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Things I love about modding

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    Things I love about modding

    :thanks:Skendall, you rock! :lHugs back @ ya!

    Just don't nobody try & "diss" what my Daddy says, or try to tell me what I can or cannott post here!

    You're getting into dangerous turf there...! LOL (not you Sk..)
    I think the uglyness has need for it here.

    The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


      Things I love about modding

      I love the mod life. I'm still refining and defining my mod goals, as I just started doing something about my over drinking last November. But for me, moderate drinking is so much preferable to total abstinence. I like alcohol. I like the feeling it gives me. And I'm learning how to stop drinking when I get to the pleasurable part of the alcohol instead of chasing the buzz. I'm learning to make alcohol the focus of my attention when I have it, then leave it alone. This means I don't drink and cook, drink and write on the internet, drink and clean... I'm learning that when I have a drink, to savor it then move on. My life is so much better this way, instead of the "drinking every day until I get drunk" way.

      Thanks for the spirit of this thread Judie. It's good to be able to say, "I like alcohol."
      vegan zombies want your grains


        Things I love about modding

        Whoo, hooo!!

        Well, I just want to say, what a breath of fresh air this thread is - I must have missed the nasty bits -awh

        Anyway, I too am planning my moderation course, but I felt that I was perhaps not able to post here any more because it seems like everyone is trying so hard, and often succeeding, in becoming totally alchohol free.

        I tried to force myself in thinking I had to abstain, but I was fighting against it so much, I was going backwards instead of forwards. I was making it too hard for myself, I do tend to play the martyr sometimes - LOL!! I know I had (have had?) a problem in the past with binge drinking and basically being a prat, but I am a "work in progress" (not "the" Work in Progress, sorry not stealing your identity!!)

        I applaude the AF route completely if it is what you want and need, but to hear you say, Cyclefan, "I like alcohol" - well, it surprised and amazed me, but more than that - it actually made me smile, and..... post!!! Thank you, and thanks to Saint Jude. Nothing more to say, you guys have said it all:goodjob:


          Things I love about modding

          The last two posts really resonated with me. Although I am still on my through the AF stint I have planned (24 of 55), I plan to moderate and I am planning my route to that too.

          I suspect it will take a few experiments to get it "right". By right, I me right for me, or within my comfort zone. It was refreshing to have the honesty of someone saying they enjoy alcohol. If you are lucky enough, that you are not too far down the line and are able to relearn to enjoy alcohol for its sake and not to chase the buzz as Cyclefan puts it, then I think it fabulous. My current belief is that I can so do. I may find otherwise, but I dont think so.

          I also agree with what Sunbeam has been saying (and others) on another/other threads, which is that the more AF time you put in the easier it is to mod. I dont mean the initial phase alone, but generally. Personally I am looking forward to finding out. There is no doubt, I feel great for some AF time, I mean really great physically and emotionally.

          Again as I said before great thread St Judy, you have done a lot to restore my faith in being able to post honestly and with hope for the modders......

          love Moo:thanks:
          "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
          but in what direction we are moving."


            Things I love about modding

            :thanks: Everybody for helping me feel a bit more @ home here again...

            I haven't been posting as much as I used to, unfortunately, I think for obvious reasons...for anyone who may have been around here yesterday.

            But I believe this is still a wonderful place, and WE can still still be who we are, and give strength and support to each other, no matter what our individual goals are...

            I also aplaud AF'ers... I've been one! (some of my favorite people in the world are them!)
            But @ this point in my life I prefer to mod... this is working for me, for now. Who knows maybe down the road that'll change.

            Even though I've been doing this for about 4 years now, it's not something I can take lightly, and do without constant vigilance. I have to be always on guard, of letting that little deamon take over...But I know I'm the one in charge. I am the one making choices.

            Nobody is pouring anything down my throat. I refuse to believe that I am "sick", and "weak" and "doomed" for life...Probably why the 12 step philosophy doesn't do much for me...I enjoy friendship & support,...

            but helplessness... and admitting weakness, and defeat... NOT!

            Ok, enough babbling.

            I'm a strong believer in my powdered L-Glut every AM...along with my topa, seems to be doing the trick...Along with daily exercise, and a healthy diet. I haven't listened to the CD's in quite sometime...guilty of not doing that enough...Maybe I'll go put on the subliminal now while I "surf" a bit more here.
            The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


              Things I love about modding


              I would say from the response to this thread that it was a much needed one, kudos to you! Thanks for reminding me about the CDs, I took them out a while back and never played them again. I've gotta do that, too. It's important.

              Please keep posting, it is a wonderful place and we need your input!

              Be :l
              "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                Things I love about modding

                Oh no!!! He's back..

                Thanks for the PM and for keeping the fires warm while I was gone.
                It's late, I'm tired and the cattle story is Waaaaaaaaaaaay too long for this moment.
                I'm also recovering from a "man cold".
                So I am weak...weaker than females can imagine (Laughing).
                I will write more later, Sweetheart.

                After the "games" last week,I put a block on all incoming from "certain members"..Try it!
                It is like sweet music in what you DON'T have to read...
                They can't send you PMs and where they comment on the thread, there is a BLANK saying this is where their comment would be, IF THEY EXISTED!!!:H:H:H
                It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
                ~ Charles Spurgeon


                  Things I love about modding

                  Have a "Happy Man Cold" :H

                  Hope you feel better soon... No, really.:h But don't forget to count your blessings... it could be a "Man Cold" +...

                  It could "always " be worse.

                  In soo many ways.(for us all) "Pay it forward"
                  The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                    Things I love about modding

                    hi all,jude im glad its working for ya,,i like you have the same story,almost identical,rehab,AA, here,over the last 1o years or so its been a battle,but it was and still is ,my battle,,i have other alternatives,actually many of them,most only have to read to see them,CHOICE, is that not all it boils down to,i am so glad i seen your post this morning,have a wonderful day gyco


                      Things I love about modding

                      I like what you guys ave said here. Im stll finding my place on the forum but I want to post here. I have been to rehab in 05 and 07 and Im convinced that AF is not for me. I enjoy drinking and I wonder if I should give moderation a try.There is so much guilt associated wih the whole aa and na programs for me. All the meetings actually depress me. When I relapse its like I have to go in with my tail between my legs walk up in front of everyone and basically say "I screwed up". While everyone else sits around saying.."Ive been sober for 30 years, 1 year, 15 years"...blah blah blah...It is humiliating. I just dont like how I feel when I am there.
                      So maybe the goal should be to reprogram how i think about al and learn to associate it differently. Just some thoughts


                        Things I love about modding

                        Thanks for a ray of hope...

                        Thanks for sharing your thoughts and experiences, SJ.

                        I am getting ready to try modding myself but would like just a little more AF time under my belt. I still don't feel like a 'normal' drinker and frankly still don't have a whole lot of trust in my self control. But, I want to at least give it a try.

                        I've also missed whatever had been going on on this thread - my guess is, it's more of what has been said in other threads. While I also sometimes feel that certain pieces of info shouldn't be where they are... this IS the mod forum, if I'm not mistaken and I haven't seen anything out of context here.

                        Go on modding, and sharing please... it's GOOD to read your success stories!

                        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                        Winning since October 24th, 2013


                          Things I love about modding

                          Sunshine, I love that avatar!

                          Just had a robin fly into the garage window, it was really loud! I looked outside & it was laying on the ground totally stunned & on it's side, then I saw our cat sneaking around the side of the house,...
                          The robin got up, but was just standing there not I had to go catch Smokey & bring him in the house, hope that robin is OK. Poor thing hit really hard. It acted like it couldn't see when I tried to get him to move away from the garage.

                          Maybe he ate too many fermented berries I've heard of birds doing that!
                          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                            Things I love about modding

                            Hehehe... glad you like that avatar.

                            I almost had my own of THAT kind a couple years ago.. but as always, I didn't have the camera ready. My 'devil horse' (Totally wing-nut Thoroughbred) and my daughter's kitten Amira had a tet-a-tet by the fence. Little kitty had climbed up the fence post - horsie was already there and they were face-to-face. Kitty decided to give the big guy a lick.. of course, there came the 'EWWWW uch: "what the hell was THAT?" kinda face.. priceless.

                            Had to be there to appreciate it, I think! :H

                            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                            Winning since October 24th, 2013


                              Things I love about modding

                              Hi all, just thought I'd pop in and say hello. I'm trying moderating - it's on my drinktracker for all to see!
                              Sunshine - I love the picture you painted of the kitten and horse. I think dogs are more easily pleased as my JR loves to lick my Husbands bald sweaty head at any opportunity......

                              Have a good Sunday all!

                              Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                                Things I love about modding

                                I've noticed a big change in my thinking since I started modding.
                                Took the kids bowling today. Old me: Have to have that pitcher of beer while we bowl. New me:
                                No thanks...let's just bowl.
                                Out to lunch with the kids this week. Old me: Have to pick a restaurant that serves wine. New me:
                                Doesn't matter if they do or don't because I'm not drinking at 1:00 p.m.
                                Dinner with the bil who drinks too much. Old me: Let's crack open a bottle of wine. New me: Talked him into having a beer so I could finish off just the one glass that was left from the bottle hubby and I shared the night before.
                                Yes, I love modding and so far so good.
                                "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

                                ~Jack Welsh~:h

                                God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:

