((Sun)) I hope your tummy has settled and you feel stronger today. No words of wisdom from me -- Just helping you up by the bra-straps.
Sara - I wish we lived closer so we could meet for a cuppa coffee and have a good ole bitch session about men!! LOL I love my hubby dearly (most of the time) and yes, our relationship is strong but let me tell you that is hasn't always been like that. We were married for 10 years before my hubby voluntarily said "I Love You". I would always be the one to say it and he would reply with "ditto". About 5 years ago he told me he loves me and when I asked why now? He said that I wasn't my own person before now. On the whole I am content but there are also times... days even, where I am upset about something he's said or done and I just don't know how to deal with it. Sharing that here has always helped me.
Please stay with us and keep posting -- you are very important to me and the whole squad.
Last night I drank a glass of wine in anger! The daughter has upset me and made me so angry with something stupid she's done and I turned to AL.
I know it's only one glass -- but my rule of checking HALT before pouring that one glass went straight out of the window.
I know that those with teenagers (especially daughters) will understand how worrying and upsetting life can be around them most of the time.
I do also know that I should be more compassionate and listen - really listen to her but I can't at the moment, I am just seeing red:upset:
On a happier note -- tonight is my first NIA class -- ooooh I am super nervous of making a royal nana of myself:H and the daughter has asked if she can join me, so I'll report back in the morning.
Have a great Monday everyone.