ARRRRRRRRGH! Stupid ear.
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Mod Squad - July Thread!!!
Mod Squad - July Thread!!!
J-Vo, congrats on overcoming the "stinkin thinkin"!! I was thinking of you yesterday when DH and FIL dragged me to the golf shop and I was watching a group of woman trying out different putters and having a blast..... the daughter and I made noises about taking up golf much to DH's horror LOL it would sure put a grinding halt to his 19th hole antics if I were hanging about.
Vladster, what is up with your ear -- that doesn't sound good? Are you going to see the Doc about it?
Peri, I just loved reading your post the shift you experienced -- the Law of Attraction is a powerful thing. Have you ever read " Ask and it is given" by Ester and Jerry Hicks? I think you might enjoy it.
(LOL I just read Eve's post and see she's also suggested it)
Sun, have a wonderful get-away. Where are you going?
Eve, my FIL is here for the weekend and I've always known him to be a heavy drinker but jeez, yesterday blew my mind a bit. We were all up and at the farmers market from early in the morning and went shopping for bits and bobs and ended up back home at about 10am. There was a big rugby game on yesterday which they were hanging around waiting for so the first drink was poured at 10:30am and he only finished drinking at 9pm... wow but that was a LOT of brandy.
My MIL is away in Scottland visiting my SIL at the moment so FIL has been left to his own devices for 6 weeks and he was complaining that his liver can't handle it -- well stop drinking then, duh!!
Well on a happier note, i am feeling slightly calmer than I was on Friday. I had a minor accident in the rental car and ended up damaging the front wheel and hub cap -- this on it's own I would've been able to handle but with all the other crap that had happened in the last two weeks it was just too much for me. When I dropped the car back at the airport there was this huge chap with his clip board who came over to ask me if everything had been alright, only to have me burst into tears and mumble something about breaking their car .... I have to giggle now when I think of what I must've looked like but at the time it was no laughing matter. So, now I wait to hear from the car rental company how much I owe them (sigh)
Today, whilst the boys play golf I am going to pot around in my garden, it feels like ages since I did that and then my Mum and sister are coming up to fetch the daughter who is going to stay with them for the week YAY.
Hope you are all having a wonderful mod weekend."The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"
Mod Squad - July Thread!!!
Well, my 4th of July was not as expected. I picked my sister up for a pincic in a park. On the way out of her apartment building, she fell as she stooped to pull out a weed. She popped out her new hip joint, so we spent the day in ER, waiting her turn for an orthopedic surgeon to pop it back together. It took anesthesia, but no scalpel cuts, no actual surgery. I picked her up at 11:00 a.m., got her home about 9:00 p.m. She is now pain-free, doing fine.
My husband and I are off to the Juniper Hill Inn in Trumansburg NY. Google it if you like, it sounds lovely. The rain has finally relented, and I expect we will have a lovely time.My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.
Mod Squad - July Thread!!!
"What I do right now is what is important. "
I think that is it right there. It is present-moment thinking that leads to inner happiness and peace, I believe. Running scenarios from the past or worrying about how the future will pan out, causes immense internal anxiety and as you say, what can we do about either past or future. Nothing. So why waste time living the past and future and forgetting to live in the now. I think when that thought strikes you, you start to get calmer. It takes effort and practice to get used to living in the now. Its a habit we all have listening to the inner commentary, but once we learn to ignore it, things radically improve.
Sounds like you are doing great.
Love moo"The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
but in what direction we are moving."
Mod Squad - July Thread!!!
DeeBee and Sun,
Sorry about the mishaps my friends!! Hope all is going better.
Wanted to share my Moderating Success Story from the big party.
Stuck to my 2 glasses of wine. Was interesting to watch others drink with abandon. One
lady was on her 6th beer and the hostess was getting her another one. About an hour later when the fireworks were in full display she came over with a new beer in hand. Have to say she never did look drunk though. High tolerance that one. Kind of like your FIL DeeBee!
Another lady (who was pleasantly drunk when we arrived) was singing as she was taking her chair back to the patio after the fireworks display and my son said “What’s up with her mom? Is she an alcoholic?" My, my. Just glad they’re not saying that about me anymore.
A young man whose mother was my son's teacher a few years ago was at the party (toward the end of the party) and recognized me and started talking to me. I was so grateful to have full composure and not be drunk and slurring my words like in the old days. Those days thankfully are over. And if they were to continue that would be the day I threw in the towel and went AF.
We're off to CA again. Going to focus more on the ocean than drinking.
Eve11"Control your destiny or somebody else will"
~Jack Welsh~:h
God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:
Mod Squad - July Thread!!!
Progressed to 6 days AF
Hi All,
As :new: I will not address you individually, suffice it to say I find all of your posts most encouraging and supportive and am of course sorry for those of you who have had a few mishaps along the way.
Delighted to say I have now reached Day 6 AF, the weekend was a challenge and on Thursday I was invited to a drinks/chat get-together, I cannot believe I drank water while everybody else sipped their wine as they always do (I always guzzle and cannot control it) it was soooo good to wake up next morning without the mortification of falling asleep and not remembering the end of the evening, I am so pleased I have found MWO and all of you wonderful, non-judgemental people. A Big :thanks:------------------------------
one hour at a time
Mod Squad - July Thread!!!
Good morning, All
Welcome, winelover - I'm sure you'll enjoy your stay here :welcome:
I had a fantastic weekend - the weather in Cape Town was magnificent, and we got out of the house quite a bit. The only thing is that my wallet is a lot lighter today and still no sign of my baclofen order...
I hope everyone will have a fantastic week, with no unforseen mishaps.
Take care
TipI'll do whatever it takes
AF 21/08/2009
Mod Squad - July Thread!!!
Sun, I hope your sister has recovered fully -- that sounded nasty. I googled Juniper Hill and it looks so divine.... how beautiful are those rooms!!
Nothing too exciting to report from my side ... the daughter left yesterday and the FIL left this morning so it's just DH and I for the night and then he leaves tomorrow for CPT. I have managed to get a whack of work done and now I'm daydreaming out of the window thinking about all I am grateful for in my life.
Hope everyone is having a mellow Monday:-)"The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"
Mod Squad - July Thread!!!
Hey, Deebs
I thought you were joining DH on trip to CT? At least you would have set foot in one of the more decent places in SA (I'm a snob, I know :H)
Good to hear you're in a better space than last week! No car accidents today? HeheheheI'll do whatever it takes
AF 21/08/2009
Mod Squad - July Thread!!!
Welcome Wine Lover and Sun - hope your sister's feeling better after her incident!
Was playing my balalaika at church last night with the group - we thought no one was going to come, I think only 4-5 people turned up (besides the 8 of us in the group + my hubby and the local preacher). Everyone was watching Wimbledon I guess...Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message
Mod Squad - July Thread!!!
tiptronic_ct;656395 wrote: Hey, Deebs
I thought you were joining DH on trip to CT? At least you would have set foot in one of the more decent places in SA (I'm a snob, I know :H)
Good to hear you're in a better space than last week! No car accidents today? Hehehehethe efficiency here is SA always amuses me!!
DH leaves tomorrow for CPT and I'll go down on Thurs.... we hook up on Fri lunch time for our "dirty weekend" and fly back early am Mon.
He called me just now, so excited because he'd got tickets to the rugby on Saturday HUMRPF!! That's not very romantic now, is it"The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"
Mod Squad - July Thread!!!
Thank you everyone for the encouragement.
I had a working weekend. We are still getting the ?old? house ready to be listed for sale. It?s crunch time so we painted all Saturday and Sunday and we?re back for more today. I am sore today (but not hung over ? yea!). We did sip some high quality tequila last night after working for two days.
Sun, Have a wonderful trip!
Eve, I remember looking at that ?2-faced? woman (lol). It took me a long time to see the old woman. All I could see was the young woman. I had to dig deep. Once I finally saw her, it was there, and I was like, how could I not have seen that. Thank you for reminding me of that! Good for you to stick to your mod plan! So you?re off to the beach!? I can?t keep up with you? I am jealous though!
Moo, yes, living in the now certainly makes more sense. I won?t say that I?ve arrived and will never worry about yesterday or tomorrow. But, yea, I do feel there?s been a shift in the right direction.
DeeBee, the ?dirty weekend?? I?m not sure just what that is. But it sounds? well dirty! Hope you have a great time of it! Good luck with the car. Sounds like you might need to be reading the same books as me!
Vlad, I was thinking about asking you about your balalaika (I still love that word) and then you bring it up! I did look one up on-line some time back and found a link with sound. It has a very nice sound to it. I haven?t had much time for my guitar playing lately but hope to get back to it soon. Plus I got a mandolin for Christmas, which I had been wanting for a number of years, and haven?t had a chance to learn much on it yet. I will need to make time for those things when we get the house listed.
Wine Lover, congrats on your 6 days AF! That is fantastic! I can believe that you drank water. All of us here have done similar things. You don?t have to just have water either. Many of us have come up with some creative things to drink that make us feel like we are being festive. For example, I have had sparkling apple juice in a beer glass, or non-al bubbly pomegranate juice in a wine glass. It?s just something to consider as an alternate.
Hey tip!
Hope everyone has a wonderful week!
periwinkleEven baby mountain goats must learn to tackle the smallest mountains first. sigpic
Mod Squad - July Thread!!!
Well I seem to have had a couple of days of losing the plot. I hope the end is in site. I had a bought of anxiety on sunday so strong that it had me looking up liver disease on the net for eight hours straight. I am delighted to say that today I was too busy in work to do anything like that, but I had a feeling on general anxt all morning. SO got L-Theatine in lunch time thanks to another thread I wrote and a kind contributor.
Anyway i think it helped a bit. Sometimes when you google thread/spider veins it will tell you that you are dying of liver disease and there is no other possibility!!! And other times in equally sensible and reliable articles it doesnt even mention this!!!! I would add I have two of these, they are small on my nose and my DAD (who doesnt drink) as LOTS! I have aslo noted them on a couple of my friends!! I had had some AL the night before (bloody wine) and had a slight headache. That seemed to kick it off along with Mr Moo forgetting to text to say he was ok when out with his mates over night (when he normally would) so was bit concerned by that...but it just esculated. I also "came on" today!!! God this is awful. I dont know what to think or what to blame. Or whether to try and mod or what.
love you all"The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
but in what direction we are moving."
Mod Squad - July Thread!!!
Peri - I'd like a mandolin, oh and a banjo - but I'd just be filling up my house with instruments!!!
I've had a pretty miserable day - felt like I've been upsetting everyone. It all started first thing this morning at work - a colleague was laughing at me, because I coughed and it sounded rather funny, and I replied laughingly, 'Oh shut up, leave me and my cough alone.' Of course, she took it the wrong way and I upset her. Sheesh! She was the one laughing at my misfortune in the first place!!! Then I think I'd offended someone at church over poster issues because of a suggestion I'd made... then someone else at church made me feel bad because we've lost 2 government grants because of the new councillor that got voted in. Of course I was one of the people who voted him in!!! So today really sucked. Probably just the devil wanting to make me feel bad about myself - he's good at that. Nevermind, determined Tuesday will be better.
Moo - sounds like you've had a few naf days too. I used to have spider veins on my nose - since I stopped drinking gallons of vodka they went away. I also have a condition known as Terry's Nails (from when I had hyperthyroidism - now it isn't so apparent anymore) but if you look that up, apparently it's linked to cirrhosis of the liver!!!Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message