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Mod Squad Weekly Thread 15th Dec

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    Mod Squad Weekly Thread 15th Dec

    As I said in my PM Deebs - THAT'S GREAT NEWS!!!
    Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


      Mod Squad Weekly Thread 15th Dec

      DeeBee- what a blessing! What wonderful news for the New Year!
      Toughen up!


        Mod Squad Weekly Thread 15th Dec

        Well don't anybody tell ME!!

        Congrats DB,
        Had I known you were battling CA, I'd have been nosier! I'll say a retro-prayer (They are powerful and few people know about them.) for your continued wellness.
        It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
        ~ Charles Spurgeon


          Mod Squad Weekly Thread 15th Dec

          Great news DeeBee!!! :lilangel:
          LTG AF January 13, 2011


            Mod Squad Weekly Thread 15th Dec

            You must have been saying my favorite mantra "I am healing, I am healthy, I am health itself!"
            Congrats and blessings to happy to hear the good news.
            Sun, You have been a great inspiration to all as we newbies have really needed to hear from a moderator who's working the program and it's working well as most of us haven't been moderating that long. Although we're all on the long term mod board (LOL) but I think I asked about that one once and some folks had determined posting on long term was better (what was the reason again...could find the thread easier?). Although the title seems to be a misnomer as very few are actually long term...but we'll get there and keep posting and one day the name will fit.
            Blessings to all this holiday season.
            "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

            ~Jack Welsh~:h

            God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


              Mod Squad Weekly Thread 15th Dec

              Where's the "Short Term Moderator" thread??

              I interpret it as the "intention" or "plan". The plan is to "moderate long term". If one waited until they had actually moderated long term, this might be a lonely/buried/nonexistant thread!
              Sun: Again, thanks for inspiring us the way you do!
              It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
              ~ Charles Spurgeon


                Mod Squad Weekly Thread 15th Dec

                Hi everybody,
                Deebs, what great news! A new lease on life. You are so deserving.
                You know I regard you as my longest friend here at MWO. Before I met you on that August AF thread (where I failed miserably!), I had just floated around the site. Your positive spirit uplifts all of us.

                Everybody, thanks to all of you have chimed in your support of my very moderate moderation. Sometimes I think you should find my posts like a pesky fly that you wish would go away. I appreciate your support, it really does help me find My Way Out, achieve my goals.

                I hope you won't take away my award as I enter another 0 in Drink Tracker today. I am sick, didn't get out of bed until 3:00 this afternoon. Had to cancel my plans to share wine with my 3 closest friends. I am grateful that I am not compelled to drink in spite of my sickness. Alcohol dehydrates you, and I imagine my drinking contributed to my frequent sinus infections. Anyway, I am really down in the dumps because I now will not be able to sing in our Christmas cantata on Sunday. We also won't be going out to dinner tomorrow night to celebrate our 28th wedding anniversary. I do believe I will be well enough to travel next week, and spend a few days with family. Oh well, such is life.
                My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                  Mod Squad Weekly Thread 15th Dec

                  DeeBee-Great news Congratulations!!!

                  Day # 7 for me.

                  "I'm safe.. up one can touch me...why do I feel this party's over?...."

                  "no're my do I feel this good SOBER?!"


                    Mod Squad Weekly Thread 15th Dec

                    I didn't even know you were worrying about cancer! (That's how new I am) But I'm happy for your news!!

                    I've had 2 glasses of wine, and I'd really like a third, but I came here instead. If I have a third I:

                    Might start to act a little loopy in front of my kids
                    Might get really sleepy before they do
                    Could go to sleep and wake up with the taste of stale wine in my mouth (hate that)
                    Might bark at my husband, who's annoying me tonight
                    Might have a little memory loss
                    Might over-eat because I lose my inhibitions.

                    If I don't have a third I:
                    Will have a nice dinner with my family, and feel pretty well focused
                    Will be totally sober by the time I put my adorable 5 year old to bed
                    Could go out and have a snowball fight in the dark with the kids and hubby
                    Will wake up feeling proud instead of ashamed tomorrow.

                    Okay, choice made...I'm going for the seltzer. Thanks. Sara
                    "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


                      Mod Squad Weekly Thread 15th Dec

                      Checking in on Friday evening,

                      First things first, DeeBee, I am so very happy to hear your good news! Prayer is so powerful! Ok maybe the drugs helped too, but you have had prayers from around the world from your cyber friends here on this forum too! I have thought about you often and how strong you have been through this. Yea, you kicked that disease in the butt! I'm so happy for you! :l Thank you for letting us know the good news.

                      Sunbeam, I'm sorry to hear you're sick. I was from a drama background with "the show must go on" mentality. I tried to go on with my solo in church one Sunday morning when I still had strep throat. Learned my lesson, and was really embarrassed about it too. There will be more cantatas. I'm sure your husband will be understanding about your anniversary too. We all get sick.

                      Sara, sounds like you made a good choice going for the seltzer water instead of the third glass of wine.

                      Things are getting crazy with my business right at the time that I didn?t want it to. With interest rates dipping suddenly my phone is ringing off the hook. I was looking forward to coasting into Christmas and then taking some time off. I?m now being pressured by some of my clients to do work that I?m just not up for right now. I?ve been through a lot these past few months and feel that I really need this break. I?ve been looking forward to my SD daughter coming in with her friends and my plan has been to take the entire week after Christmas off with our house full of guests. I?ve been busy and haven?t gotten my shopping done, so plan to finish that up this weekend. It was looking like I would have Christmas Eve off and could relax. Now I am really stressing out mentally on what I should do. As a business owner it is not good business practice to tell my client?s to take their business elsewhere. On the other hand, my mental health is at risk here. But they don?t know to what extent.

                      I'm going to heat up some left over chili and make some fresh cornbread to have on the side. Used to be I?d like a beer with chili, but I don?t like the taste of beer any longer. I think I?ll just have water with it tonight.

                      Take care friends,
                      periwinkle :h
                      Even baby mountain goats must learn to tackle the smallest mountains first. sigpic


                        Mod Squad Weekly Thread 15th Dec

                        Hang tough, Sara!
                        Toughen up!


                          Mod Squad Weekly Thread 15th Dec

                          Anyone out there tonight?
                          Toughen up!


                            Mod Squad Weekly Thread 15th Dec

                            I'm here, St. John, and Hi Peri and everyone else...
                            Just wanted to say that something wonderful happened tonight, and I would probably have missed it if I'd had that third glass of wine. My 5 year old read to me for the first time!! He's been surprising me by reading a word here and there, and so I pulled out the old "Dick and Jane" book, and he was off like a reading rocket. It was so exciting and so precious, and if I'd had another glass of wine, I bet I would have been too lethargic to spend that time with him, and then I would have missed this wonderful experience...He was beaming, and so was I. Here's to moderation!
                            "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


                              Mod Squad Weekly Thread 15th Dec

                              Oh Sara- that is beautiful!
                              Toughen up!


                                Mod Squad Weekly Thread 15th Dec

                                Oh I just lost my post- in a nutshell I was having a huge craving and fought it off!
                                Sara what a beautiful thing to hear your son read to you. Presence in the moment is a gift.
                                Toughen up!

