Hi modders,
Eve, where did you go for your b-day? Sounds like you must have had a great time. I loved having teenagers around. Call me crazy? I think it was my favorite time with my boys. Definitely not always a smooth ride, but I do like teens with their creative minds and vibrant spirits. Remember that for us as parents, this stage is the ?last hurrah? :happy:before they spread their wings and move out on their own. A very important time for them (and us). I missed them sooo much when they left home. It was quite a grieving process for me.
DeeBee, have a safe and productive trip. What nasty stories. Makes my heart ache.
Moo, I am not a cow lover so much as having a love and respect for animals of all kinds (plants too). I have read some of your other posts about your exercise and eating habits. All of that combined was where I was coming from. I did see some cows yesterday and it made me smile as I thought of you. :l
Along those lines, after 23 years as a RE appraiser, it takes quite a special house to make me say ?WoW?, and I saw one yesterday! I only wish Zed was still around to appreciate my discussion as well. This place was typical looking on the outside but inside had beautiful interior finishes. The most impressive was the master suite. There was a waterfall and koi pond in the master bedroom surrounded by many om symbols etched into the rock walls. The bamboo floors led to an indoor salt water pool. Beneath the master was the most beautiful bathroom I have ever seen with incredible green marble tiles, several with the om symbol etched into them. This tile was backlit allowing the lines and colors to show at their best. There was of course a sauna/steam room, jetted tub, oversized shower with multiple heads, etc. I actually asked the owner if I could be his little sister and come over and practice yoga by his waterfall and koi pond. He just laughed; I think that was a ?no?.
I am not happy with myself after having 3 glasses of wine last night. I want and need to get back on track with my moderating. It just feels like an overwhelming task for me right now. I am so embarrassed to even bring it up because I was doing so well. I don?t want circumstances in my life to interfere the way I feel it has. I think that I should have been stronger through everything and I am angry with myself. I am seeing a counselor which really helps. I have a meeting with the DA tomorrow to go over the police report and the upcoming trial. I am very nervous about it and maybe that?s why I didn?t show control last night. I really must have a clear head tomorrow though. So tonight I plan to be AF.
I hope that everyone is doing well.
