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Modding to me is when you can have 1 or 2 drinks with friends or family and focus on them and NOT on the drink.
2 Years ago, vodka was ALL I thought about - I do not want to go back there again.Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message
Good responses!! Modding to me is freedom from the ever-present thought of AL - whether it's the next drink, the shame from being drunk AGAIN, or the nagging voices each morning that say "just stop already." It's taking the booze out of everyday thoughts and actions, yet allowing for the enjoyment on occasion that a couple of drinks can bring. Of course, if I wasn't modding (i.e. back to the old ways), that enjoyment would just evaporate. It is control that seeps into all other aspects of life. It is so much better than the endless booze days. Kinda of makes me wonder what took so long . . .
Modding for me is when I can relax and have a glass of wine or two on occasion with dinner or with friends and not get sucked into a mad 12 hour binge as I would have in the past. By recognising and managing my binge triggers I can now do that.
Moddin; to me is a frame of mind......not easily achieved, but a place I want to be.....
i allow myself to "give-in" to some situations, but on the norm, it's a PACE.......
a higher ground of enlightenment that I want to be strong enough to be and sustain.....
I know I can do it....
so can you!!!
I think I can ..... I think I can.....I think I can.....xo