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Mod Squad Weekly Thread 8th December

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    Mod Squad Weekly Thread 8th December

    thanks dee bee and sorry about my typos, dam this small notebook! have a great weekend see you monday, be in touch with others later xxx
    Keeps x:happyheart:


      Mod Squad Weekly Thread 8th December

      Morning everyone! I'm back! It went OK actually, although I did alter my plan a little... I had 3 beers and I knew I was going to have another, no doubt about it so... I decided on half measures, of which I had 2, so technically I only really had 1 more drink....


      I feel fine this morning. I think because I had plan and even though I didn't quite stick to it, it was on my mind, so after that 3rd drink felt I had to make some sort of compromise. And last week's vodka incident kept me on my toes too. Least I didn't resort to the vodka, despite being presented with a huge 8ft sticker of a bottle of Smirnoff on the wall in front of me when I first sat down in the venue. Also a double was ?5.20!!!

      Also made sure I didn't drink too much before we could tuck into the buffet, which was very nice by the way. The band was OK, sort of a jazz, soul, blues outfit, but the sax and trumpet player were slightly off key with everyone else!!!

      Oh and Jamms - hang in there, I did the same thing last week - but in a way I'm glad it happened - treating it as a learning curve. Made me think hard about this weekend.
      Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


        Mod Squad Weekly Thread 8th December

        Hey Everyone,

        After I logged out and went to bed last night, I had the most awful, unsettling experience. I couldn't remember the details of my evening. I tried and tried and couldn't remember exactly what the kids and I did after dinner. It was as if I'd had a lot to drink, but I know I'd only had two glasses. It was scary. This morning, I still have a very unclear memory of the evening. Could two drinks, one right after the other, be too much for me in my old age? New rules: 1. If I'm going to have two, space them apart by at least half an hour. 2. Never more than one if I'm alone with the kids. I know some people would say, "never drink at all alone with the kids", but honestly, I don't want to comit to that. More on that question another time.

        Vlad, nice job limiting yourself at the party. You had one more than planned, but you didn't let it go farther than that. :goodjob:

        Jamms, Get yourself feeling better, water, vitamins, good healthy food, whatever works for you, and then maybe think about what triggered you to over-do it. What were the circumstances? What was your thought process? If you can identify the irrational thinking that went on, see if you can make a plan for countering those irrational thoughts. If it's more like "something just took over..." then try and remember at what point the "beast" kicked in and took over your sober mind. Next time, stop before the door is opened to the beast.

        By the way, has anyone read Rational Recovery? I found it useful, although the author does not support moderation. It seems to me a lot of the concepts can be applied to moderate drinking, particularly the idea that we don't have to let the experience of going over our limit spiral us into disaster. We are not "powerless over alcohol".

        Deebee, good thoughts...complacency is our enemy when it comes to drinking. I'm glad for you that your husband's letter served as a reminder. My memory lapse did too.

        I hear the kids started to ramp up...Must start my day. Hi to everyone I missed ! Sara
        "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


          Mod Squad Weekly Thread 8th December

          hi all
          I had a wonderfully productive day yesterday. Got things done, maybe I function a bit better when there is chaos. Too much time on my hands is bad for me, I guess.
          J-vo, how are you doing? I told the kids Let's All Move to Florida! but then my daughter said they have snakes and stuff. A little extra Vitamin D might help, since we are sure not getting it from the sun. Again, go ahead and complain here.
          Sara, I vaguely have heard of RR. Are you taking Kudzu? I had a bit of confusion, I have hypo thryroid, and the kudzu here has soy in it,so now I take the Vitacost brand. First time in a long time last night and it was very helpful.
          Vlad, good, good news! Stay away from vodka. Yuck!
          Keeps, do you have one of those cute little notebooks? Yes, wine is nice to I have never heard of that.
          Jamms, tomorrow is another day! Do you have the book?
          Deebs, hi! Yes, do you believe things happen for a reason? I do!
          hi Peri, St John, KId, Zed, Ducky, Sunbeam and everyone
          I can't scroll down any further and read more posts as I write this, sorry!
          good morning all, and have a great sat, modders!


            Mod Squad Weekly Thread 8th December

            Hi Lila,
            I had been taking Kudzu, (MWO brand) although I ran out and didn't take any yesterday. Did you mean that the Kudzu might cause the confusion, or help with it? I really don't understand my memory lapse, but I suppose it could be fatigue, stress and alcohol all put together. I'll be scared to have more than one drink now...maybe that's good. Of course, I know I'll overcome that fear, I'm no quitter! :H
            "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


              Mod Squad Weekly Thread 8th December

              That's why I personally went to ONE drink. My memory,everything, is almost absolutely clear, almost as if I didn't drink, on ONE. Although 2 is not too bad. Tell us how the drink spacing goes. Not having memory of evenings spent with my family, or crashing too early on the couch was one of my main motivators for controlling AL in the first place. I don't want to lose time with them.
              Vlad: WTG. Half a plan is better than none, and being conscious of how much we drink is necessary.
              KW: Yeah! I saw those typos and thought,"Hmmm...maybe we're ALREADY over the line!" Then I saw your reason.. Also your 3 "take-aways" are good. There certainly IS alot of valuable info to be shared here.
              Jamms: It's OK. Everyone has already given you good advice here. Get some rest. Get some fluids. Get back on the road.
              DeeBee: Thanks. Yes, I've had a plan in place for a year and doing well. I've just recently started noticing the over indulging on the day after some AF time. I will prepare better next time..
              "Hi" to Lila, J-vo,Sunbeam and St.John and everybody else!!
              I'm at work.
              See ya later..
              It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
              ~ Charles Spurgeon


                Mod Squad Weekly Thread 8th December

                Hi Modsters,

                Sunbeam, our doxie cocks his head sideways like that when you talk to him. I never let him out alone at night because he is so small.
                Jamms, hope you are okay today. Check in with us.
                DeeBee, glad you enjoyed the cukes. Check that recipe because i don't remember how long they last. I am making more of the cookies for neighbors today1
                Vlad, sounds like your party went well. Good job.
                Sara, hope you are feeling better too. I have never had that experience with just two glasses. Maybe that is a good thing in a way...
                Hi Lila, keep, j-vo and anyone else on the previous page!!! Have a great Saturday.


                  Mod Squad Weekly Thread 8th December

                  oh, no Sara, I just meant it helps curb consumption. I really don't know what the memory loss could be. Maybe someone here does...?


                    Mod Squad Weekly Thread 8th December

                    hi Ducky - cross posted - Sara - there are nurses here, maybe pm Seacailin or Nurse in Distress? Maybe they would know...


                      Mod Squad Weekly Thread 8th December

                      keepwalking;492734 wrote: hi modders, been thinking about why we pick the names we do for mwo? was interested that folk thought of mine as meaning johhnie walker
                      Wanted to clarify that I started a new post called "Why we chose our names..." as people generally only respond to this post until the week is ended and then generally the long term modders don't come back to it. It was a great idea for us to share why we chose our names so hopefully folks will respond to that new post as it has a limitless time of people checking it.

                      So, with that being said...why did you pick your name?
                      "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

                      ~Jack Welsh~:h

                      God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


                        Mod Squad Weekly Thread 8th December

                        Wanted to add a few things.
                        Thank you for sharing your personal story about hubby's letter. How wonderful that he could communicate that to you. There were many times that we would wake up and the feeling would be one of dread as hubby was mad at me at how I had acted the night before because of too much alcohol. We had had a stupid argument because of it or I had embarrassed him in some was just awful. But the underlying theme was always his concern for me. And sometimes the sad part was his co-dependent statement of "I should have taken care of you better and made you say no to the last drink". The last time I woke up with him feeling that way was 9/2/8 which is the day I came back to MWO and started actively working the program again. I do thank God for giving me a husband who cared enough that it enabled me to care enough about myself and my family to make some much needed changes.
                        To my modder friends feeling blue whether it's the weather, drinking setbacks, etc. remember "this too shall pass". Today is a brand new day. Rejoice and be thankful in it.
                        "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

                        ~Jack Welsh~:h

                        God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


                          Mod Squad Weekly Thread 8th December

                          Good afternoon everyone. Thank you all for all the advice and encouragement. I'm ok today, a little shakey, don't remember much of last night.

                          Sara- I have been trying to take things from last night and learn from them. The "why" is hard to pin point but,I will keep trying.

                          Thank you again everyone! I love you all :l

                          "I'm safe.. up one can touch me...why do I feel this party's over?...."

                          "no're my do I feel this good SOBER?!"


                            Mod Squad Weekly Thread 8th December

                            lila yes i have got a v cute acer notebook, it means i can post and read whilst sitting by the fire, i love it except the small keyboard takes some getting used to. Eve 11 thanks for explaining new thread re names, i love to keep walking when i feel the urge. i love the outdoors and walking the fells with my dogs so i just keeep walking it helps my soulX thanks for sharing story about your hubbie,its beautiful, have a happy saturday night i will be watching final of x factor and sipping a very good quality chenin blanc.

                            keep posting x
                            Keeps x:happyheart:


                              Mod Squad Weekly Thread 8th December

                              Hi everyone,
                              Jamms, I'm glad you are feeling better.

                              My husband doesn't talk much about what he calls "my (drinking) problem", but it came up today in the context of Christmas. He relly didn't know how often I was currently drinking, because he knew I hadn't had anything to drink for the last couple of weeks. I explained to him that I no longer drink by a calendar (because it's the weekend), but just on occasions. I will be having wine with friends next Friday, at the choir party on 12/21, on Christmas, and on New Year's Eve. That's quite a bit in my book, but as long as I keep it to two drinks, I believe I will be fine.

                              Which brings me to Kid's question, why do we feel like drinking more after a few AF days? How do we deal with it? Kid, I have dealt with it by cutting way back. Those who hang out here may have been born with different body chemistry, and we have changed it further through consuming excess alcohol. Our body definitely feels deprived when it doesn't get that alcohol, so we want it more. After a week the alcohol is entirely out of our bodies, so the cravings generally go down. However, there is a large psychological component to this, and strong cravings can hit even after long periods without alcohol. Now the cravings are purely psychological. That is a summary, based on my understanding of this. and Work In Progress have made some great posts on this topic. I always felt I was struggling when I tried to drink more frequently. But keeping it way down makes me feel perfectly in control.

                              I hope this helps you.
                              My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                                Mod Squad Weekly Thread 8th December

                                .........................Hey...................... ....................

                                It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
                                ~ Charles Spurgeon

