I don't mean to discourage you from posting whatever is on your mind - that's why we all come here. I have also enjoyed the stories about your kiddos, doing things, the outdoor activities, all of that. But it isn't what stands out in my mind when I think of you. I want everyone to experience the same happiness I have, but that doesn't always happen.
Please do whatever you need to do to take care of yourself. You definitely are a part of this group, we care about you, and miss you when you don't post.
Now on to my issues: I drank too much yesterday afternoon on our patio. A whole bottle of wine, 5 on my Drink Tracker. For the first part I was with my husband sharing food and wine, but then I kept going. Yuck! That's how I feel today. Stomach cramps, the runs, all of that. Next time I will ask him to bring up just one bottle. We started with a partial bottle, so both bottles were upstairs. I don't go downstairs anymore to get more wine, but if it is upstairs, I am quite likely to drink it. I have not developed the restraint that most of you seem to have that enables you to stop at one or two. I also experienced memory loss: I responded to a friend's email, and somehow spilled a lot of water in the computer room: I found two wet towels all wadded up, and my husband knows nothing about them. I ate half a carton of ice cream, and went to sleep (passed out) on the sofa. I didn't say anything bad, but I have no memory of these events.