gosh lila you are dealing with morning and i am ready for bed!!! nite nite all xx
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Mod Squad's Weekly Thread for the Week of January 26th
Mod Squad's Weekly Thread for the Week of January 26th
Our "Snow Day" wasn't a lot of fun, so I feel your pain, Lila. The snow turned to sleet, and now rain. My boys go insane when they don't get enough exercise, and apparently our new dog does, too. She's been chewing and destroying everything she can get her teeth on. I'm very fond of her already, after less than two weeks, but today I wondered how I could have brought this additional burden into our home.
I am sipping a glass of wine, and I expect I will have one more. That's IT.
I'd love to be in England. I spent a couple of years there, at ages 10 and 16, when my dad was on sabbatical. We lived in Hampstead the first time, and in Islington the next. What wonderful memories. I spent some time in London when I took a semester off from college, too. Worked selling nighties through a mail order business called Nightingales. I wonder if it still exists ? It was kind of a low budget Laura Ashley. Then I did the typical 20-something tour of Europe by train, staying in hostels. It was the time of my life, really. Not that I'd trade my precious boys and my current life to be 21 again, but maybe just for a day, or a week. When does one ever feel so free again?
Uh-oh, my one glass is making me go all melancholy. I'd better try and call it quits. Hang in there Lila...and everyone. Tomorrow is another day. Sara"When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)
Mod Squad's Weekly Thread for the Week of January 26th
The good samaratan trips on her robes
So anyhow I'm breaking my rule again peeking on this site during the day. Because it's a great diversion when you have a deadline and want to procrastinate. So I see a post from some precious soul asking for a chat and I go diving in for the first time. I get there and it all looks like Vlad's ceruilic or something. My name looks like rpflghppl yet I do not feel I am drowning. I try to bow out while others try to throw instructions to the drowning chatter. All while some brave soul is having a real crisis. I got off and prayed for the poor person whose attempt to reach out was briefly crashed by me. I consider myself tech savvy and I chat & im w/ colleagues all day but the chat tool on this site threw me. Someone please offer to schedule a practice session some time.
Back to work where I belong.
Mod Squad's Weekly Thread for the Week of January 26th
Yes, I go thru that, Lena! I have wasted lots of time here! Esp when I had stuff to do!
Sara, we are thinking of adopting a dog. He is 18 pounds, poodle and Pomeranian mix. We are going to meet him on Saturday. He is supposed to be great with families, and is of course housebroken. What do you think? Anyone else? The kids really really want a dog. I am going to find out if he is a barker - I hate hate barking dogs. What kind is yours?
Thank you guys for letting me complain. I try to look on the bright side of things, but I was just outnumbered and outgrumped this morning!
Mod Squad's Weekly Thread for the Week of January 26th
Hi Lila,
Dogs love you SO unconditionally. There is nothing like it, though they can also be a pain in the butt in their own way. Ours is getting old, not sleeping well at night and getting us up repeatedly. But we still love her to pieces. This dog has brought out tenderness in my husband I would have never otherwise seen.My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.
Mod Squad's Weekly Thread for the Week of January 26th
Hello friends
Oh my!! The board has been busy while I've been away.
Have been caught up with trials and tribulations of FIL who we love to death but drives us crazy because he has med issues as well as psychotic ones so it's challenging to get the right help - but I found out today we can get hospice as well as a psych home health nurse...so - we're finally on the right path.
Hubby had a minor overnight surgery today and I have a dear son who is SO challenging with school work - now I have a bad cold - run down from all of the stress. So, I've been away a few days.
My heart aches for those of you who are struggling - my dear friends. I think those struggling with their relationships have the biggest battle and my prayers are with you especially. For me, if my relationship with my man isn't right - I would have trouble working...functioning! We've had our fights in 20 years of togetherness but we're on the same page of "never go to bed angry" and we would never be able to even go to work being mad at each other. We'd have trouble making it through the day! So, it helps that we're the same in that arena. Unlike one close friend of mine whose spouse will get mad at her, not communicate why, and won't talk to her for 2-3 days! That one I couldn't deal with!
Hugs to you all. So many good posts, can't remember now what everyone said to make individual replies but enjoy hearing what you all have to say.
Eve11"Control your destiny or somebody else will"
~Jack Welsh~:h
God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:
Mod Squad's Weekly Thread for the Week of January 26th
Guten morgen folks.
So, no time to stop; I am in Dusseldorf - it's a beautiful late winter day here and the sun is out. Have been having a brilliant time and modding very very well. We're about to go for a drive to a little village in the countryside for the day. I might make a little film. Ciao and take care you all (no time to read/ catch up with the Mod boards; will do that once I am back in Beijing next week.)
Bis bald! Zed
Mod Squad's Weekly Thread for the Week of January 26th
Lena, Ceres is pronounced with the "c" as an "s" so say it like you say "series". The medley of flavours is definetly one of my favorites.
DM, I hope that your H takes your advise. You are so right in that we need all the help and tools we can get to fight our way back to a normal life.
I'm so pleased you enjoyed the poem. I read it a while ago and something about it really touched me.
Sara, I so envy you your travels. I got married and had my daughter at such a young age that I never got a chance to do any of that. Not that I have any regrets. I worked out the other day that when my daughter turns 20 (and hopefully will be out of the house) I'll be turning 40. Boggles the brain sometimes.
Lila, I sympathise with you having your daughter not care if she misses the bus. My daughter started catching the bus for the first time this week and I think it's been more traumatic for me. I have always believed that she does not need a cell phone (for various reasons) so I start plutzing if she's 5min late and I find myself waiting at the bus stop 30 minutes early "just in case". I'm hoping we'll settle into a routine soon and my nerves won't be so frazzeled but seriously she cruizes around in the morning like she has all the time in the world.
Vladster, I've been meaning to ask you -- WHERE'S ROZ???
Eve, I am so pleased that Hospice will help your FIL, I can only imagine the strain it must be putting on you. Wishing Mr E a speedy recovery. I love the sound of your relationship with hubby. Unfortunately I fall into the catagory that "doesn't talk for day's on end" if we've had a tiff, but I am getting better.
Helloooooooo Zed!! When is the Chineese New Year, have I missed it?
Sun, I have found myself totally engrossed in old gardening books. Mostly very old herb books and they are a hoot. Some of the suggestions that they come up with for pest controll have had me rolling on the floor with laughter.... like I must go and find a racoon to save my sweetcorn. Or the one about Myrtle keeping lightening at bay. I've been thinking of you as I read these crazy suggestions.
Kid, whereareyou??
All this talk about our furry animals reminds me that my boy is going in to be castrated tomorrow. Shame I feel so bad for him, but it's essential that we do it. He is a great big pure-bred boer bull who weights in at just under 100kgs and hubby and daughter want to get a female pup next month so unless we want a cross boer-bull and poodle (which would just look rediculous) it has to be done."The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"
Mod Squad's Weekly Thread for the Week of January 26th
Hi Modders
Deebs, yes, isn't it maddening, those girls! I have never heard of a boer bull. Sounds intimidating! You sound like you are out in the country.
Eve, I hope - no I don't hope, I am going to make sure my next husband, boyfriend - that it is a good relationship. It is so nice to hear about happy couples.
Keeps, how are you? Did you check out the eyeliner? Mine is faded now, and I am very happy I got it done!
Sunbeam, the kids really really want a dog! And now that the conversation is started, there seems to be no going back!
Sara, I used to travel when I was younger. Now I don't even want to. I am hoping when the kids get older I will want to again, it used to be so important to me.
Delta, how are you today? Have you ever been to al anon? It might help, might not. I hope you are doing well today
Zed, Kid and Vlad, and anyone else - hi!
I have to run now, just saw the clock!
Mod Squad's Weekly Thread for the Week of January 26th
Lila;532086 wrote:
Eve, I hope - no I don't hope, I am going to make sure my next husband, boyfriend - that it is a good relationship. It is so nice to hear about happy couples.
I shared this on the divorce thread but I'll share it with my friends here as your comment above moved me to respond.
My first husband and I were married only 8 mos. when I found out he was having an affair. Along with being an alcoholic he was probably sexually addicted too as I look back and think about things. I was devastated and humiliated and it didn't help when his "girlfriend" called me to try to comfort me by telling me he cheated on her too.
I remember thinking "my husband cheats on his girlfriend." What a joke.
He had no intention of ending the affair so the marriage was over before it had even begun. I cried in my beer (literally) for about a year and then the lightbulb went on.
I decided rather than to harbor ill feelings and grudges because it was only bringing me down that I would make my life the best life it could be. I bought a cup that said "Living well is the best revenge" and I vowed to live my life well.
So, I am blessed and thankful that I've spent the last 21 years (19 of them married) to a wonderful, sensitive guy. Therapy helped ( I was so attracted to the wrong kind of men) and I must have read a thousand self help books. But I am happy to say I'm very happily married. The secret...communication. I'm fortunate that he will communicate and maybe that's the problem with a lot of guys. They close down and don't speak what's on their minds or what's bothering them and little things eventually become big things.
Anyway, don't give up on love.
Eve11:l"Control your destiny or somebody else will"
~Jack Welsh~:h
God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:
Mod Squad's Weekly Thread for the Week of January 26th
Eve11;531826 wrote:
We've had our fights in 20 years of togetherness but we're on the same page of "never go to bed angry" and we would never be able to even go to work being mad at each other. We'd have trouble making it through the day! So, it helps that we're the same in that arena. Unlike one close friend of mine whose spouse will get mad at her, not communicate why, and won't talk to her for 2-3 days! That one I couldn't deal with!
The ice is melting a little in my house, but it's still cold.
Zed, so good to hear from you.
Lila, our dog is a Puerto Rican street dog,(a "Sato") I just learned. She was rescued and brought to a Massachusetts shelter. She's cute; looks a little like a very small German Shepherd. She's much calmer today, without the kids around, and with a couple of long walks to have worn her out. She loves to cuddle, and if I sit with her and put my arms around her she snuggles up and relaxes and acts like she's in heaven. It's a good feeling. Probably the way Eve and her husband feel together :H Only not quite as human!
Lena, I know just what you mean about "chat". Maybe it helps to actually set a time to meet up with someone. The few times I tried to jump in I felt very awkward.
DeeBee, you sound chipper, although your post was all about us. What about YOU?
Delta Moon, stay strong. You have a lot of us behind you.
I'm off...I'm thinking of being AF tonight. Probably a good idea, given how close I've been to the precipice of the blues... Love to all. Sara"When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)
Mod Squad's Weekly Thread for the Week of January 26th
Hi all- I am just floating along.
Am going to California tomorrow for the weekend to visit my wonderfully supportive mother and my Papa. It will be good to have a change of scenery so I can think more clearly.
I wil pact with anyone for the weekend-Fri-Sun. evening. Anyone on?
Thanks to you all again for the support. Eve, my prayers are with you and Sara too.
Where is our beloved Kid, girls?
Glad zed checked in sounds like he is having a beautiful trip.
Blessings..............Toughen up!
Mod Squad's Weekly Thread for the Week of January 26th
DeeBee;532041 wrote:
Vladster, I've been meaning to ask you -- WHERE'S ROZ???Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message