July 2009
Hey gang,
Thought I would post the guidelines that they suggest at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and what they follow at Moderation Management to give us an idea of what others view as moderation.
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse:
For Men
No more than 4 drinks in any given day
No more than 14 drinks per week
For Women
No more than 3 drinks in any given day
No more than 7 drinks per week
A Moderate Drinker per Moderation Management:
* Considers an occasional drink to be a small, though enjoyable, part of life. (LOL-sounds like Sunbeam!)
* Has hobbies, interests, and other ways to relax and enjoy life that do not include alcohol. (SB again)
* Usually has friends who are moderate drinkers or nondrinkers.
* Generally has something to eat before, during, or soon after drinking.
* Usually does not drink for longer than an hour or two on any particular occasion.
* Usually does not drink faster than one drink per half-hour.
* Usually does not exceed the .055% BAC moderate drinking limit.
* Feels comfortable with his or her use of alcohol (never drinks secretly and does not spend a lot of time thinking about drinking or planning to drink).
The MM Limits
* Strictly obey local laws regarding drinking and driving.
* Do not drink in situations that would endanger yourself or others.
* Do not drink every day. MM suggests that you abstain from drinking alcohol at least 3 or 4 days per week.
* Women, who drink more than 3 drinks on any day, and more than 9 drinks per week, may be drinking at harmful levels.
* Men, who drink more than 4 drinks on any day, and more than 14 drinks per week, may be drinking at harmful levels.
I also went to the research thread to remind myself of a thread I had posted on women and health issues with drinking. Here's an excerpt of what's posted there:
A study by the Journal of the American Medical Association, showed that a woman's risk of breast cancer rises with the amount of alcohol regularly consumed. Drinking moderately or not at all can reduce the chance of getting breast cancer.
The study showed that women who drink two to five alcoholic drinks each day, were 41 percent more likely to develop breast cancer than nondrinkers. Excessive alcohol consumption also increases the risk of several digestive-tract cancers.
*** ***
I have to get SERIOUS about drinking moderately and not going over these amounts. One vacation week I definitely went over my limit for women - doubled it!! So no more!!!
Hugs friends and here's to better controlled moderating!