Glad to have you back Keeps, and it is so true, one day everything looks dark and gloomy, the next it is bright and sunny.....
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Mod Squad's Weekly Thread for the Week of January 19th
Mod Squad's Weekly Thread for the Week of January 19th
Hi all - not feeling too great today, was AF last night but didn't sleep - I wasn't feeling well which I think was what was keeping me awake. So after only 3 hours sleep I feel rubbish. I have started my journal for the 3rd time. I know it's crazy - it will stay this time... hopefully. On a positive note, I feel lately I'm more interested in life rather than drinking and that's a good thing! Onwards and upwards, the cheesy saying goes...Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message
Mod Squad's Weekly Thread for the Week of January 19th
Well after all my b*tching and moaning about the cold miserable weather today is an absolute stinker and I am wilting in this heat -- figures, you can never please a female lol!
Keep, you are in a wonderful place at the moment - embrace it and don't worry about us, we'll be here for you whether this thread is where you want to be or not. You are doing such an awesome job notching up those AF days!!
Lila, I had to laugh at you saying "plonker". It is said over here with a real afrikaans accent and basically means you are stupid lol!
Vladster, it sounds like you and hubby need to plan a holiday. Come on over here, the waters warm:-)
Zed, you jetsetter you!! I imagine you are looking forward to spending some quality time with your girlfriend - have a blast and I can't wait for you to get back and give us the low down.
Kid, you have me intriged... you mentioned the other morning that you were working on a cancer patient -- are you in the medical field?
Delta, I am so sorry to hear that your hubby is not in a good place. I am thinking of you and send positve thoughts that it will work out. My hubby altho he can drink all night on occassion does not have a problem with AL in the same way as I did. I think he was borderline becoming a "problem drinker". I have noticed since joining MWO that I must be rubbing off on him as he is drinking a lot less and of course there are no all weekend parties anymore.
Dearest Sara, sending you a huge hug and shoulder to cry on. You are right in that you have to do this for yourself. You WILL feel better, I promise. Just keep notching up those AF days, you know that AL doesn't help.
Eve, GREAT POST!!! Beautifully said.
Lena, how are you finding MWO? Is there anything you need help with? have you read the book yet? I have a spare copy if you'd like me to send it to you.
Lila, I read a book a little while ago that I think you might enjoy. It is called "The Journey" by Brandon Bays. I found it really enlightening as to why/what/how we can learn to love ourselves. She goes through a process which will help you let go of the past.
Peri, Vera, Tawny, where art thou??"The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"
Mod Squad's Weekly Thread for the Week of January 19th
LOL Deebs! We are going on holiday in about 2 weeks, but it won't be warm - we are going to Finland!Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message
Mod Squad's Weekly Thread for the Week of January 19th
Damn I need to get out more -- I'm now green with envy but will be super excited to see some photos when you get back."The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"
Mod Squad's Weekly Thread for the Week of January 19th
DeeBee;526444 wrote:
Dearest Sara, sending you a huge hug and shoulder to cry on. You are right in that you have to do this for yourself. You WILL feel better, I promise. Just keep notching up those AF days, you know that AL doesn't help.
This morning he acted pretty much as if nothing was wrong, gave me a peck on the cheek as he left for work, and called on the way in tell me cheerfully about something he'd seen as he was driving. I'm just going along with it for now...Our 17 year history tells me not to keep pushing for true communication when the time isn't right.
Keepwalking, I'm sorry if I haven't always responded to your thoughts. I'm sure I've neglected to respond to everyone at some point. It takes time, and peace and quiet to be able to do justice to what other people have to say. Sometimes I just don't have any of those things. And yes, sometimes I use the time I do have just to get something off my chest, so I suppose that's selfish. I think we all know that we are doing what we can to be here for each other, and that sometimes the response is just a silent thought...Like "ahwww ...I'm sorry he/she's down" or "oh, I'm so glad he/she's feeling better today." Some of this has to be through a kind of telepathy...a group energy of just caring on some mental/emotional/spiritual level. Am I making any sense? No need to respond. :H
It looks like I'll have some time to myself at home today...Well, along with my new canine friend. I keep having to get up to take kids' toys away from her, since she chews them to shreds. Ah well....At least she never gives me the dreaded silent treatment.Best to all. Sara
"When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)
Mod Squad's Weekly Thread for the Week of January 19th
I swear I'd trade my hubby in for my dog anyday!! As much as I love both of them to bits my dog "James" is my man. He loves me unconditionally!"The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"
Mod Squad's Weekly Thread for the Week of January 19th
That's funnny, DeeBee. Maybe it's time I started appreciating the other people (and now, the pet) that fill my life with love and joy...Perhaps I look for too much from my husband, and he just doesn't have it to give."When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)
Mod Squad's Weekly Thread for the Week of January 19th
Good morning, my friends. Hanging in there. I met a friend for a glass of wine last night. Just one, then water. It was good to be out for a while. Ususally when H is gone on the road I stay in with the girls night after night and get a little sorry for myself and down. But two nights in a row I have met with friends. This has broken my AF streak but tested the waters of moderation and so far so good.
I am shouting out right here and now that I will be AF tonight. Any one care to join me? Pacting is a good thing. Thanks, Kid.
Dee Bee so good do see you here. Love the new avatar.
Sara, Eve, Lena, zed, vlad, Sun, Lila, Keeps, who am I forgetting? Have a very blessed day all and I'll check in later.Toughen up!
Mod Squad's Weekly Thread for the Week of January 19th
Hi Delta Moon. I'll pact with you to be AF tonight. ODAT. My depression is creeping back in, and alcohol is just what it wants to feed on and grow! I could stay in bed all day today....But I'm going to force myself to clean the house, walk with the dog, and even try to get a friend to walk along with us. Sometimes you just have to go through the motions until the cloud lifts again... Next thing you know I'll be annoying everyone with my rendition of "I Can See Clearly Now". :H"When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)
Mod Squad's Weekly Thread for the Week of January 19th
Delta and Sara,
I'll pact with you as well. Have seen a trend of more drinking this week. Finding that severe stress makes me want to just say "oh heck with it!" and use that excuse of "it helps me to relax". Enough of that or I'll be right back where I started. I pact to be AF tonight too.
It's funny how we come here and share a little of ourselves but hold back as well. So unlike AA where one gets up in front of the crowd announcing their real name and what addicition they have.
Kid-you don't HAVE to share with us but you have posted things here and there about ER and the medical field so it makes us wonder...yet other posts make you sound retired and busy at home sending the girls off or helping a neighbor. So - people are asking but you know we'll allow you to stay as private as you like.
I think it's just that the more we know about people the more common ground we have. I always like to figure that out at parties. How the guests know the host or hostess and what common ground (if any do they have). Kind of backfired on one friend though. It was a bridal shower and when the hostess asked everyone to explain how they knew the guest of honor absolutely every person there had met her in some kind of recovery program. I ended up feeling a little embarrassed for her being in so many self help groups!
Well, I get to have a girlfriend day so am looking forward to that!
Hugs to all. Sara and Delta and those with spouses not quite being there the way you'd like - hang in there.
My prayers are with you.
Eve11"Control your destiny or somebody else will"
~Jack Welsh~:h
God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:
Mod Squad's Weekly Thread for the Week of January 19th
Three way?
Delta and Sara,
It may be not a good time to be a man (put that shoe down!), but could I pact with you two for tonight? I'm going to a lesson that,while the atmosphere is light, gives me mild social anxiety, and I sometimes THINK I want that beer in preparation. Pacting with Delta and Sara can give me extra incentive.OK?
Edit: I mean "four way"..Hi Eve..Does everyone type faster than me???It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
~ Charles Spurgeon
Mod Squad's Weekly Thread for the Week of January 19th
It is late January, and the days are getting longer...things will be better soon...
Cheer up everyone, me included!
Sara, this is the LAST thing you probably want to hear, but do you work out? I started a few weeks ago, and I do feel a lot better.