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Mod Squad's Weekly Thread for the Week of January 19th

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    Mod Squad's Weekly Thread for the Week of January 19th

    Hi Everybody,
    I'm definitely AF tonight. I'll be working with a small group of kids to make cement stepping stones, decorated with tiles, marbles, polished stones and whatever else. It should be fun.

    We are definitely into the coldest part of the winter, but the days are getting just a little longer, so that brings hope to my heart. Also, the gardening catalogs are arriving daily in my mailbox, giving me plenty to dream about.

    Sara, a sadness in my life is that our dog is getting old. A lot of her fur has fallen out, so she looks awful, though we still love her as much as ever. Just hide the mirrors, my husband says. So do look to that pup for unconditional love. Husbands are too complicated for that.

    Take care, all
    My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


      Mod Squad's Weekly Thread for the Week of January 19th

      Hi guys,
      Wow - bad week for me. The drinktracker is a great reality check.
      So, I am figuring out that severe stress REALLY makes me want to drink and give myself excuses that I can. Along with depression as I was pretty glum the first part of the week.
      Have pacted no AL tonight. MIL may leave tomorrow leaving us with FIL in hospital still and transfer from there more our concern than hers. So, not going to pact no AL this week-end but NEED to pact NO MORE THAN TWO!
      A good night to all!
      "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

      ~Jack Welsh~:h

      God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


        Mod Squad's Weekly Thread for the Week of January 19th

        Eve -- Thoughts and prayers. Lena


          Mod Squad's Weekly Thread for the Week of January 19th

          lenaleed;527008 wrote: Eve -- Thoughts and prayers. Lena
          Thanks Lena and thanks to all my mod squad buds who keep me in line (especially when I start stepping out of it).
          I'm back on track.
          Eve11 :-)
          "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

          ~Jack Welsh~:h

          God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


            Mod Squad's Weekly Thread for the Week of January 19th

            TGIF!!! That's all I gotto say on the matter!
            Shew, what a week! I have had so many niggly little issues which have been causing me anxiety and today everything fell into place. Bring on the weekend.

            I am going to head out into the garden and pop around for a bit. I have been concucting what looks like a whiches brew to spray my herbs because the ENOURMOUS grasshoppers (they are definetly NOT normal) have been eating their way through my herb garden. So altho I am all for farming organically, if this latest concuction doesn't work, I'm getting out the shot gun.
            Sun, I must take a photo of these PESTS to show you -- you wouldn't believe the size of them.

            Hugs and Kisses
            "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


              Mod Squad's Weekly Thread for the Week of January 19th

              LOL, Deebs - I have seen grasshoppers abroad that were 10cm long, those kind you mean or bigger???
              Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                Mod Squad's Weekly Thread for the Week of January 19th

                Yeah and they LOOK mean -- lumi green and black stripes on thier backs -- just horrid I tell you!
                "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                  Mod Squad's Weekly Thread for the Week of January 19th

                  Morning Modders

                  Good grief,
                  Much posting since my last visit...That's GOOD! The ice is melting; Winter's almost over.
                  Went to my lessons last night; minor stress. I didn't drink before hand and it was "no sweat" afterwards so I'm feeling pretty good today. What about the other "PACT rats"??
                  Went and "renewed my gym membership" in a way, which was part of my "plan for 2009". Cat wanted a "Y" membership so HHG could swim and or exercise this winter, so we joined the YMCA. I think I need it. Lila was asking Sara if she works out as it it a depression buster. I'm going to take that advice.
                  That's my morning "hello". I'm pretending to be busy.
                  More later,
                  It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
                  ~ Charles Spurgeon


                    Mod Squad's Weekly Thread for the Week of January 19th

                    Morning Kid! I'm on lunch break.
                    Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                      Mod Squad's Weekly Thread for the Week of January 19th

                      Does your sandwich taste like vodka today???

                      Hi Vlad!
                      It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
                      ~ Charles Spurgeon


                        Mod Squad's Weekly Thread for the Week of January 19th

                        LOL, err no! That doesn't really happen much anymore. It generally happened when I was drinking a stupid amount of vodka every day.
                        Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                          Mod Squad's Weekly Thread for the Week of January 19th

                          Kid- I find that working out definately keeps the depression at bay. I hit the gym most days and feel so much better for it. Good for you avoiding the 'drink before social time' pit. That is always a trigger for me.

                          DeeBee those grasshoppers sound downright scary!

                          Hi vlad! Any warmer in that office?

                          I am going to pact to have just one tonight as I am hitting my fav. blues club and I'll be AF for Sat.

                          Anyone else want to shout out a pact for the weekend?

                          Blessings, all
                          Toughen up!


                            Mod Squad's Weekly Thread for the Week of January 19th

                            P.A.C.T list

                            P.A.C.T (Promissary Alcohol Controlling Tool)

                            Cross my heart,and hope to die; Stick a needle in my eye.."
                            *Phrase uttered by children after making a promise to indicate the depth of their sincerity: the speaker is so committed to the action just agreed to that they offer self-inflicted pain and a death wish as proof of their seriousness.
                            (Must be accompanied by a gesture of drawing a imaginary "X" across the speaker's own heart, or else it doesn't count.)

                            Mod Pacts INVITATIONS:

                            *Zed: The month of January!!(Zed says:"er..never mind")

                            *Kid,Sara: Friday,Sara

                            *Eve: Promising TWO DRINKS come Hell or high water!!


                            ANYONE ELSE??

                            Feel free to join in
                            with any ongoing pact
                            (or start a new one)

                            :you've :h "crossed your heart" :h
                            It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
                            ~ Charles Spurgeon


                              Mod Squad's Weekly Thread for the Week of January 19th

                              Hi Everybody,
                              Boy it's a quiet Friday night here in Modsville. I don't have too much going on either - probably will just go to bed early.

                              Deebs, I would love a photo of those grasshoppers. Not that I know one single thing about insects in South Africa, but the whole world of nature fascinates me.

                              I'm probably done with the pact thing unless anyone invites me to join them. On most days I don't drink.

                              Delta Moon, you seem to be finding the life you've been wanting. You deserve nothing but the best.

                              Kid, congrats on getting that fitness membership going. So you call your wife Cat, following your Cat Ballou movie theme, right?

                              take care
                              My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                                Mod Squad's Weekly Thread for the Week of January 19th

                                Just you and me Sun...

                                And now you've gone to bed..
                                Perhaps the other Modders are out "Modding"!

                                Yes, I call my wife "Cat" here, to continue the Cat Ballou theme.
                                She can be mean as a cat sometimes, I guess.
                                In the movie Kid has an unrequited love for Cat..
                                Another man gets the girl.

                                I didn't know if the PACT thing had worn out its welcome.
                                I guess one more round,eh??
                                It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
                                ~ Charles Spurgeon

