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Health and Wellness for Modders...What is your plan for 2009???

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    Health and Wellness for Modders...What is your plan for 2009???

    CS04 - the Oprah connection is valuable. She's been working on the "best life" series all week. I suspect that the episode you've been watching with the woman who was burned by her husband is a re-run. This entire week has been all about being your best self, so it's had topics from diet to exercise to healthy sex. I'm all into being my best self - because when you're no longer a slave to the bottle you can begin to be your true self. Here's to our mutual "BEST LIFE."



      Health and Wellness for Modders...What is your plan for 2009???

      vera-b what a great post! I am with you!


        Health and Wellness for Modders...What is your plan for 2009???

        That's it in a nutshell. Cheers Vera. Here's to that, and to you! Z


          Health and Wellness for Modders...What is your plan for 2009???

          Today I did the long snowshoe loop - nearly an hour. What a beautiful, sunny winter afternoon. About 5 inches of fresh fluffy snow.
          My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


            Health and Wellness for Modders...What is your plan for 2009???

            Sounds beautiful, Sunbeam...

            Does that get your heart rate up quite a bit or is more leisurely?
            It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
            ~ Charles Spurgeon


              Health and Wellness for Modders...What is your plan for 2009???

              I got a 45 min XC ski in on the local golf course. I maintain as quick a pace as I can until out of breath, rest momentarily and then continue. It's a great workout. And such a lovely setting in the snow. Can't wait to go again!



                Health and Wellness for Modders...What is your plan for 2009???

                Progress Report

                Sarasmiles;507924 wrote:

                Here's my plan:

                I will start the new year with two weeks alcohol free, and at the same time start "the program": supps, cds, 20 minutes of exercise a day. I will also start the year with Phase One of the South Beach Diet...Which I think is in keeping with MWO, since it is low carb, no sugar, lots of lean protein and veggies. I'd love to lose a little weight while going AF and eating well.

                Update: Gave up on 2 weeks AF after 1 week. Probably shouldn't have... South Beach is okay, but I cheat a little, like having more nuts than allowed, and drinking red wine. Have lost 2 pounds

                After two weeks, I would like to have, most weeks, four AF days a week, leaving () 3 days a week when I may drink. I will limit my drinking to two drinks on any given day. I will get through the AF days by coming here to MWO when I have urges, and by utilizing the coping mechanisms I have developed in the last six months.

                Update: Have had 2 glasses of wine each night for four nights now. Kind of forgot I'd said only three days a week.

                I will never drink when I am alone with my children.
                I will never drink Chardonnay.
                I will never drink "hard" liquor.

                Update: I have not had a drink when alone with my children
                I have not had Chardonnay
                I have not had hard liquor

                I am not going to bring junk food into the house. My kids will learn to snack on fruit, raw veggies, nuts, cheese, and occasional bowls of popcorn. I am committed to raising healthy kids!

                Update: No junk food in the house. Check

                I am going to set more limits on "screen time" for my kids. They will be limited to one hour a day.

                Update: Sticking with it, except on the weekend, when they watched an extra hour or so.

                I am going to expect more from them. They will start to pack their own snacks, make their own beds, and keep better track of their own stuff.

                Update: No progress on this. Yet.

                I am going to keep the house better organized and insist on its being picked up most of the time. At the same time, I am going to work on not being cranky about it. I want to set expectations, without emotional overlay....

                Update: Slight improvement. Kids being forced to line up their winter gear by the door for school the next day. No missing library books this week. Planning big cleaning today.

                I am going to reach out to other people more. I will call my women friends and ask them to go for walks with me, and I will remember that that is not a waste of time.

                Update: Have not called anyone for a walk, since it has been very cold and snowy and I haven't felt like it. Kind of being a hermit.

                I am going to spend less money. I will buy only what we need, not every little thing we want.

                Update: On track.

                I am going to get caught up at work, and stay caught up. If I have to sacrifice a morning when I'd rather be cleaning the house, in order to stay on top of my paper work, I will do it, because I am more stressed by work than by the house.

                Update: Still behind on paper work. Tomorrow will spend all morning in office.

                I am going to learn to accept that my husband is who he is, and that there is only so much I can change. I am going to back off and let him be when he's in a bad mood, instead of investing so much in trying to change his mood.

                Update: Struggled briefly to change hubby's mood last night, but let it go this morning when he was negative and crabby. Trying to separate my moods from his.

                I am going to learn to bake really good bread, with whole wheat, that the kids will eat.

                Update: Not yet

                I am going to learn to knit.

                Update: One lovely red scarf for a stuffed Panther, completed. Started on tiny scarf for tiny bear.
                TODAY'S PLAN:
                Clean the house, while listening to cheerful music.
                Don't drink...easy on Tuesdays, since I work 4-9.
                Don't call husband to say "what's wrong". It never helps. He'll tell me when he's ready.

                Just trying to stay honest...thanks for listening. Sara
                "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


                  Health and Wellness for Modders...What is your plan for 2009???

                  Going crazy...

                  Since we taught her how to use those "quotation marks"!!
                  You're doing great,Sara!
                  It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
                  ~ Charles Spurgeon


                    Health and Wellness for Modders...What is your plan for 2009???

                    Thanks Kid...I'm getting more High-Tech. every day! Did you see I did a link to Youtube...Did ya, did ya?
                    "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


                      Health and Wellness for Modders...What is your plan for 2009???

                      Oh, I saw it...

                      And now it MAY be stuck in my head...I'm gonna try singing another song now, and hope for the best!!!
                      I was hoping for a little clip of YOU perhaps, doing Karaoke!!!
                      "Gonna be a Brrrright(bright) Sunshinyee daaaay"
                      Oh yeah!!
                      Glad you're feeling better... because we love you.
                      ~Kid and the Krew~(my new Karaoke band)
                      It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
                      ~ Charles Spurgeon


                        Health and Wellness for Modders...What is your plan for 2009???

                        Updates are a good idea...get it in writing!

                        Update on "the plan"
                        Kid Shelleen;513816 wrote: Plan for 2009

                        For Physical Health
                        1.) Modify my moderation by drinking even less
                        .....Three AF days per week-1-2 drinks when drinking,and then only highest quality spirits
                        [So far, so good...check]
                        2.)Be 180 pounds by year's end (Started about #200)
                        >.Renew gym membership/go to gym twice per week-Drink less alcohol-no uneccessary sweets-at dinner,a small plate (nothing after eight)
                        [Renewed membership and made plan with trainer;have started exercising. Less AL, Almost NO sweets, no food after 8PM almost all the time...weight 194#, 189#]
                        3.)Keep up the good sleep hygiene. Sleep is not time wasted during the night and if my body needs it. -----------(I'm finally starting to sleep well)
                        ....Bed by 11:30PM-No coffee after 12 noon-Cut down on alcohol
                        ....Read for 30 minutes in bed
                        (So far, pretty good..Absolutely have to be tight on this! Coffee in afternoon, too much AL, too much blue screen[TV or computer]right before bed, and I'm up half the night)
                        For Mental/self esteem Health
                        4.) Get up after great night's sleep, make bed right away.
                        .....Shower quickly,shave if needed,put on clean clothes and start your day.
                        ----It's a clean empty canvas, it's YOUR story;go express yourself!
                        [My best days start this way!]
                        5.)Commit to the daily "Self-Improvement Routine"


                        [Probably 50/50...

                        For MY Daughter

                        6.) Do things with her

                        .... Get up and have breakfast with her-Create an adventure on your days off together

                        [Breakfast with Dad going well, Went sledding. Haven't had many days off together yet]

                        7.)Get HHGs room painted,shelved,resided.

                        [No start-NEEDS IMPROVEMENT]

                        For My Marriage

                        8.)*Date night or dance lesson once per week with wife*Start a conversation about what I need to stay happy in this marriage

                        [Lessons Going WELL-check]-[Started the conversation-more needed]

                        For My Job

                        9.)Look into the certification Boss wants me to get

                        ....Does K have the books and tapes or should I buy?

                        ....Join at least one professional organization

                        [Joined one organization,NEED TO START STUDIES]
                        It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
                        ~ Charles Spurgeon


                          Health and Wellness for Modders...What is your plan for 2009???

                          Getting Near End of Month

                          **Time to Update and Edit Your Plans**
                          It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
                          ~ Charles Spurgeon


                            Health and Wellness for Modders...What is your plan for 2009???

                            Ask For Help;510248 wrote: I've come to this thread several times and I'm really having a hard time setting my goals to paper. I accomplished so much in 2008 and I feel what I want in 2009 (a new relationship) isn't entirely within my control, but here goes.

                            1. Maintain the weight loss and fitness goals I achieved in 2008. Exercise 3x/week. Keep my weight within 2-3 lbs of current weight so I fit in to all the beautiful new clothes I've bought.

                            Averaged 2x/week exercise instead of 3 this month. Currently 4 lbs over goal and working to get back "into the zone".

                            2. Maintain my moderation pattern of drinking only 3 days/week except when on vacation. Realistically my daily limit is usually 2 -3 instead of 1 -2 so weekly total is more like 10 than 7, which is OK with me. Use Drink Tracker for at least first 3 months of 2009, then decide if I need to continue (I have 12 months DrinkTracker records for 2008. When is enough enough?)

                            In Jan 2009 met the drinks/ week goal 2 out of 3 weeks so far and days/week goal 1 out of 3 weeks so far. Can do better, but am looking for counselor to help with upsetting teenager issues.

                            3. Sign up for a neck message every two weeks to keep my shoulders loose so I can (finally) begin to play tennis again, and have a means of working out the kinks that are likely to occur. Tennis will help with goal #4 which is. . .

                            Have the name and phone # for neck massage guy . .. next: CALL THE GUY!

                            4. Socialize more. I'm lonely and miss having a male relationship in my life. Internet dating hasn't panned out: I do better in person. Doing activities I like should help. Tennis and biking are big interests.

                            Have joined new internet dating site and "struck up a relationship" w/ 2 new guys. Have plans to meet one to XC ski.

                            5. Plan a trip to look forward to. Doesn't have to happen in 2009, but find someplace I really want to go, research it, and make a plan. I haven't done this in years.
                            A work colleague has stayed @ a villa in Tuscany I'd like to explore.

                            6. Volunteer at the local Habitat for Humanity house building site. I love to work with my hands and am good at many things.

                            Missed the local orientation due to teenage angst. Watch for next opportunity.

                            7. This is a stretch goal, but I'd like to ride the Pan Mass Challenge. I know I can do the riding, it's raising the 4K that is the challenge. Have never tried such a thing. Need to figure out a plan; I think networking and finding a team that has some fundraising experience is the way to go.
                            Have asked my company to sponser my interest in this. I have offered to train riders over age 65 for the race as part of promoting "healthy aging".

                            8. Continue to be a good MWO citizen, helping out when I can, and using the site for support when I need it. It's difficult for me to Ask for Help for myself, so remembering that I too deserve support. I'd like to see Moderation support to be more available in Just Starting Out, General and Subscribers.

                            Feel I'm doing well on this goal.



                              Health and Wellness for Modders...What is your plan for 2009???

                              Sounds good...

                              On probably already know this: amazingly when you go out to find yourself, doing those things that you are interested in or even are passionate about (if you are lucky enough to still have passions);when you go out to find yourself, someone will find YOU. It's hard to trust that; no body likes the thought of growing old alone, but go enjoy life and it will make you an enjoyable person to be with.
                              It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
                              ~ Charles Spurgeon


                                Health and Wellness for Modders...What is your plan for 2009???

                                New Month!!!

                                **Time to Update and Edit Your Plans**
                                ********Don't Forget Drink Tracker********
                                It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
                                ~ Charles Spurgeon

