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Mod Squad's Weekly Thread for the Week of January 26th

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    Mod Squad's Weekly Thread for the Week of January 26th

    hi mod squad just checking in at the end of another week, my how they fly by!! really enjoyed my friday night out with my friend, we shared a bottle of pinot grigio and had a real good chat, its been a while so lots to talk about. had a very industrious weekend, and enjoyed reading through the posts. lila am still unsure about eye liner. its 395gbp?? is that good?? she says it will fade and i have to go again for a 2nd visit, cant decide so will keep you posted. just packed my bag for the gym tomorrow am doing some interval training on the treadmill ad really finding a difference in fitness level, addiictive!!!

    night night all, looking forward to a fresh new week, hope its a good one for all of you, weigh in tomorrow fingers crossed for another two pounds???? will let you know xx
    Keeps x:happyheart:


      Mod Squad's Weekly Thread for the Week of January 26th

      That's what's so great about being addiction prone!!

      It's alot more fun being an addict when we switch to something like exercise isn't it??

      Keepwalking said:
      "just packed my bag for the gym tomorrow am doing some interval training on the treadmill ad really finding a difference in fitness level, addictive!!! "

      It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
      ~ Charles Spurgeon

