Before finding this place,... I was at a very difficult turning point in my life.(I guess that's how I found my way here,... by some sort of miracle... and the "Grace of God" (my Grandma's name was Grace, that's her in profile photo... taken @ about 99yrs of age, lost her on 9/11/08,...@ 100 yrs)
Having been thru, in-patient re-hab, and coming home to live with somebody I love, who is a daily drinker, it's difficult to describe how hard that really is to live with... unless you've been there...
If you're somebody who has a thirst for alcohol, and lives in a house with somebody who, everynight, "pops" open a cold one,... right next to you, after work... it's like, putting a plate of candy in front of a little kid and telling them not to pay any attention to it.
I was OK, for about 2 weeks after getting out of treatment, but evrybody has their breaking point... at least I do.
I don't want to live a life of condemnation & resentment for my Hubby.But I'm afraid that's exactly where we'd be, had I not stumbled across this site, nearly 4 yrs ago.
I'm happy to say that today, and pretty much for past 4 years (except for a few slips), but even "normies do that)
We've become closer and more repectful of each other.
I can be honest and not feel I have hide my drinking.
I can be accountable & reliable, I don't have to be "All or Nothing",..meaning go off the deep end... I moderate.. so I don't "over-indulge"
I can be responsible & do a great job @ work, then be able to sit down & enjoy a shift beer or drink afterwords with the rest of the crew & not feel like a leper.
I can be there for my friends &/or family when they call and need me. I'm available. I'm me again.
I can enjoy a family reunion or gathering, without feeling like an "outcast"....
I can wake up in the morning feeling energized, and ready for the day! (just need to work on the going to sleep part first... kinda have the "night owl syndrom")... too many high stressed nights ...
Thank God for my quiet elipticle! LOL and "Nick @ Night"

Just some thoughts I wanted to share...
From where I stand, being a Modder is a very positive thing. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!:h:thanks:
For someone in a situation, like mine, where you work around it, you serve it to customers, family gatherings..there's no escaping it... I don't mean you HAVE to drink, but it's there, ...
For me for now, this is working really well.
Wishing you ALL well.