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The mod Squad Weekly Thread: Week of April 27, 2009

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    The mod Squad Weekly Thread: Week of April 27, 2009

    Good Morning!!!
    Taking the girls to school and then will catch up!!!
    It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
    ~ Charles Spurgeon

    The mod Squad Weekly Thread: Week of April 27, 2009

    Err... hello. That is all.
    Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


      The mod Squad Weekly Thread: Week of April 27, 2009

      Errr???? Hello Vlad!!

      How do you feel today?
      Are you behaving yourself?
      It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
      ~ Charles Spurgeon


        The mod Squad Weekly Thread: Week of April 27, 2009

        Monday morning....ahhhhh.

        Good Morning all,
        You know I LOVE my Mondays!
        After working in the ER all weekend;
        Mondays to me, are like Saturdays to most others.
        MY DAY; to do whatever I choose.

        I got the Honey-haired girl and her friend to school;
        it's my week to drive.
        No hot breakfast for HHG since we are suddenly having "unseasonably warm" temperatures; frost last week; in the 80s today.
        Damn that Global Warming :H...
        Cold cereal with milk and sugar, a banana, cinnamon toast,
        and orange juice.
        The long-haired-previously-mean cat is lying next to me purring
        with one paw touching me (that's my hint to stop typing and start petting).
        I hear a gang of blue jays screaming outside.
        They probably see the other cat.
        The wife is still in bed; I'm halfway through a pot of coffee.

        I have a load of laundry in
        and I caught up the weekend's pile of dishes
        (these things are SO simple and gratifying,
        that I don't consider them "work").

        Well the sun is coming up, and it's hitting me right in the eyes;
        (it must haved moved lately)
        I must get on with my simple and ,hopefully, pleasurable day.
        "The Mod Life is the Good Life"
        Have a wonderful Monday, everyone!!
        ~Kid Shelleen~
        It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
        ~ Charles Spurgeon


          The mod Squad Weekly Thread: Week of April 27, 2009

          I am behaving myself.
          Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


            The mod Squad Weekly Thread: Week of April 27, 2009

            Hey Kid and Vlad - the start of another week. Kid I'm with you regarding Mondays, mine are the same - it can be bliss when the last person leaves for school/work and then it's just me and the cats at home.

            Today is a very wet and miserable Monday here but there is still peace and the place to myself (is it because I'm an only child???).

            Vlad - why are you sheepish???? You don't sound yourself today.

            Day 15 AF for me - halfway there - and actually at the moment that's a bit scary because I really don't know what I'm going to do after 30 days, a large part of me at the moment feels like not drinking again. Just don't know. I'm sure inspiration will come to me....

            Luv to all


              The mod Squad Weekly Thread: Week of April 27, 2009

              It's good to look ahead...

              I don't know whether it's on MWO, or another forum I read,
              that had a thread called "30 what?";
              but we should find something like that for you and the other 30 dayers.
              I'm glad you are looking ahead.
              Doing NOTHING or just waiting to see what happens,
              might not produce the best outcome for you.

              Mad Mummy;601825 wrote: Hey Kid and Vlad - the start of another week. Kid I'm with you regarding Mondays, mine are the same - it can be bliss when the last person leaves for school/work and then it's just me and the cats at home.

              Today is a very wet and miserable Monday here but there is still peace and the place to myself (is it because I'm an only child???).

              Vlad - why are you sheepish???? You don't sound yourself today.

              Day 15 AF for me - halfway there - and actually at the moment that's a bit scary because I really don't know what I'm going to do after 30 days, a large part of me at the moment feels like not drinking again. Just don't know. I'm sure inspiration will come to me....

              Luv to all
              It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
              ~ Charles Spurgeon


                The mod Squad Weekly Thread: Week of April 27, 2009

                MM - my weekend kind of sucked and I had to put a '9' on my Drink Tracker. I've got to get my act together, it's my birthday on Friday.
                Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                  The mod Squad Weekly Thread: Week of April 27, 2009

                  Morning all,
                  Well, I'm officially finished with the classes that were required for taking my sabbatical! I'm happy and proud of myself that I took the "real" classes instead of the online classes. It gave me a chance to practice my new strategies for reducing anxiety-producing situation. Overall, my progress is very good, and I had lots of small successes (I would consider them successes) with my performance in class. I definitely saw an improvement from the beginning of March up to yesterday. I'm patting myself on my back!

                  And it is day 1 for me. I'm going to do a 30 day AF run. There's really nothing to think about regarding that except for marking my 0's down starting today. I will not buy anything for a month, no will I order any al if we go to dinner. It's time to detox and cleanse the body!

                  Vlad, you had a bad night, but you're back on track. We're helping you up right now and giving you support.

                  Kid - you're as positive as ever. You bring so much sunshine to us. Thank you!

                  MM - excellent on your 15 days. You've done so well. I see you're not sure how you want to handle modding after your 30 days is up. Keep reading the different forums here and maybe you can formulate a plan for yourself. There are different forms of modding, so lots to think about. That is something I'll be doing as well for myself once I get through my AF month. I've been doing great during the week (I used to drink almost everyday) and now it is my goal to mod better on the weekends, and move towards the Sunbeam style of occasional drinking. For now, I must just be AF.

                  To all our modder friends, have a great Monday!
                  Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                    The mod Squad Weekly Thread: Week of April 27, 2009

                    Hi Everybody,

                    MM Congrats on day 15!:goodjob: I haven't done that in a loonnng time...
                    I'll bet you're feeling great!

                    Kid, I'm right behind ya. Mondays are my Fridays here. (Well that's if I don't get a call from the Lodge to go paint tomorrow)
                    I guess it doesn't matter... it's suppossed to rain anyway, so I might as well be inside painting & making some $$.

                    Vlad, hope your day gets better. Grab those boot straps, & climb on up.

                    I'm so glad it's spring! Our Jasmin is starting to bloom, the back yard smelling like heaven! Should have a bunch of roses blooming soon too! I watered them all w/miracle Grow yesterday, there's lots of buds ready to bloom in the next week or so...

                    Our Rhododendron out the kitchen window is starting to pop open with some huge blooms too.
                    I just love this time of year!

                    Huge Hugs,
                    The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                      The mod Squad Weekly Thread: Week of April 27, 2009

                      Thanks everyone for your support - I'm sure we'll come up with a plan over the next 15 days!

                      Ouch Vlad, that sounds as if it might have been painful - was it the piano's influence???


                        The mod Squad Weekly Thread: Week of April 27, 2009

                        "If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unimagined in common hours."

                        Henry David Thoreau

                        Just popped open one of my meditation books to this little gem...
                        The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                          The mod Squad Weekly Thread: Week of April 27, 2009

                          Hi Friends,
                          I'm back after a few days of mourning our long-time furry friend. Yesterday afternoon I spent visiting neighbors who had connected with our dog during her life. It was actually fun and heart-warming, hearing their stories. She was an escape artist, especially when she was young, whenever anyone opened the door. One time she zoomed across the street, around to the back screen porch, and crashed through a torn screen door to eat pizza with them! So my husband and I are moving on and away from feeling sorrowful, imagining her chasing rabbits in doggie heaven, and grateful for how she enriched our lives. Thanks so much for all your consoling words and messages.

                          Meanwhile it is back at work, busy evenings too. Our pastor is leaving, we found out last week, and rodents built a nest in the "engine harness" of my husband's new car. Insurance will pay for the damage, minus a deductible. All of this was last week, so this week will definitely be much better.

                          I got a very long hug from a first grade girl who was not exactly cooperative with me on Friday. So sweet.

                          Mad Mummy, drinking isn't all that great, I think. I do understand those who decide to bag it for good. It is good you are considering quitting for good, you are imagining life without alcohol is a very good thing. I think to be long-term successful with moderate drinking, it works best if you don't "have" to drink. Is that making any sense to anyone?

                          Take care, all
                          My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                            The mod Squad Weekly Thread: Week of April 27, 2009

                            Welcome back, Sunbeam...

                            Sunbeam;602088 wrote: I think to be long-term successful with moderate drinking, it works best if you don't "have" to drink. Is that making any sense to anyone?

                            You ALWAYS make sense to us, Sweetheart...We're glad you are back.
                            It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
                            ~ Charles Spurgeon


                              The mod Squad Weekly Thread: Week of April 27, 2009

                              MM, when I finished doing 30 days AF the first time, i didn't have a plan together on how I was going to approach moderate drinking and TBH I was loving my new found AF-ness so I did another 30 days AF. I think that's one of the most powerful things about going 30 days AF is we are allowing ourselves time to think without AL affecting our judgement. The answer's will come -- have faith.

                              Sun, [QUOTE] rodents built a nest in the "engine harness" of my husband's new car[QUOTE] How on earth does that happen??

                              Vladster, some TLC's in order this week... lots of water and Milk thistle tea. BTW how is the piano?

                              OH FOR CRYING IN A BUCKET!! I just lost the rest of my post $#$#$%^^*&%%$#@ IT!!!
                              "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"

