Happy Wednesday all ModSquadders!
Haven't swallowed my ACT mouthwash just yet, but then it does pack a minty punch!! Where are we modders? I haven't joined Kid's pact because those sorts of things don't work for me. And one of the things I love about MWO is that we can tailor our personal program. That being said, I still think the hypno cd's, medication, supplements and our online connectedness work for most of us.
The Christmas holiday period was very stressful for me, on all fronts. As many of you know, I work for a church and that is a time that is really over the top. Then, my MIL came for a 2-week visit and college daughter was home for 3+ weeks. When the balance of my life goes out of whack, I fall into old habits. Fortunately, I didn't go overboard on booze. A lot of my success over the holidays i attribute to this forum - all the little voices of Vlad, Deebee, Lila, Sun, WIP, and everyone else encouraging me to to stay on the high road. I'm so thankful to "know" all of you. By the way - where's our buddy Zed?