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Mod Squad's weekly thread for the week of Jan 12th, 2009

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    Mod Squad's weekly thread for the week of Jan 12th, 2009

    Hi all -day 11 for me and holding the line! I really think that the cds have helped take away all thought of AL. Spending lots of time at the gym and mega supps a good recipe for an AF life.

    Eve my dear friend -je sais, je sais, je sais y merci pour votre mots. :l

    Dee Bee so good to hear from you- I miss you.

    If any of you have missed it the tool box thread is a wonderful source of help and inspiration.

    Make it a great night!
    Toughen up!


      Mod Squad's weekly thread for the week of Jan 12th, 2009

      zed;518805 wrote: Eve. French. I deciphered a bit of that, but not all of it. I could take a guess... I studied French for 5 years... but I'd rather you just tell us what that was...
      I wished St. John for the peace of God to be with her and she thanked me for my kind words. I like her little signature she's ending with lately which means "Let the good times roll".
      Peace to all of my mod squad buddies.

      Things are going well for me. Last night I decided to have 1 glass of red wine at the end of a very busy day. Just wanted to relax and unwind and savor 1 glass very slowly which I did. I have to admit that there was a little number going on in my head of "Oh, wouldn't a second one be nice?" But I decided not to and am so glad I did. Enjoying and stopping at just one is a big challenge for me but finding that I am really able to do it here and there.

      It's kind of funny how the modding thing changes. When I was having trouble with my drinking and not moderating I remember hubby telling me I should have no more than 3 with what he witnessed me tolerating well and I thought 3 was limited!!

      As time has gone on now 3 is over the course of a long party and I'm modding well at 2.
      So to have just 1 is amazing to me but I always like how much better I feel the next day with not too many days of drinking and really limiting the drinks.
      BTW-did feel like *#&! the day after the birthday party (not mine) when I had had a total of 5. Don't want to do that again! Ughh!
      Take care all.
      "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

      ~Jack Welsh~:h

      God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


        Mod Squad's weekly thread for the week of Jan 12th, 2009

        I will check it out, thanks St John.
        Eve, I am glad to hear you are doing well.


          Mod Squad's weekly thread for the week of Jan 12th, 2009

          Hi Everybody,
          It is late for me to post. I'm tired and the words don't flow as well. But it sounds like all is well in mods world.

          Zed, you sound wonderful. So much more balanced than before the holidays.

          Kid, thanks for the inspiring post yesterday. We are all here to inspire each other.

          I started a creative crafts thread under General Discussion. I would enjoy helping others find their way to constructive outlets to replace drinking. I think you all know that gardening is my true passion, but creative projects are a lot of fun and very satisfying in the cold months.

          take care, all
          My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


            Mod Squad's weekly thread for the week of Jan 12th, 2009

            Hello all,

            Just a quick note before bedtime. Had my Jesus class tonight (actually this semester we're studying the book of Esther, well known to all our Jewish friends) so it'll be interesting. Eve, you sound fabulous. Still challenging yourself to be the best you can be, but from a very solid place. You're definitely an inspiration. And WELCOME BACK Miss Deebers. You are still the life of this party, and we've missed your sharp wit. Glad to hear all is good. I totally get the need to rest from even the goodness that is MWO - I used to spend a couple of hours a day going through a wide variety of threads, but now just have time for this one. There is a life to lead out there . . .

            And to our manly men Zed and Kid - "we need you, like the flowers need the rain, you know we need you . . ." Was just caught up with the music if you know what I mean. Hope everyone has a great day tomorrow.



              Mod Squad's weekly thread for the week of Jan 12th, 2009

              The Day is Done...

              Good Evening, Modders,
              Just got in after taking Cat out for "date night". We've taken up "swing dancing". Tuesday nights we go to a little place to split a sandwich, drink a beer, take a dance lesson, and then practice what little we are retaining. Tonight was the best night. I feel like I can almost dance!!
              Sunbeam, you sound fine; relaxed...I saw your thread on creative crafts. I just don't feel like I have much to add, but I'll be watching when gardening season gets here. This is the year!!
              Eve, thanks for the French lesson. My wife knows a little so I had her translate for me earlier. We also follow a Cajun-type band that is always letting those "bon temps roulez"! Also WTG on stopping at one wine. I'm a believer in the power of ONE.And it gets easier.
              St J: How amazing! Now, are you doing AF permanently, or going back to moderation after the dry spell? It seems like you could just keep going...
              Zed will be getting up soon, I guess...What a small world we have now.
              Everyone else, I hope your day was all it could be.
              My daughter has my "Sleepy Time" tea brewing and the day is drawing to a close.
              My best to you all,
              It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
              ~ Charles Spurgeon


                Mod Squad's weekly thread for the week of Jan 12th, 2009

                Hey, Kid to answer your q, I am really enjoying cleaning up the system right now and tearing down the old habits but I can't see my life totally without AL. I would miss the celebratory glass of champagne or a good red with a filet at a special dinner. Just need to get myself real clean and then take a look at that. You all sound great!
                Bon Nuit...Good night will check in tomorrow.
                Toughen up!


                  Mod Squad's weekly thread for the week of Jan 12th, 2009

                  Sheeez guys there is so much to catch up on!!

                  Welcome Lenaleed to the Mod Squad -- this is a great thread and you will get support and encouragement from us. Let us know how we can help, k.

                  Well, I am still on a go-slow. Nothing too exciting happening in my little world -- OH HANG ON,..... I nearly forgot to tell my VERY Important news.....

                  I AM QUITTING THE TWAKS:-)
                  As of today, i took my first Zyban tablet and in two weeks time my quit date is set (eeeeeeeeck!!) I am super excited and nervous at the same time. I have been smoking for longer than I have been drinking so this is one addiction which I have held onto with all my might. The time is right, i have my head in the right place and I WILL DO IT!!

                  St J, going back to earlier posts I read that you are going through a tough time -- my thoughts are with you friend, hang in there.

                  Hi to everyone else, sorry I don't have more to add but I am thinking of all of you;-)
                  "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                    Mod Squad's weekly thread for the week of Jan 12th, 2009

                    Morning has broken..

                    (Won't have time for a long one so I took this from a note I sent to a friend to let you know how MY day starts..)
                    What a difference eleven minutes can make! I made the "listen to one last song " mistake, delaying my exit from the cozy covers then had to pick up the pace a little in the kitchen, so of course the grits boil over in the micorwave causing a little tidal wave of goo and water to pour down onto the counter and onto the floor. Oh well, that's what doggies are for (sigh)...Managed to keep a positive attitude even as NPR delivers the news that the sky is falling. I got HHGs breakfast together; grits and cheese,a meat w/cheese muffin, a pop-tart,a glass of milk and bluberries with whipped cream...and she still looked hungry! Being smart must burn alot of calories!
                    I packed Cat's lunch since she works today..Then I did the morning dishes,grabbed some coffee,kissed everyone "Goodbye" and now I kick back in the recliner! A little "me" time before what ever is next.
                    Had 2 drinks last evening, as it was "date night" and feel good today.
                    The Mod life is the good life.
                    Wishing my friends joy...
                    It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
                    ~ Charles Spurgeon


                      Mod Squad's weekly thread for the week of Jan 12th, 2009

                      hi Modders
                      good morning!
                      Zed, you sound great! I kinda envy your life of being an international traveler, and going out to glam! The most glamorous thing I do these days is take my daughter to the I will be with you there 'in spirit'.
                      Kid, children are incredibly active! More than one realizes...
                      St John, I know what you mean,,,I would not want to never drink again. Hey, SJ, I am curious, are you a Tony DeMillo fan?
                      Vera, I love hearing about your classes! Good to be going somewhere and for your own self. My health club is going to have Yoga classes! I am so excited! This new workout place I am going to is like one-stop shopping!
                      Sunbeam, me and my kids love crafts, I will take a look at that thread.
                      Eve, yes, five - yuck! I was at a party and the drinks were so yummy I accidentally had like 4 I think. But I didn't need that many at all. That's what I was thinking later on.
                      Deebs, that is a BIG deal, quitting smokes! I do love that New Year's energy. We are here to give you any support you need, and I am so happy you are back!
                      gotta go shower now before I wake the kids!
                      love Lila


                        Mod Squad's weekly thread for the week of Jan 12th, 2009

                        the journey phase 2

                        My naltrexone arrived yesterday. I will post in detail on the Sinclair thread about the gory details for those who are curious. Bottom line: I spent a lethargic evening sipping a vodka/sparkling water. Went to bed early and slept pretty well. Up early and ready to go. My first day in years on


                          Mod Squad's weekly thread for the week of Jan 12th, 2009

                          Sinclair Mthod...

                          One can hope...Good Luck, Lena.
                          We're cheering for ya!

                          lenaleed;519585 wrote: ... I have a sort of calm, intuitive sense that, one way or another, that changed yesterday.

                          Take care all, Lena
                          It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
                          ~ Charles Spurgeon


                            Mod Squad's weekly thread for the week of Jan 12th, 2009

                            Hey Modders,
                            Good to hear from everyone. Lenaleed, I'm so happy for you that you're taking this step.

                            I was AF last night...Tuesdays are easy since I work. I have a feeling tonight won't be a problem either. I'm having these weird dizzy spells...(They're called "brain zaps" of all things...Reminds me of "Joe Verus the Volcano", when Tom Hanks gets a phony diagnosis of "Brain cloud", which persuades him to jump into the volcano as a human sacrifice)... But I digress. Anyway, "brain zaps" are these weird little electric shock feelings in your head...Comes from withdrawing from SSRI anti-depressants. It makes me feel tired and a little loopy, so alcohol does notappeal. I think I'll post a thread about SSRI withdrawal syndrome, and see if anyone else knows more. And yes, I guess I should call my doc, or start looking for a new one.

                            Otherwise, I'm okay. Not exactly dancing around the house singing "I Can See Clearly Now", but not depressed, either. Best to all. Sara
                            "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


                              Mod Squad's weekly thread for the week of Jan 12th, 2009

                              Hey, Lena, keep letting us know how it is going, and good for you!
                              Sara, I went off Zoloft last spring. I was at 50mg. I tapered, I thought. I went a week or so on 25mg. But I still got brain shivers. It was not fun. I think it went on for about a week and a half. I then went to high quality St Johns Wort - did we talk about this? - now I am off of it, and I will see how that goes.


                                Mod Squad's weekly thread for the week of Jan 12th, 2009

                                Thanks Lila,
                                I can deal with it if it's only a week and a half...Thank you for posting that! Did the St. John's Wort help? If so, why did you go off of it?
                                "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)

