Just moving my plan up where I can reach it
Updates are a good idea...get it in writing!
Update on "the plan" [LOSING MOMENTUM APRIL1st]
Originally Posted by Kid Shelleen

Plan for 2009
For Physical Health
1.) Modify my moderation by drinking even less
.....Three AF days per week-1-2 drinks when drinking,and then only highest quality spirits
[Slipping!!! Re commit here in April!!]
2.)Be 180 pounds by year's end (Started about #200)
>.Renew gym membership/go to gym twice per week-Drink less alcohol-no uneccessary sweets-at dinner,a small plate (nothing after eight)
[Renewed membership and made plan with trainer; have started exercising(not making it to gym 2x per week, but 1x. I am exercising at home daily). Less AL, Almost NO sweets, no food after 8PM almost all the time...weight 194#, 189#, 186, 187#]
3.)Keep up the good sleep hygiene. Sleep is not time wasted during the night and if my body needs it(I'm finally starting to sleep well)
....Bed by 11:30PM-No coffee after 12 noon-Cut down on alcohol
....Read for 30 minutes in bed
(So far, pretty good [Re commit!] ..Absolutely have to be tight on this! Coffee in afternoon, too much AL, too much blue screen[TV or computer]right before bed, and I'm up half the night)
For Mental/self esteem Health
4.) Get up after great night's sleep, make bed right away.
.....Shower quickly,shave if needed,put on clean clothes and start your day.
----It's a clean empty canvas, it's YOUR story;go express yourself!
[My best days start this way!]
5.)Commit to the daily "Self-Improvement Routine"
[April 1 Probably 30% of time...Why can't I stay organized???]
For MY Daughter
6.) Do things with her
.... Get up and have breakfast with her-Create an adventure on your days off together
[Breakfast with Dad going well... Haven't had many days off together yet] [Could be better]
7.)Get HHGs room painted,shelved,resided.
[Started! Moved furniture, washed the wall, put first coat on-Keep moving!]
For My Marriage
8.)*Date night or dance lesson once per week with wife*Start a conversation about what I need to stay happy in this marriage
[Lessons Going WELL-check]-[Started the conversation-more needed.Update 2/23: MUCH better.How do I gauge improvement?]
For My Job
9.)Look into the certification Boss wants me to get
....Does K have the books and tapes or should I buy?
....Join at least one professional organization
[Joined one organization,NEED TO START STUDIES]