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Mod Squad Weekly Thread 8th December

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    Mod Squad Weekly Thread 8th December

    Good morning everyone!

    I usually like to go through everyone?s posts and type as I go. That way I can reply to everyone as I go along. I didn?t do that today so I am ?winging? it. Hope I didn't leave anyone out. I love how our squad is growing! I love how everyone is opening up and sharing with each other.

    I haven?t talked much about my AL consumption in a while. I feel good about what I have been doing, or not doing. I have not had more than 2 drinks on a given day since my 34 days AF. Most days in between have been AF. Although during my worst days of my cold last week, hubby made me a hot toddy 3 nights in a row. That first night though I counted as 2 drinks! WOW! I had to ask him to make them lighter on the AL the next nights. I can also report that I have had significantly fewer migraines since taking the topamax. Down from as many as 6 ? 8 per month to 3 or 4 in the 2 months I have been taking it. And the ones that I have had have been much less severe and I didn?t need as much medication to relieve it. So for me, it makes sense to stay on the medication. I would take this even if it did nothing for my AL consumption. I still can?t tolerate the taste of beer (blame it on the topa). Most of the time I honestly don?t want to drink.

    Kid I guess I blew it on the most important celebrity Kid of all didn?t I? Does that mean you?re older than me? But thank you for clearing it up for me and for the explanation. And the ?Mod Squad?, I remember the TV show being on, but I don?t think I ever watched it. I like having you with us here. So, for your moderation plan, do you, or did you use any supplements or medications for AL craving reductions? There is a MWO book that is really good that describes the MWO plan. It includes supplements, medication, hypnotherapy cd?s, an exercise regime (of your choosing), and healthy eating. The people on the site here are really all over the place as far as what each uses from the plan. I just like to ask. I have a very analytical side of my brain that needs to know these things. There does appear to be a direct correlation between the variables of the program used compared to the individual outcomes. This is of course, based only on my observations, not a scientific survey. Although, I would love to do a scientific survey with a control group, etc. I love that stuff!

    Keepwalking, I am so glad to hear that you will be walking with us here at least for now. I love having you here. We need a strong group of moderators here and you are one of us!

    GB, looks like you figured out how to do the avatar! How cute is that? Did you find some Tension Tamer tea? I?m glad that I have a comrade with the hypno cd?s . I love them. I listen to the subliminal one while sitting at my desk working.

    DeeBee, some days are just yucky for whatever reason. I?m glad you?re doing better today. When I come visit you in SA I will make sure it?s at the time of year when your organic produce is ripe and ready for sampling! I will steam up some yummy veggies and make some scrumptious berry pies for you while you sell your harvest. Then we can celebrate with a glass of fresh squeezed lemonade. Ritalin was the medication that my BPD son was mis-prescribed that made his actual symptoms worse. I don?t mean to scare anyone, but please be careful. Ask lots of questions, do lots of your own research, and please don?t give up! That should never be given to someone with manic episodes! He was mis-diagnosed. Please just be careful what your kids are given. Good for you DeeBee that you are doing a lot of reading.

    Chacha, speaking of organic produce, your avatar makes me drool! I just love berries, they are my favorite fruits. Raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, OMG? Anyway, I am so glad you are here with us. Please tell us more about yourself. For you too, since I don?t know you, what are you doing as far as supplements, cd?s, meds, etc? Glad to have you with us!

    Ducky, the boob a gram cracked me up too! And Lila, I just learned that you must never have had one, or you too would have known exactly what she was talking about LOL!

    j-vo, I know you were taking some time for your family. Hope all is well with you.

    St John, where are you? we miss you.

    Vlad, hang in there kiddo! We are here for you. I believe in you!

    Eve, glad you are back! Even more glad to hear that you are safe and sound! It sounds like you had some wonderful experiences. Can?t wait to hear more.

    Zed, my dear friend, I am so glad you are back. I missed you. So you forgot to do Ctrl-A Ctrl-C and lost your long post? Bummer! But it does happen. Another life, huh? Interesting thoughts? Good luck with your speech. Yea, I took my son?s leftover Ritalin when I found out he couldn?t take it. I lost some weight too! We do some dumb things don?t we? And yes, you missed a lot while you were gone! I kept thinking, zed should be here discussing this heavy stuff with us. But we knew you were with us in spirit. :l

    Well, I have just spent way more time here than I thought I would.

    sweet dreams (day or night) all,
    periwinkle :h
    Even baby mountain goats must learn to tackle the smallest mountains first. sigpic


      Mod Squad Weekly Thread 8th December

      Wow- I was in a terrible funk Monday. Hiding out and generally depressed. Drank over the weekend-never drunk but 2Fri, 2 Sat and 3 wines on Sunday night. No wonder I was depressed. Old AL is such a downer! Why do I keep inviting him to be a part of my life? I did not even have a reason to drink- no parties. Just a bottle (huge one) staring at me in the fridge. Nice and cold. Waiting for me . Luring me. I fell for it! Pissed at myself for being weak. I'm O.K. now. Got to the gym, took lots of supps and went to Mass Mon. night which was beautiful and full of Grace. Thank you, God!
      Love all of you. Off to a job interview- this mama's got to pitch in now that the belt is tightening!
      Ciao- St. J
      Toughen up!


        Mod Squad Weekly Thread 8th December

        wow just in from work and read all the posts from my last one. What a great bunch you are, so glad I found you all! Keep walking comes from my passion from taking long walks and hikes, if i feel the urge i get my dogs on the lead and i just keep walking until the demon gives up!!Johnnie walker not me, wineaholic is more appropriate or should i say was more appropriate. I now moderate my drinking sensibly and will keep trying to do that right through christmas and into 2009. I was thinking this morning ( whilst walking) that there is 365 days in 2009 and how many of them do i want to be AF?? Am going to think about that one but if you are also thinking same perhaps we could pledge our total AF target for 2009 to each other and aim to stick to it!! You inspire me, its hard this time of year as i just fancy wine most nights but am being strong and having 3 AF days together at the moment. Apparently it is much beter to have 3 AF nights together than drink every other day, anyone else heard that? Gives your liver time to replenish itself? Howmany of you are using the tapes?? I listen to the ocen at night but thats about it?? Anyway off to eat and will click back in later. Thanks for the warm welcome and a big hello from me to other new mod squadders x
        Keeps x:happyheart:


          Mod Squad Weekly Thread 8th December

          good afternoon everyone-

          SJ- good luck to you on the interview! Go get 'em!

          Keepwalking- I envy you, I can't even begin to think about what days I can be AF in 2009, but I like the idea of a target plan. I am just trying to get thru Dec. without going overboard. Food for thought though.:l

          Peri- I'm happy to hear the migraines are getting few and far in between. The thought of you in pain upsets me :upset:.

          Zed- Welcome back!

          I used to watch "Mod Squad" with my mom.

          "I'm safe.. up one can touch me...why do I feel this party's over?...."

          "no're my do I feel this good SOBER?!"


            Mod Squad Weekly Thread 8th December

            Hey Everyone,
            I guess it was my turn to lose a long post...What's the trick to saving it? Control A? Control C? I'll have to experiment.

            No time to re-write now...So I'll just say best wishes to all. I changed my username, after an anonymity issue arose...Thank you RJ!!! Hope it doesn't lead to any confusion. I'll check in again later. Sara
            "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


              Mod Squad Weekly Thread 8th December

              Good evening,all,

              St. John, good to see you back. When I stop seeing my friends on Drink Tracker, my first thought is often, WOW! They are in such a good routine that they don't need to keep track any more! Yah, right. Not how alcohol mostly works. But I'm glad you're getting it back together.

              Keepwalking, what a good idea to set an goal for 2009. The rules are great, but people have a hard time sticking with them. And once they're broken, sometimes you hear glug glug glug. But you can break some occasional rules and still meet a goal. It is a reality check regarding whether your plan is working. I will definbitely give some thought to my goal for 2009.

              Somebody asked about drinking consecutive days. For me, drinking multiple days within a week just primes the pump for a binge. But I know that I'm on the conservative end of things here.

              Dear brother Zed, you have the biggest nutshell I've ever seen. I love having you back. You add so much flavor to this group.

              Deebs, have you considered a concept which I think is called CFA (Cooperative Farm A...)? People pay you a certain amount of money per season. You deliver to them a weekly box of assorted fresh veggies, fruits, whatever is in season. There really are farmers who make a living this way, at least around here.

              CS04, it would be great if you really did join us here. You are as worthy of the LTM banner as anyone else. I'm not trying to talk you out of doing that AF time, but I think you could not find a nicer support group anywhere on the web.

              Lila, thanks for the cosmetics thoughts. I would love to go to some kind of consultant, but I believe they would just be interested in trying to sell me the most expensive stuff. To improve my appearance, I would rather spend the money on clothes, which last longer. Coldwater Creek has a 25% off sale, with free shipping, no minimum purchase, includes the outlet, ends tonight..... gotta go.

              Love you all
              My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                Mod Squad Weekly Thread 8th December

                Whew that was close...

                Hi Chacha,Cso4,Sara,Lila,Eve,Ducky,DeeBee,Zed,Peri,St John,Keepwalking,Jamms and Sunbeam (miss anyone?? probably!!)
                A day of crazy Modders all in a row!!!
                Hey Modders,
                Going to try to fire off a quick one. Our cable went out when it rained and my HHG said if I sit next to the wall I can pick up someone else's wireless little genius! I don't know if I"ll be able to stay on, or not...
                Sara! I LOVE your new username. It fits you and this part of your journey so much better. Is that group in the avatar any special peoples or a generic? I don't know what Control "A" or contol "C" are, but PM me sometime and we can compare notes on saving long posts. Mine seems to work but there might be easier way.
                DeeBee: I'm glad you are feeling better today. If you were "funky" we didn't notice.
                Lila: Thanks for the additional info on the "wip episode". I will watch,with interest, the discussion develop on "moderators"
                Eve: We all fall from our plan while learning to make moderation a habit from time to time. But it IS good to have a plan... Like a roadmap...Even if you get lost temporarily; just find your bearings and get back to your road. Since I chose moderation it has NEVER
                occured to me to go back to abs,thinking I was a failure. It's all in finding a plan you can work with and sticking to it.
                Ducky: Boob-o-gram! I was hoping it was something one of you pretty ladies might send me in the mail!!
                Zed: Welcome back! You were feeling pretty darn good there, weren't you. Thanks for the welcome and all your kind words. I hope as the new male addition to the thread I become even half as loved as you are.
                Peri: Thanks for pointing me back to the "plan" here. I was going to start investigating as I found my way around. One can never have too many tools in their bag of tricks. I will go in depth answering your questions if this wireless signal stays strong.
                St.John: are you back on track? Do you have a PLAN for moderation? Let's come up with one if you don't (of course planning is easy, sticking to it is harder.But you MUST start with a plan)
                Keepwalking: Where I come from (SMART) I had reignited something called the "Weekend Challenge" where we made a pact on the weekend (Fri,Sat,Sun) to support each other and not drink (of course, SMART is AF) because weekends are harder for new AFers. I have a pact with Sara right now not to drink Tues, Wed, Thurs. (I want a beer on Friday!) Perhaps we, as a group, can get some Challenges (pacts) going from time to time. I think there are a few of us that could use a little help stringing 3 or 4 AF days together...I'm not using the tapes yet, as I don't know anything about them, but perhaps I'll check them out when I learn more about "The Plan".
                Jamms: Target plan..we'll work on THAT in 2009. I can see where some Modders might think that they will fail at moderation just because of the lack of a plan.>
                Moderation, until it becomes a habit,must have a plan and discipline behind it and one must be vigilant.Just as new abstainers must( at least for a while). We can't just wake up and wander through each new day HOPING we don't go overboard again.
                Sunbeam: I'm tracking! I think it's a good idea. Tracking helps us gain confidence by seeing ourselves stick to a plan; see where to adjust the plan, see how binges come on after too many days of "stepping over the line"... I say, "Keep Trackin'"
                Well here goes! I'll see if I'm still actually online and see if I can put out a long post. I'm NOT
                writing this again!
                It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
                ~ Charles Spurgeon


                  Mod Squad Weekly Thread 8th December

                  Happy Wednesday night modders!

                  Kid and others new to the site, there's nothing more frustrating than to spend some time on a nice, long post only to hit the "post quick reply" button and some message comes up and says you can't (something about permission - essentially you've been timed out). At this point, just hit the button next to it "go advanced." It will ask you to log in again, but will preserve your post. Once you've logged in again, your post will appear with the ability to edit it, add smiley faces, or whatever - even leave it alone - then hit "submit reply." That has saved my poor computer from being thrown across the room!!

                  Everyone sounds pretty upbeat. As we get closer to Christmas, I fight the feelings of being overwhelmed. As with every family, ours is busy with decorating, cards, gifts (though these are quite simple and inexpensive these days) so nothing more than anyone else. What usually gets me is that I work for a church, so this is the busiest season with all the extra services. I'm also in charge of everyone's financial account (for their church contributions), so year end is full of statements, year end accounting and computer set up for the new year. It just seems to come all at once and it's all I can do to take one day at a time. At a staff meeting today, everyone was asking for my deadlines for this and that. Stock answer - day before yesterday. When things start to veer out of control I am most vulnerable to drinking. Trying very hard this year to put all my modding success to the fore so that I don't fall into traps, but will admit I'm far more challenged than when life is a little calmer. Add mother in law coming for a visit, and that old wine starts looking pretty good. Already trying to figure out how I'm going to come here each night while she's visiting. Must take a page from Eckhard Tolle and live in the power of Now. Nothing to be gained by stressing about what may come. I just wrote that for my own benefit. Will make it my mantra for the next several weeks.

                  Welcome to all the new modders. Sounds like you all may have come from the SMART boat. You are more than welcome here. I believe we learn best from an ever-widening circle and you've already enriched the conversation. Eve, I love that you were able to meet Ketut and Wayan. A year ago, I had a ladies dinner party at my house for the express purpose of discussing Eat, Pray, Love. I'm hopiing her (Elizabeth Gilbert's) new book will be out soon. How did you feel when you learned she married the older gentleman she met in Bali? That stirred some interesting thoughts at our dinner!

                  Happy Thursday thoughts - will check in with everyone tomorrow.



                    Mod Squad Weekly Thread 8th December

                    hi Modders
                    How is everyone tonight? For some reason, I felt freezing cold and felt like I couldn't get warm or do anything.
                    Zed, thanks for the kind words! How do you deal with the cold? I will have to look up Banksy. I may have heard of him, not sure. Good luck on your speech.
                    Peri, yikes, I didn't know you got migraines. I am glad the topa helps. I think you are very intuitive, by the way. Has anyone ever told you that?
                    KeepWalking, I love that name, esp now when I know what it means. I used to go for walks, I would like to start again. It's supposed to be the best exercise of all.
                    Sara, an anonymity issue? I hope everything is ok now!
                    St John, hang in there. I was wondering where you were.
                    Sunbeam, they do of course try to sell you stuff, Ulta is a store, not too bad, though. But I know what you mean. I went in about my winter skin and they tried to sell me some $50 exfoliant or something. That just made me feel dumb for being there, because you can just get prescription Retin A. I left and bought some nice face cream at Whole Foods that is nice and heavy for winter but doesn't feel oily.
                    Jamms, hi hope you are doing good
                    hi to anyone else I missed I have to get back to my kids - homework time!


                      Mod Squad Weekly Thread 8th December

                      Hi, Kid. Yes I have a plan.
                      #1 Never get drunk.
                      #2 Never drink alone
                      #3 Continue to reduce the amt. of AL I am consuming monthly
                      #4 Choose parties, events, gatherings where I can be in control (open bars are deadly)
                      #5 Don't drink numerous days in a row- (depression will follow
                      #6 Keep posting and tracking with my sqadders regularly
                      #7 PRAY

                      Thanks for asking-glad you're here

                      Your St. John
                      Toughen up!


                        Mod Squad Weekly Thread 8th December

                        Hi Lila- just finished the homework duty myself. Much easier when I'm not drinking like in the past! Keep warnm my friend
                        Toughen up!


                          Mod Squad Weekly Thread 8th December

                          Hey Modders,
                          It feels like it's been a long day. My kids have been emotional and so have I...I really wanted a glass of wine tonight, but didn't have it, (I didn't want to back out on our pact, Kid!) I promised myself the reward of a stretch of time to myself after the kids went to bed. Then it took forever to settle them down and I could feel my tension growing. I can't even describe how deep and powerful my desire to be a wonderful mom is...And how I ache with regret when I feel I'm not succeeding. I think my drinking has been very much tangled up with that...Not just with regard to motherhood, but for many yearsbefore that... the desire to escape feelings of inadequacy. And of course, few things make one feel as inadequate as excessive drinking, so my history of "self-medicating" is also one of "self-sabotage". Not news to anyone, I'm sure.

                          So, Vera, I definitely get the issue of being overwhelmed by upcoming holidays. I've been decorating the house for Christmas, and took the kids out in the dark to see the little white candles in the windows and the sparkling white lights on the fence around our front yard. But they all complained that I hadn't used colorful lights and started pointing out the neighbors giant Santa's and snowmen, which they loved. :upset: When I'm in a good place I can be pretty rational and not take these things too hard, but today I seem to be very sensitive. I have this dreadful feeling that I'm not doing anything right. So much for the observation that "everyone sounds pretty upbeat". Sorry!

                          St. John, those look like rational rules. I too find that consecutive days of drinking, even small amounts, can lead to depression for me. I haven't been using the drink tracker regularly, although I often write it down in a journal. I'll see if I can get in the habit of tracking here.

                          Right now I've gotto get more familiar with the ins and outs of this site...I think I'll check out the FAQs and see if I can become a bit more savvy. Oh, that reminds me, no, those aren't my kids in the avatar...The picture's in with the stock photos. I'd have no idea how to personalize my avatar with a picture from somewhere else...That sounds way beyond my computer abilities. But anyway, the kids in the picture look like they share a similar spirit with my wild boys...So I liked it. Sara
                          "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


                            Mod Squad Weekly Thread 8th December

                            Dear Modders,

                            Ok I am finally caught up on posts/ goings ons in the Mod Squad. Phew!

                            I don't really spend any time anywhere else on MWO to be honest. I usually just log-in and head straight here without looking around, and then, before I leave, I head over to the DT to update my Tracker. I check on the other Modding folks who are tracking on DT also. And then that's it. That usually takes anywhere between 30 mins to an hour... and that's all the time I have in the day, without totally skiving off something important. 24 hours in a day, and it's a big balancing act between everything, isn't it?

                            So... it's been hectic. Singapore was GREAT. What a fantastic city. It was my second time there (the last time was some years ago). Wonderful, truly. Warm, humid. And the trees... the foliage... wow. Something to behold. The stuff that grows there on the Equator. Nuts. It is the greenest place I have ever seen.

                            I spent time at the famous Raffles Hotel. It is really beautiful. A masterpiece of architecture. Built 130 years ago. And also at the harbour and along the Singapore River, which is a great area filled with shops, bars and restaurants. Bustling. Then, there is Chinatown and Little India.

                            Btw. Singapore means "Lion City." The words are actually from India (the Brits named the place after they had spent time in India). Singh means "Lion" and Pur or Pore means "Place" or "City." The symbol of Singapore is the Merlion, i.e. a Lion rising out of the Sea. Merlion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                            Ok there's your little history lesson for the day!

                            Off now. Had a four glasses of white wine to drink last night, but followed by water, and then an early night. Read through my hectic post (after losing the real one) and yes, I was feeling good there wasn't I...?

                            In just about two hours I am headed over to the Beijing Westin Hotel to give my 'speech' (why anyone would want to hear anything I have to say is beyond me. I'm being absolutely serious about that.).. to a group of people from the industry that I work in... the meeting is at a... guess... a Bar. Jeez. Free finger foods and 50% off drinks.

                            But since I have to talk, I will be in control, needless to say. Although... I can't say I won't have one small one before we get started. To get going, you know.

                            A man's got to do, what a man's go to do. But then, that's it. And this weekend through to Tuesday will be AF. All this travelling throws one off the routing, making Modding an ever bigger challenge... something I (we) just have to get used to.

                            There are no excuses really. Cheers all. And take good care.



                              Mod Squad Weekly Thread 8th December

                              Good day all,

                              Zed, I hope your speech was a hit! I'll be you are a wonderful speaker. I used to have to give speeches to large groups at my previous job and I hated it. Probably because I was always given the material at the last minute so it never really felt like mine.

                              Vera, I hope you will be able to stay calm and mod through the stress. I know it isn't easy and it sounds like you have so much to do! Try to stay with us.

                              Have to get going here. Pilates this morning and have to walk doggies and feed all the pets myself as dh is away. Then some real work to do. BBL to write some personals.

                              OH, and an AF night last night. I feel silly saying that because most of you have many but I am just aiming for one here and there right now and each time I have one I want more so that it good!


                                Mod Squad Weekly Thread 8th December

                                Good job on an AF night...Don't feel silly. Every AF day is something to be proud of, IMHO. Sara
                                "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)

