Hi Magnificent Modders,
Hope everyone is doing well today. It's rainy here, but at least it's not freezing!
I went to see my 95 year old grandfather whose in an assisted living home. He's getting weaker, they say his organs are shutting down. His whole life, he walked everyday, probably up until a few years ago. He also had his liquor everyday, sometimes not in moderation! Every morning (not now) he'd have a shot of whiskey in his coffee. I assume that's after he retired! He earned a letter for football back in 1932 and he gave it to me to give to my son. He's gonna love it!
Ask, thanks for sharing those two things with us. I'm sure your girlfriend is grateful for your help at this time. It hit home, because I am 44, have a son a few years older than that, and no one is immune to alcohol dangers. Stories like this will keep me on the straight and narrow. And I'm happy to hear that you're sounding so good about yourself. Negative thoughts whether they are thoughts of guilt, insecurity, anger or whatever, can be detrimental to ourselves sometimes more than the physical abuses to ourselves. I'm doing a program currently in which I'm working on changing negative thought patterns. We've got to first believe in ourselves and how good we are and let the rest of the shit go! And you're doing that. It's very freeing.
Hey the rest of you modders. Have a great night.