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Mod Squad Weekly Thread December 1st

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    Mod Squad Weekly Thread December 1st

    I guess that whether we are focusing on what was done to us or what we failed to do, we are in the past and that is not productive. But I have had trouble letting go of the kids issue and get angry at my DH about it a lot. Does not do any good...I know deep down I should look for other ways to fulfill my desires in this regard but I let myself stay stuck. Maybe that is a good thing for 2009!


      Mod Squad Weekly Thread December 1st

      DUcky, how old are you, may I ask? Is it too late?


        Mod Squad Weekly Thread December 1st

        Hi modders, just wanted to post that I screwed up majorly last night, don't even know what to put on the drink tracker, hence the ?? All I know is that there's a huge dent in a bottle of vodka. I paid for it this morning though, but thanks to Hippie telling me to drink some water I wasn't so dehydrated. Felt like I'd been shot in the head though, and also puked whilst in the shower.
        Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


          Mod Squad Weekly Thread December 1st

          oh that's too bad, Vlad, are you on any medications for this? Yikes! I am mad at myself today...


            Mod Squad Weekly Thread December 1st

            I don't mind at all Lila. I just turned 50 this year. I can hardly believe it because I feel the same as I did in my 20s, except for a few joint aches...So it is too late and I can't convince dh. He went through a terrible divorce years ago and his ex alienated most of his children from him, except of course the one we ended up raising together. She didn't want him because he has some learning issues and also a disorder on the autism spectrum. We did plan to have one child when we married 10 years ago but dh said he just could not handle it after all he has been through with his kids. I really should have pushed hard back then, and maybe there is a reason I didn't...but I guess it's time to find other ways to make a difference in this life. And I think the world of my stepson but because of his disorder he is quite literal and will never consider me mom, and that is okay.

            Vlad, so sorry you are feeling ill. I went over my mods goal last night as well, after an AF night and a nice modding night at a party. Not enough to feel crummy but pissed at myself nonetheless. Drink lots of water and tea and eat some comfort food.


              Mod Squad Weekly Thread December 1st

              that's too bad, Ducky.


                Mod Squad Weekly Thread December 1st

                Yes, it is, but we all have our disappointments and I have been focusing on mine too long!


                  Mod Squad Weekly Thread December 1st

                  ...and I am in my resentments and fear about some stuff, I am going to do a gratitude list. I don't want to be one of those people who simmer in resentment.


                    Mod Squad Weekly Thread December 1st

                    Sounds like a great plan Lila. I think in some ways I stay stuck because I am afraid to try some of the things I have always wanted to do, for fear I might fail. Maybe both of us can try to get unstuck in 09!

                    Vlad, are you okay?


                      Mod Squad Weekly Thread December 1st

                      I'm not so bad now thanks!
                      Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                        Mod Squad Weekly Thread December 1st

                        you don't work today, I hope Vlad?


                          Mod Squad Weekly Thread December 1st

                          I've been at church this morning, I had a number of responsibilities so I couldn't skive. One of them was serving tea and coffee after the service... very shakily.
                          Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                            Mod Squad Weekly Thread December 1st

                            I have to refocus my life! I think the coldness of winter, and the hibernation, that is what it is best for, worst for succombing to Seasonal Affective Disorder.
                            I like to do that around New Years. Refocus.
                            Last night I went unfocused. I had four beers!


                              Mod Squad Weekly Thread December 1st

                              Dear people of Mod,

                              So here I am, at Singapore's amazing Changi airport (my fav airport in the world), it's 12.30AM and I am waiting to catch my 6 hr flight back to Beijing. Flight's delayed by 2 hrs and now scheduled to go at 2AM. Hope it goes.

                              But this airport is great. Free wifi internet, TV, lounge chairs galore.. restaurants, shops to browse... coffee... so nice, really.

                              Had a most peaceful weekend in Singapore. So nice to be down in the Equatorial region of the earth... it is 27 degrees and humid. Love it. I am a man from the Tropics... this is what gets me going. Anyway, back to the Temperate region now... Beijing and -10* centigrade... yowzer.

                              What to do.

                              Ok guys, I haven't caught up on all the posts over the weekend, but hoping everything's going well with everyone.

                              Until soon



                                Mod Squad Weekly Thread December 1st

                                Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message

