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The mod Squad Weekly Thread: Week of April 27, 2009

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    The mod Squad Weekly Thread: Week of April 27, 2009

    So, as I was saying......

    MM, Congrats on notching up more than 15 AF days!!

    Kid, I was catching up on the weekend's news and just cant comprehend the trauma you must see coming through the ER. How do you deal with it? Do you take your work home with you or are you able to "cut" yourself off?

    Congrats J-Vo!!! You must be damned proud of all you've accomplished. BTW When do you go back to work?

    Ask, it's crazy how we allow our bad habits to sneak back in again isin't it? Especially when we are relaxed and on holiday. I am still batteling to get back into my old routine since going on holiday and TBH all these public holidays and long weekends are not helping me.
    Good on you for notching up those AF day!!

    Sara, How are you? Are you home yet??

    CF, I loved your post from the weekend!! How wise you are! I am sorry that your sister is not joining you in doing 30 days but hopefully the seed has been planted and she'll soon find her way out.
    Today(Tues) is my Monday because yesterday was a public holiday -- Freedom Day -- ya right!! Our election results are in, no surprises there. The ANC are still in power with the IFP and then DA right behind. Yesterday was just an excuse to hold rally's country wide and get the supporters riled up -- already there have been deaths, with the IFP being blamed for killing ANC members.

    This week is a short week for me because Friday is another public holiday (y'all are wondering when do we actually get work done here LOL). I am feeling very stressed and anxious about the week as I have to jam 5 days into 3 and it's month end.

    On a positive note, I am meeting all my exercise goals and although I am still stiff and sore I'm looking forward to going for another run this arvie with the daughter.
    My daughter was watching "Grey's Anatomy" last night and you know McDreamy's ex wife Addison? She does this thing with her mouth, right, well the daughter noticed it and says to my hubby that it's just like that "thing" I used to do with my mouth when I drank..... and she hasn't seen me do it in a while!!
    Kids!! You think you're hiding it from them, but you're not!!

    Hi Judie, Sara, Lila, J-Vo and all to come.
    "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


      The mod Squad Weekly Thread: Week of April 27, 2009

      Hi DeeBee...

      It seems like I don't see you as much around here...
      Maybe it's my imagination.

      Yeah, the ER is full of freaky stuff...
      We are not officially a "Trauma Center";
      they are funded differently and have different resources so
      the gunshot wounds and auto accidents
      shouldn't be the worst, messiest type.

      I guess you might deduce, though, how I "cut myself off"
      at the end of the workday
      for many years!
      Now I'm just so glad to get the Hell out of there sometimes,
      that just a hot meal and gratefully relaxing with my family
      is enough.
      Where is everybody?
      It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
      ~ Charles Spurgeon


        The mod Squad Weekly Thread: Week of April 27, 2009

        Hi everyone! I'm atill in No. Cal taking car of my mum who had surgery. It's been a good week all in all but I ahve missed you all! Had 1 drink last night and I definitely did not like the feeling that came over me. As you all know I've spent 60 days AF and wanted to see if old AL had a place in my life. Well, I must say that I am much better without the beast. We'll see what kind of attitude hubbys is in regarding that when I return home tonight. It would be nice to be on the same page.

        Sunbeam I am sorry to see that your beloved pet passed on.My thoughts are with you.

        Hi to Deebs, Kid, vlad, MadMummy and St. Jude and everyone else coming down the line- must go and pack.
        Toughen up!


          The mod Squad Weekly Thread: Week of April 27, 2009

          Hi everybody,
          It's Tuesday and I've slowly gotten back into the healthy routine. I've begun my detox kit and I guess I'll be spending some time in the bathroom, so if you're wandering where the hell I am, I'm probably shi**** my brains out on the toilet! Sorry. TMI, I know.

          I've also talked to a guy that is a trainer. I've revamped my workout based on some things he enlightened me on. Did you all know to do your weight training first, then cardio? I've always done it the other way around. Duh!

          Ok, speaking of working out, I'm not burning too many calories sitting on my ass here. But I do wish everyone a good day!
          Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


            The mod Squad Weekly Thread: Week of April 27, 2009

            Hi Everybody
            Just popping in... between chores on a rainy day off...

            J-vo, I sit on an exercise ball @ the puter, so I can kind of do sit ups, and side to side hip moves (chair dance) :H
            Also have a "Pilates Magic Circle" ring, I use while I'm on here sometimes.
            I don't do the sitting still thing very well. LOL
            I've told Hubby I'm gonna duct tape the lap top to my elipticle,... but haven't done that, ...yet.

            Hope everybody's having a great day.
            I'm off to get some chores & errands done.

            Welcome back Sunbeam & Delta.:h

            The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


              The mod Squad Weekly Thread: Week of April 27, 2009

              Hey Gang,
              We got home late last night. Got up early enough this morning to shop for groceries, get the kids off to school, and then hubby brought me to the hospital for my biopsy. It was a bit stressful...I got kind of anxious just waiting around to be put under. I kept having these intrusive thoughts about not waking up after the surgery...and how hubby would tell the kids, and morbid things like that. But I did wake up (thank you, God) and wanna know something funny? I woke up all groggy and confused and my first thought was, "oh shit, I drank too much!" What a relief to realize it was just the anesthesia!

              I'm doing okay now. It's 90 degrees here, so I've been resting in the sun while the boys play wiffle ball.

              I missed the check-ins with all off you while I was away. I'm ready for some AF time, now. Later I'll get more caught up and figure out who's with me on that. Love to all, Sara
              "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


                The mod Squad Weekly Thread: Week of April 27, 2009

                Hi Modders

                Where is everyone????

                Seems really quiet on the thread the last few days.

                Vladster where for have thou sunk to? It must be that piano keeping the fingers occupied!! Hope you're feeling better and not beating yourself up - remember where you were this time last year with AL.

                My peace will be shattered early today as husband is due back from trip to Liverpool around 4pm - must get house kicked into shape by then.

                Luv to all


                  The mod Squad Weekly Thread: Week of April 27, 2009

                  Hi all,

                  Trying to cram 5 days into 3 here so just a quick fly bye to say hi -- promise to be around more next week Kid.

                  DM, I hope your Mums surgery was a success? and Sara, how long till you get your results back?

                  Judie, MM, Vladster, Sun .... You guys ROCK!!

                  Mwah, mwah
                  "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                    The mod Squad Weekly Thread: Week of April 27, 2009

                    Hi Everyone,
                    Hope everyone's "over the hump" by now. I had to think for a second what the hell day it was. I get confused while not working.

                    Sunbeam, it's good to see you back, and going back to work and getting into a regular routine will be the best thing for you. I hope you have a good week.

                    Delta Moon - after 60 days, did you struggle with the beast telling you to have a drink or was it your plan? I've read that if we decide not to drink, the beast comes around long before we take that first drink we never planned or intended. Just curious. Hope you're doing ok.

                    Sara, I've been through that many times, and I know how you feel. You had such a busy day back from Florida, then all of that. Let us know the results if you can. Extra prayer for you today.

                    St. Jude - LOL! I can see you at your computer bouncing away. I like that idea! Although I'm sure I'd have too many typos. I was watching the evening news and they had a story on about classrooms that have the bouncy balls instead of chairs for children. They're successful with it! Children are not able to sit still for long, and this keeps them moving and able to concentrate at the same time.

                    Hi Deebee. I go back to work in August. I will be ready by then, I'm sure of it. All of those political acronyms confuse me - IFP/ANC??? If you will, just a little background. I find my government hard enough to understand! And what you said, "You think you're hiding it from the kids, but you're not" is so true. I know that well.

                    Kid? Are you around?

                    MM - Get that house in order! And continue your successful AF run.

                    Everyone, have a great day!
                    Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                      The mod Squad Weekly Thread: Week of April 27, 2009

                      Sarah I am thinking of you today and your biopsy. (actually I am going to pray for you after i'm off the computer). Let us know how things are progressing. I did have a giggle about you waking up thinking you had had too much to drink.
                      To answer your q about my having that drink on Sat. night -I did decide to have a drink and to observe how I felt about it as I was drinking. I believe that awareness is the key here. Be aware as you are moderating and be ever-watchful of the mindless drinking that can lead to setbacks. I realized that I did not like the elevated heart rate and de-motivation that came after that 1 drink. So, for me right now I am choosing to be AF with the occasional MINDFUL imbibing.

                      Hi j-vo I am always so happy to see you here.

                      Deebs- thanks for asking about my mum. She is recovering well after spinal surgery and I am so thankful I was able to travel there to help her.

                      Madmummy- hope having the hubby around is going o.k. Mine travels occasinally and although I miss him it is nice to have the peace and quiet.

                      St. J I was thinking of you as I saw kyakers this past week on the American river.

                      Hello to everyone else!
                      Toughen up!


                        The mod Squad Weekly Thread: Week of April 27, 2009

                        Hi Everyone,
                        It feels so good to be back in my own home! I had planned on a day off today after the breast biopsy yesterday, and I enjoyed it. I took my sweet dog for a good hike, then went to have my nails done, and came home for lunch and a nap before getting the boys from school. When they came home, they played wiffle ball in the back yard. and told me all the details of their days in kindergarten, first and fourth grade. Finally, I lit a fire in our fire pit and they roasted hot dogs and marshmallows on sticks. Happy boys, happy mom, no booze. It's a good life, when I let it be!

                        You all sound pretty good. You okay Vlad? And where's Lila? I'm a bit lost after being away. Thanks for the prayers. I won't know anything for about a week. I'll keep you posted. Love to all, Sara
                        "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


                          The mod Squad Weekly Thread: Week of April 27, 2009

                          Today is my Friday -- yippeeee!!
                          I finish up at lunch time and then it's a long weekend with no plans other than time in the garden and with my family... how cool is that.

                          I still have some unresolved issues at work which I can't see being resolved before lunch so I am just letting them go and I'll deal with them next week. I have learnt, the hard way, that to take un-resolved work issues home with me just causes me anxiety and I don't relax so WTP huh, just leave it at the office and enjoy the weekend.

                          DM, i agree! Being aware and mindful of our actions is the cornerstone to leading a healthy life. My new mission/goal is to be aware of how much refined sugar and white flour I eat and cut back on it drastically. I won't cut it out of my diet all together and I believe everything in moderation but damn I am eating way too much sugar and white bread which I think if I stick to my goal I'll see the kilos being shed easily?!!

                          Sara, I just love the image I have of you and boys around the fire -- that's the stuff that memories are made of.

                          J-Vo, I started writing out a long explaination about SA politics and then saw this which i thought expains it all clearly
                          South Africa's political parties -

                          Right, let me get back to work (for a bit).... I'll catch up with everyone later.
                          "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                            The mod Squad Weekly Thread: Week of April 27, 2009

                            Hi Modders

                            Hubbie back yesterday afternoon, half a pig delivered about the same time...... So all my housework efforts were a little in vain as there were bags of pork joints and other frozen food all over the kitchen and utility while I attempted to persuade piggy to get into the freezer!!! Oh well

                            Son returns tomorrow about 6pm so I have been gradually getting the washing machine in training this week for the terrible struggle it will have tomorrow evening/Sat morning, trying to wash huge quantities of Welsh mud etc from his clothes...

                            Wet and horrible here today although improving for the weekend (Monday is another bank holiday).

                            Hi to Sara, Delta, Deebs and all - have a good day.

                            Has anybody heard from Vlad or Kid lately?


                              The mod Squad Weekly Thread: Week of April 27, 2009

                              Hi and big hugs to all. Have had a busy week. Hate it when it's hard to stay on top of what everyone's doing.
                              Sun-Feel so bad about your beloved dog. Thoughts are with you.
                              Sara-The biopsy stuff is always scary - usually ends up ok from what I've experienced with friends. Keep us informed.
                              Delta-With your help I know your mom had a much better recovery.
                              Vlad-Keep coming here - this place helps keep us strong.

                              I'm busy working on a project and covering for my partner at work, tending to my sons (one struggling with math...yes summer school is around the corner for him) and just keeping up with the house, hubby and pets. 1 dog, 2 cats, 3 rabbits and 1 hamster. And yes...even though the boys help you know who does the majority of the pet work!
                              All my other buddies and anyone lurking have a beautiful rest of the week.

                              "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

                              ~Jack Welsh~:h

                              God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


                                The mod Squad Weekly Thread: Week of April 27, 2009

                                Lurker ready to study the ways...

                                Of the notorious "Mod Squad" :H

                                Finally saying "Hello" to the group that I have watched and admired for so long.
                                I've been lurking and sorta formulating a plan; thinking of eventually being an "occasional" drinker, although I'm FAR from that now!

                                Eve11;603756 wrote:
                                ...anyone lurking have a beautiful rest of the week.


