SO folks... it's almost midnight here and I'm watching the inauguration live on CNN... as is my mother in India... and millions and millions and millions of people all around the world.
I agree with Kid... I'm a bit cynical too... but I agree with Lena too... I am optimistic. We can't lose Hope, it's just NOT AN OPTION.
Speaking of No hope... they just wheeled Dick Cheney out of the White House in a wheel chair.. appear he had an accident recently. Unfortunately it appears he didn't shoot himself in his own face. That would have been an improvement. Ha. (sorry for getting political here.)
Lena, will look out for the pretty girl by the first jumbo-screen. Wow. She's had some journey hasn't she? You should be so proud.

Re: last night's binge, I just feel stupid, that's all. Physically, not so bad. I suffered a bit today but not too much because it was good quality AL. Mentally, no guilt. Just stupid. You know when you know yourself so well, and still make the same mistakes.. all you can feel is stupid. No guilt, no hurt... just moronic for making the same old mistake that you've made a million times before, but thought you were too smart to make any more. Anyway... I don't look back... only forward.... so here's to not doing that again. Especially on a Monday night. Geez.
Single Malt is scotch. It's basically like any scotch, but the popular ones are Blended... which means that there is more than one Malt in them... like Johnny Walker Black Label, Chivas Regal.. Dewars.. all the famous scotch brands. Those are Blended Malts. Single Malts are just one malt... so in a sense MUCH more pure. There are distilled in special micro-distilleries in the Highlands or Lowlands of Scotland. The cheapest, youngest Single Malts are 10 years old... i.e. they have been distilled and allowed to sit and gain their age for 10 years at least... then there are the 12 year olds.. the 15 year olds... 18... 21...28... 30 years... anything after 15 years starts to get REALLY expensive... 18 years are pretty steep. Over 20 years cost over 150 dollars a bottle... some 30 year bottles cost as much as a thousand dollars each... gets silly. I'm in the 10-15 year price range which means spending 40-60 dollars for a bottle. It's a drink that's meant to be cherished. Savour 1 glass... nurse it... breath the aroma... roll it on your tongue... like good wine. That's how it's supposed to be drunk. So 1 bottle can last for ages that way, and it's worth the money. BUT... the way I drank it was idiotic.
Anyway as I said, moving on. Cheers guys.
Ok... think I'm going to stay up to watch the speech. The man can talk. He has some seriously powerful energy about it. It will be worth it, to see it live even if it means staying up until 1 here. They are saying this is going to be the most watched television event EVER. People in 240 countries and territories are watching it.
Let's HOPE AND PRAY FOR THE BEST! For the sake of the forgotten marginalized, downtrodden people of the world, if not for us, the lucky ones. That's where I personally need to see Change happen. And it all starts with this one good man.
Poor guy... he has his work cut out for him doesn't he? No pressure or anything

Cheers. Zed