence threads than here. It is not wrong to speak your mind, but I do think in this area it is not supportive or helpful really. I support anyone here in meeting THEIR OWN goals and I will not imply what your goals should be or what your behavior says about who you are. It is why I personally can not go for AA, because I refuse to believe this is about who I am or what I am or am not capable of, but about what I do sometimes.

    When someone is trying to abstain and they slip up, have a bender whatever, even if they do it repeatedly. No one tells them "gee, that just proves you can't abstain". We all say, tomorrow is another day and get back up and try again, but when someone slips when they are trying to mod, there are lots of people to say or imply that that proves you can't do it. Or to feel compelled to say that they couldn't and most people can't...this is a decidely unfair double standard.

    You may try to mod unsuccesfully for a while and then get it as you get your legs about your triggers etc, you may abstain now and mod later or you can abstain it is up to you, but I think that if enough people say or imply that something isn't possible it will effect your beliefs too. In almost everything I have read about it a large part about those who are able to moderate is the belief that it is possible.

    There is a good book, out of print now, but you can still get it at Amazon, The Art of Moderation: An Alternative to Alcoholism by John Michael, John M. Price, and Sharon Jones.
    John was an on again off again abstainer, binger in and out of AA, until he rejected the idea that he had to be one thing or another and assesed his values and internal and external life until he could moderate. It took time and effort, but he did it and is free.

    I have had periods of moderation, abstinence and binge drinking alternately throughout my life and I am still figuring things out for myself. One thing I have figured out is that just abstaining has not been that helpful to me, because I haven't really used that time to think about my relationship with AL or to deal with the emotional problems that have led me to lean on AL in the first place. Right now I am doing a period of abstinence where I am going to work on these things, and then mod later. I think this is key.

    For anyone who is trying to moderate their use. Good for you, you are taking steps to improve your life! I support you!! Stay strong tomorrow is another day for moderation, for being on the fence, for learning from our slips, for picking flowers, for picking your nose. It is all about what you want to do.

    We need positive messages and suceess stories about moderation. Success breeds success. I am so apprriciative of the success stories that I read here. I also think it is true what someone else posted that sometimes when people mod or manage their use they leave the site. So if you are someone thinking of leaving the site, please stay and post some suggestions! I do not believe that most people can't moderate...please don't take this personally, if you found you can't or think you can't and that is what works for you I am happy for you, but people who trying to mod don't need it reiterated over and over again we need loads of support because we are told constantly by dysfunctional addictions treatment cults and everywhere in the media and on the internet that what we are trying to do isn't possible..I say hooey, hooey to that.

    Good luck to all in meeting their own goals.


      Where are the moderators??

      Hi all
      Yes I agree modders do seem to be in no mans land a bit on this site - there is not much action on the modders threads and it may not always be appropriate or appreciated for modders to post on the AF threads. There is plenty of support for those starting out and for those on their AF days journey but not much support or encouragement for modders and for those starting out who ultimately have modding as their goal. People are very quick to tell anyone who expresses an interest in modding that it is mostly not possible but surely someone also needs to also tell them that it is actually possible after all RJ and plenty of the rest of us have managed it. I am coming up to 6 month on this site and have been AF for 3 and modding for 3 of those months and I am deleriously happy feel with my progress and the results of this program which have taken me from full on binge drinker and smoker to a non smoker and moderate drinker.


        Where are the moderators??

        BH and Out,
        I hope to moderate. I am not there yet. I have been taking steps thoroughout the summer. Trying. Remember, RJ and Brenda were modders and were not all that strict about doing a 30 either. Everyone has their own path -- hence the "My" in My Way Out.



          Where are the moderators??

          CS04;405598 wrote: BH and Out,
          I hope to moderate. I am not there yet. I have been taking steps thoroughout the summer. Trying. Remember, RJ and Brenda were modders and were not all that strict about doing a 30 either. Everyone has their own path -- hence the "My" in My Way Out.

          Hi CS04! I noticed you posted this twice - at different times, so I figured your post had more of a question in it than first impression gives! I just want to clarify here for you that RJ is now a non-drinker. She stopped drinking altogether over a year ago I believe it was. She posted that her husband had to stop drinking for medical reasons, so she stopped for him. As far as Brenda, I have never heard any updates. Just thought I'd give you that info - as the modders seem to stay in subscribers, and don't post here as much!

          I know there are quite a few modders. I'm sure many of them don't stay on the site, unless they have formed personal relationships ... as "true" moders probably don't need the daily support if they are "truly" able to moderate as in .... Butter! (as RJ put it)

          Anyway - best to you and what ever your goals are!
          AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

          Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

          (from the Movie "Once")


            Where are the moderators??

            Hi Living free
            Thanks for that info - I was wondering what RJ went on to do once she was sorted - that is really interesting. I think you are right and modders do move on when they are "sorted" - as I am inclined to do in a couple of weeks when I hit my 6 months. I think Out was suggesting that modders should stay on so that others are encouraged and see modding as an option and I totally agree that is a good idea but its probably a bit like going back to the visit the hospital after they fix you - unless there are cool people you want to hang out with at the hospital which is totally the case here.
            I note your comments (and a hint of sceptism perhaps) about "true" modders and the butter analogy - and I think from what I observed most of us modders have actually read the book and do understand what that butter analogy means in practice. Personally a day without butter on my toast or sandwiches or potatoes would be really difficult whereas AL I definitely wont be having 3 times a day!
            BH (no more)


              Where are the moderators??

              Hey guys! Two qestions to the moderators. to all you who have succesfully moderated, are you taking kudzu? do you feel you wold find it MUCH harder to mod without the kudzu?

              second qestion-did you take a period of time off from alcohol? if so how long?

              one more.. u feel kudzu takes the fun ot of drinking?


                Where are the moderators??

                There was no fun left in drinking for me by the time I got to MWO! I am not taking Kudzu at the moment but I still take the L-glut in the afternoons before wine o'clock just in case. Not that I would drink anyway but just to prevent any cravings. For me personally there is absolutely no way I could have moderated without doing the 3 months AF and then the next 3 modding but with very little actual drinking. If I could I wouldnt have got here in the first place! In fact when I joined I never thought I would be able to moderate at all given I was binge drinker. However in my case smoking was a major trigger so without smoking my major trigger is gone so that is probably why I can moderate.


                  Where are the moderators??

                  I was moderating but am having a stint 30 days AF, I'm on day 10 - go me! I've done two stints before, don't think I could moderate if I hadn't.
                  Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                    Where are the moderators??

                    do true abstainers...

                    probably not need the daily support if they are truly able to abstain?

                    >>"as "true" moders probably don't need the daily support if they are "truly" able to moderate"


                      Where are the moderators??

                      I like the original quetion you posed on this thread as it is good for the moderators to share tips on how things are going and how they are successful.

                      I purchased the book and feel that's a must read for newbies. I got the tapes but haven't taken the time to listen yet but that's on my agenda. I think if you were at home and struggling, making the choice to relax and listen to the hynotic tapes could help.

                      I'm exercising diligently and eating right.

                      I'm listening to what my family is saying about my drinking and burning it in my memory. My son said it seemed like I was drunk the day after I was drunk. Hangovers can be nasty...less tolerance, etc. I'm not beating myself up about it but sometimes remembering what I said or did helps me to remember I don't want to be that kind of person anymore.

                      I'm journaling why I'm drinking when I do. Restarted the program Sept 2 and have only drank one night
                      (on a Friday night - 2 drinks) so I'm very pleased.

                      CRUCIAL for me is recording my drinks on the drinktracker - not hiding it but putting it on public display.
                      Last night out of the blue hubby said "Do you want to stop and get 1 drink at...?" (we were running an errand). I thought for a moment and thought I don't want to record my 1 drink on a week day night
                      (I may have a weekday drink here and there as I go to business dinners) but given the choice when there's not the big temptation of everyone at the business dinner having one it was easy to say no. Honestly I DIDN'T want to record it on the drinktracker. That drinktracker may save my life.

                      I'm being honest about the amount of alcohol as well. 5 oz = 1 glass. We all know the joke about "only 1 glass" and the glass is a foot. Not so here.

                      I don't crave alcohol on a daily basis - it doesn't gnaw at me that I NEED to have a drink so I'm not taking the topa because of that but I think for me the supplements may be a good idea and I've ordered some L glut and kudzu. Once I start drinking - sometimes I can be totally fine and other times it GNAWS
                      at me that I need another - the old "One is too many and a thousand aren't enough". So maybe taking the supps on a night of planned drinking (big fundraiser this week-end) will help curb that. We'll see.

                      The MOST crucial part for my success with moderation: COMING HERE!!! Too easy to slip without the support.

                      Reminding myself how Alcohol does interfere with REM sleep. With even just 1 I don't sleep as well and am not as motivated the next day so an AF life is not a bad deal! I know because I lived it for 7 years. However, I do enjoy that glass of fine wine with a meal etc. so moderation is my current goal.

                      Having the support here is tremendous and I'm so grateful RJ started this and opened it up as a free site so anyone with a problem can come here. Let's face it...desperate people would not pay to check this site out.
                      So, I plan to become a paying member so I can contribute back and help keep this site free. Plus, I feel when things are free it's easy to not take as good care of them. With a little investment here I know it will motivate me to keep returning. And returning here is my biggest advice to help moderate or abstain.

                      Hope this response is a bit of what you were looking for!
                      "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

                      ~Jack Welsh~:h

                      God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


                        Where are the moderators??

                        Wow Eve: You sound GREAT!! Keep up the good work. Thanks for re-awakening this thread. Maybe it will pull TrixieTrack back for a visit. She is a more rare visitor these days, but pulled back because she felt she had met her goals and was ready to move forward in her life of mods.

                        Hope others will check in as well.



                          Where are the moderators??

                          Thanks Eve...

                          I got a bit off track, because I was upset about some things, thanks for bringing the thread back to TrixieTracks question.

                          Your suggestions are great by the way and I am happy to hear you are doing so well!

                          The times I have been able to moderate successfully have been when my focus is less on terms of amount or number of days etc. It is when I place my focus on maintaining balance in my life in all areas, keep myself active, make decsisions based on my goals and values. I see a binge or immoderate behavior in any area as a sign that my life is not in balance and think about what I need to do to bring it back.

                          When I slip, relapse whatever one wants to call it. I use it as an oppertunity to think about how I didn't protect myself in that situation and make an effort to do things differently next time. When I drink I realize that whether conciously or unconciously I am making a descision to do so and I take responsibility for it. Let go of thinking you have an incurable disease or a genetic defect, anyone can argue these things, but believing this will not help you in your path to moderation.

                          The measuring that is useful to me is in pouring. If I measure my pours in a shot glass I am less likely to drink too much too fast and binge, that has really helped me to moderate.

                          Drinking while cooking or before I eat, while enjoyable, is risky behavior for me. Put off drinking as late as you can or at least until the guests have arrived and you have eaten something.

                          Eating a big meal, not a snack and then waiting often quells the compulsion to drink more.

                          Surround yourself with moderate, light or non drinkers.

                          Start living your life as you imagine it will be if you didn't have this issue and start doing it today regardless of your use. The greater the number of pleasurable things and activities you have the better.

                          Give your successful days equal or greater weight than your less than stellar moments.

                          Read books that are positive and encouraging about achieving moderation. We are trying to accomplish what people do unconciously, conciously

                          I also like Boozehag think I have more of an issue with cigs or cigs and drink together than drink, so for me quitting smoking will be key. I am starting Chantix this week.

                          Good luck.


                            Where are the moderators??

                            Back on the smoking/drinking theme - sorry all you non smoking modders...
                            Someone on here once said something like "AL is my nicotine delivery system". I think that totally summed up my situation but I just didnt know it at the time. I thought I was craving AL but in retrospect I think the AL was just a means for the brain to get the nicotine as I only smoked when I drank. I always thought I was a drinker who smoked as I drank before I smoked but I seem to have discovered that I was a smoker who now as I dont smoke I dont drink very much.. I have a friend who was also a big drinker (but didnt seem to have any problem with it or any plans to stop) but she has also gave up smoking with the help of chantix and now she tells me her drinking has reduced significantly. Keep us posted on how the chantix goes Out.
                            BH (no more)


                              Where are the moderators??

                              Out -
                              First - I am sorry you took offense at my comments to CS. I "truly" meant no tone of sarcasim when I said best of wishes. I also have no agenda for posting in this thread. Yes I am an abber, but the love of my life is a moder and I have never once thought he was just a drink away from being over the top. So your guess about me is wrong.
                              AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

                              Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

                              (from the Movie "Once")


                                Where are the moderators??


                                I overreacted a bit specifically to your post, when I am just really angry about a percieved lack of support and discouraging comments being made often in the moderation threads.

                                I think my point was that I think the moderation threads should be a safe place for people to meet their goals or struggle to meet their goals without skepticism or sarcasm and that has not always been the case here. If someone in an abstainence thread came and said "abstinence is my goal but you know I keep trying to abstain and I can't do it I slip up, I go overboard and I am giving up I can't do it, I don't think it is possible for me" they would be met with a plethera of support and pleas to keep trying to meet THEIR goal..abstinence. We are very often not extended the same support for our goals and I think that is something worth talking/thinking about.

                                I see social support as a key ingredient in the ability to moderate or change. So yeah for anyone who is modding, trying to mod or just cutting back. Trixe and everyone else if you struggle and slip sometime...I know we will all find our own way eventually. !!! Good luck.

