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Tool Box for successful modding

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    Tool Box for successful modding

    So, we have a wonderful "toolbox" in abs which got me thinking today that not all of it applies to us modders.
    Many of us have listed our goals and plans but WHAT tools are we using??

    Me, I still take my L-Glut in the morning and evening -- this is more to help with carb cravings than AL but it kills two birds with one stone.
    I'm also taking a combo of L-Theanine, 5-HTP and magnesium for anxiety, sleep and I believe it also helps with anger issues -- my DH will beg to differ:H as well as my usual Omega Oils, Vit C and Milk Thistle.

    Another thing that has been very important to my journey is to check in and post daily my thoughts, irritations, worries and successes... being a part of this group has been one of my biggest joys since joining here last year.

    I have finally included exercise into my program. This is still too erratic for me to really reap the benefits or begin to loose weight, but what has been a surprise is how much I am enjoying it -- it's not a chore I view with disdain anymore. I wish I had've tried Yoga many years ago as it's something I am really benefiting from.

    My toolbox is forever changing and being edited as I learn more about myself and where I want to be in life.....

    What do you have in your toolbox??
    "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"

    Tool Box for successful modding

    To drink moderately, one needs to learn that you don't need or deserve a drink. That is best learned by going at least 30 days Alcohol Free, more time is better. To be successful, select strategies that appeal to you from the abstinence toolbox at this link:

    Use of Drink Tracker is a great tool. It lets me know exactly how much I have been drinking. If I go over my limits, I know how frequently that happens. Honesty is a big part of healing from alcohol abuse.

    Reading and posting here is kind of like a public journal of my thoughts regarding drinking. I can post my thoughts to understand what I am thinking, and see the responses of others. I can learn from the experiences of others with whom I have things in common. It is a tremendous learning tool.

    Learn your triggers, emotional and environmental. Drinking alone and drinking when I was feeling down were two very bad habits of mine. NO MORE!

    I used to drink to relax, and still do occasionally, but there are much better ways to do this. Google "Relaxation Strategies" for ideas, consider meditation like the CD's available through MWO. I still relish relaxing times in my favorite chair, indoors or out, but now my glass is usually filled with flavored seltzer. That brings me to:

    Find a replacement beverage for alcohol. Use your same drinking glass, re-create the experience without alcohol.

    Be grateful for the good things in life instead of drowning in your sorrows. The problems will always be there, but alcohol makes them worse every time. You DON'T deserve a drink.

    It has helped me to usually keep my frequency of consumption to weekly or less. That way all of the alcohol gets out of my system before I have another drink. When I drank more frequently than that, the cravings seemed to accumulate. I didn't reallly feel in control. Even though I mostly didn't drink too much, I ended up drinking when I really had other things I wanted to accomplish or enjoy.

    Find new interests, or re-invest in old ones. I definitely don't want to drink my life away.

    Eating healthy foods and exercising regularly are also important.

    Thanks, Deebs, for starting this. I have thought many times we should do this.
    My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


      Tool Box for successful modding

      What's in my toolbox

      I'm going to follow your order DeeBee. I was never a daily drinker so I never had a fear of d.t.s or anything like that like some folks may experience who come here and are very heavy daily drinkers. I did get the kudzu when I became a member and bought the L-glut but have to say I don't take either religiously. I did notice in the beginning that when I went over my desired limit I could always look back and see that I had not taken the L-glut or kudzu but can't honestly say taking them would have made a difference. Haven't researched it on myself well enough but sometimes just the placebo effect (thinking it will help) may make it worthwhile. I do take fish oil and a multiple vitamin daily.

      I also check in and post weekly and often times daily or every other day at least. I find this group totally supportive and awesome and look forward to hearing how everyone is doing in their personal lives as well as their daily struggles with AL.

      I don't exercise as often as my counterpart Adam12 but I do try to make it to the gym at least twice a week. We also have a big dog we walk daily when the weather isn't 110. I walk a lot at work (not a sedentary job) and know the endorphins really kick in with exercise so I highly recommend it to everyone to excercise.

      I have tried to develop other passions rather than drinking. I have gotten into reading a LOT of books on alcoholism trying to learn all that I can so I can post information that is researched and honest.

      I have tried to keep a humble view on my moderating as it's been fun to post how "the mod life is the good life" as Kid would say but I have always wanted to be humble in that regard as I know many folks that come here cannot and should not moderate and I don't want to plant seeds that it's all "fun and games". There's a big responsiblity that comes with moderating - to oneself and to others and I want to always keep that in mind.

      Like Deebee my toolbox is forever changing and being edited as I learn more about myself. I have recently learned and believe that drinking IS more a habit than anything else. I used to be in the habit of finishing every bottle of wine that I started. I have recently concluded that I am in the habit of thinking I should drink every Friday and Saturday night and every vacation night is o.k. and have become realistic (esp. with the vacations) that there are too many vacation nights and have determined that now that habit has got to change. I know the support here can help me get on track with those new goals.

      Moderating is a work in progress (as our friend W.I.P. was so aptly named).

      Thanks for the thread Deebee and now I'll ask the next person your question:

      What do you have in your toolbox??
      "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

      ~Jack Welsh~:h

      God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


        Tool Box for successful modding

        Meditation has been a new tool that I learnt -- (taught to me by our friend Wip)
        Having the descipline to sit every morning for even 5 minutes has taught me a lot about myself. Sitting has not come naturally to me and I often just itch to get up and walk away... this has been a great lesson in self-awareness
        I joined the Tricycle 90 day challenge which seriously was a challenge -- I didn't realise the commitment I was making when I signed up for it. In all honesty I probably sat for half the time.
        The Audio Dharma website is also a useful tool for meditation -- it has some wonderful guided meditations. I downloaded them onto my iPod and listen to them when I travel.

        audio dharma
        "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


          Tool Box for successful modding

          I think the tool that I use the most is H.A.L.T.
          I try not to drink if I am HUNGRY, ANGRY, LONELY, OR TIRED.
          This is a great tool to use -- it can literally stop me in my tracks when i am having thoughts about pouring a drink and realise that it's not really the booze that I want but rather a sandwich, or punch a pillow, a hug or a nap.
          "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"

