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Mod Squad Weekly Thread 20 April

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    Mod Squad Weekly Thread 20 April

    Hi All
    Day 9 for me today yey yey!! Really doing OK and wishing I'd done this years ago.

    New piano Vlad how exciting, my little boy plays piano (actually I must stop calling him "little boy" as he's over 5 feet tall and 11 years old so not particularly little but you know what I mean). i keep saying I'm going to teach myself - may be one day.

    A really lovely day here and I just heard my first cuckoo of the year (what a country bumpkin!!).

    Love to all


      Mod Squad Weekly Thread 20 April

      Hi Everybody!
      Just checking in,...
      Been busier than a "one legged woman, in a butt kickin' contest"...
      I just started back doing some painting work @ a lodge just downstream (a place I've worked @ before, off & on for about 10 yrs now).

      Still waiting tables @ night though, so that's making it 10 1/2 hr days,... I'm getting too old for this!

      I am off tomorrow & the next night, from the restaurant though.
      Think I'll take it easy, and kayak down to the lodge tomorrow to paint.:H
      Make a short day of it. (It's a pretty easy paddle back upstream to our place, only a mile & 1/2.)

      That reminds me! I need to go soak my brushes! I didn't have time to clean them between jobs earlier...

      On that note,...
      Hope all are well, I'm going to enjoy a well deserved beer & get my trim brushes ready.

      The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


        Mod Squad Weekly Thread 20 April

        Wednesday morning...

        I love your avatar St J!
        My daughter is already asking me when we can go canoeing,
        and though it's warming up nicely around here,
        we had a little sleet mixed with a shower yesterday.
        I'm waiting for comfortable picnic weather!

        It's Wednesday and peaceful here.
        Cool enough for the furnace to kick on.
        Lazydog is expecting more from the fireplace than he's going to get,
        curling up near it out of habit, I guess...

        I made Cat's lunch,
        gave her a kiss and sent her off to work with a promise to call her later.
        The honey-haired girl got a nice warm breakfast and then did something sweet...
        She's lately started taking 5 minutes after breakfast to lean on my shoulder and doze.
        She'll tell me about last nights dream or some little story.
        Today the story was about how the girls were howling yesterday when someone let go with an SPD (silent-but-deadly) fart in gym class!!!

        We had a rough year or so, when she entered her teens, but she's 16 and such a sweetheart now.
        I hope it's encouraging to any of you having stormy relationships with your teens, that it just might work out.
        It's time for more coffee.
        Enjoy your day, ladies..
        It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
        ~ Charles Spurgeon


          Mod Squad Weekly Thread 20 April

          Morning all,
          Well, this is the last day of chilly weather and it's going to warm up to be a beautiful weekend. I'll be in class this coming weekend, but this is the last weekend!

          Vlad - hope you enjoy your new piano! Do you play all the time?

          MM - good for you! 9 days is a great feeling. If we do 9, we can do 99.

          St. Jude- kayaking up and down stream sounds really fun and freeing. And to get to work! Wow. Such a different world. I've never been in a kayak. I've been white water rafting before and that was awesome.

          Kid - I loved the story of your honey-haired girl. Those moments are so sweet and precious. Last night, my son had me in stitches. He was showing me his versions of baseball calls and how he would do them. It would be hard to explain in details, but if you know how an 11 year old boy thinks, well, then you probably can figure it out. I'm sure he and his buddies came up with these calls. They're so funny!

          I woke up this morning, kind of feeling a little down about my past two weeks. I feel as though I know I've improved so much that I've got a long way to go. I was thinking back to when I taught Learning Disabled children years ago. They really had to work harder to get better grades, needed lots of accommodations with their work, adaptations... Then I thought that's how we are. Always needing to work harder to get to a certain point with our moderating. We need our adaptations (tools) and need to never give up. Yes, my students frequently became frustrated, but I always encouraged them to keep going, and gave them guidance to get there. That's what this site is doing for me, and you beautiful people. We are learning and getting better. We are using our tools. We will get that "A" more often than we get the "F" on our report cards. I used to get F's all the time, and I feel as though I'm in the "C" range right now. I'm moving ahead.

          Well, have a great day all.
          Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


            Mod Squad Weekly Thread 20 April

            1 hour before the piano arrives!!!

            J-vo - no I don't play all the time - but the intention is that with the new one, I will!
            Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


              Mod Squad Weekly Thread 20 April

              That IS exciting...

              I wish you could take a picture of it or else a link to an advertisement.
              What brand and type is it??
              It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
              ~ Charles Spurgeon


                Mod Squad Weekly Thread 20 April

                Day 10 - double figures!!

                Kid thanks for saying about your daughter, mine is 13 and a nightmare she b***h, but now I know there is hope over hormones!!

                Vlad are you tinkling those ivories yet? Can't hear you down here....



                  Mod Squad Weekly Thread 20 April

                  It's come, it's come! But it's really heavy and in a box and need to put it together. :upset:

                  It hopefully will look like this:

                  I've sort of half put the stool together.
                  Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                    Mod Squad Weekly Thread 20 April

                    Oh, I'm off out to get some filters for the oven extractor fan. I need assistance with this piano thing, will have to wait till hubby gets home...
                    Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                      Mod Squad Weekly Thread 20 April


                      It's going to be a beauty.
                      I don't know what style that is; but the one I got my daughters is similar.
                      It's the only size that would fit in the room where we wanted to put it.
                      You don't have to string the wires, do you?? :H
                      It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
                      ~ Charles Spurgeon


                        Mod Squad Weekly Thread 20 April

                        Hi Modders! Well I am nursing some sore muscles today- am in training to hike the Grand Canyon all the way to the bottom in June and put in 10 miles yesterday in over 100 degree weather. So, reality is hitting me full on and its obvious I am needing to kick up the training a notch. I've always lifted weights and done the gym thing but this endurance backpacking is a new experience. Once again thank God I'm not drinking! Got to fly to CA tomorrow for some family issues and won't have access to the internet. Will miss you all

                        Have fun with the new piano, vlad

                        Deep breaths for the teenage girls, madmummy- I've two myself and deep breathing is a neccessity!

                        Hi to Eve, Kid, j-vo, St.J , Deebs and Sun and anyone else hangng around.

                        Toughen up!


                          Mod Squad Weekly Thread 20 April

                          Hi Modders! Well I am nursing some sore muscles today- am in training to hike the Grand Canyon all the way to the bottom in June and put in 10 miles yesterday in over 100 degree weather. So, reality is hitting me full on and its obvious I am needing to kick up the training a notch. I've always lifted weights and done the gym thing but this endurance backpacking is a new experience. Once again thank God I'm not drinking! Got to fly to CA tomorrow for some family issues and won't have access to the internet. Will miss you all!
                          Have fun with the new piano, vlad

                          Deep breaths for the teenage girls, madmummy- I've two myself and deep breathing is a neccessity!
                          Hi to Kid, j-vo, St.J , Deebs and Sun and anyone else hangng around.
                          Toughen up!


                            Mod Squad Weekly Thread 20 April


                            The Grand Canyon..
                            That brings back memories; some good ,some bad...

                            I went down in the '70s as a strong young buck.
                            I went with a friend of mine that I was traveling with.
                            It was the beginning of the New Age...
                            Old roles didn't apply;
                            but it's funny what getting back to basics will do.

                            She started having problems with the heat
                            and though she refused as long as she could
                            I ended up giving her a "piggy-back ride" to the bottom,
                            carrying her on my back...
                            I can't believe I was ever that strong!

                            She paid me back by F***ing some guy she met at the bar
                            down in the canyon (they flew beer in with a helicoptor).
                            I slept outside by the fire and listened to his groaning (most of it was faked and she probably robbed him)...
                            Ahh... but that was the '70s...
                            Sharron, are you reading this???
                            I should write a book!! :H
                            It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
                            ~ Charles Spurgeon


                              Mod Squad Weekly Thread 20 April

                              Hi all,
                              Kid, my husband and I visited the Grand Canyon 3 years ago, to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary. Not quite the same expereince as you....
                              Delta, We loved it, though we only did short hikes. My youngest brother did one of those raft rides through the canyon a year ago. He lives in Arizona, near the Painted Desert.

                              Vlad, have fun with the piano. I think that kind would be electric. My husband started taking piano lessons on his 50th birthday. He can't play much, but enjoys it.

                              J-Vo, Deebs and anyone else: Thin for Life is based on interviews with a bunch of people who have lost significant weight and kept it off for a year or more (mostly more). It is not about portion control, more about lifestyle change, how they changed their thinking about food. That's what I'm trying to do.

                              Chili today, but hotter day after tamale!
                              My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                                Mod Squad Weekly Thread 20 April

                                A clue...

                                Delta Moon;598491 wrote: in training to hike the Grand Canyon all the way to the bottom in June...

                                Hiking to the bottom is not the hard part!!
                                It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
                                ~ Charles Spurgeon

