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Mod Squad - July Thread!!!

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    Mod Squad - July Thread!!!

    J-vo, I think your struggle with alcohol is like mine with food. I only have 10-15# I want to lose, have not succeeded yet but I keep improving my habits. I will get there sometime. I will not go on a diet, which is short-term.
    My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


      Mod Squad - July Thread!!!

      that's a good analogy. Yes, I keep trying. I am improving. Not yet where I wanna be. I will get there, eventually.
      Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


        Mod Squad - July Thread!!!

        Morning Modders!!

        So, this morning at 6:23am we finally broke ground and began our building WHOOHOO I am so super excited and hyped up!!
        It was all a bit of a surprise as we thought the builder had been delayed for months so ofcourse we were caught with our pants down and nothing was prepared -- the daughter and I spent last night cleaning out the shed that needed to be demolished, deciding what was to go to the dump and what we wanted in storage. I can't believe how quickly they have demolished the area!!

        On a more serious note, I am writing up my goals and plan for August -- I have my doubts this time as to whether I really can go AF for 30 days. I'm definetly nervous and keep having "stinkin thinking" thoughts saying "what for?".... ME! I just have to do this for me. I am in a place right now where I am beginning to not like myself again and I just refuse to let all my damn hard work over the last year go to waste.

        So, onward and upward gang!!

        How is everyone doing today??
        "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


          Mod Squad - July Thread!!!

          Morning all,

          Deebee, are you building an addition to your home? I know you've been talking about this at times, but I can't remember exactly what you're doing. How long will it take?

          I'm up early and out today. I'm going to my classroom to pick up some books and to see if they have my laptop ready. I haven't been there since the end of January! I'm ready!

          I was going to walk this morning, but it's rainy. Later on, my Mom and Dad will be coming to stay with me for 5 days. They've been staying with my sister. Just a little stress, that's all. Tonight if the weather improves, it's off to my third golf lesson.

          That's really all here.

          I have one week after my folks leave until I go on vacation. I'd like to make a pact with someone not to drink all week. Is there anyone here that can do that? If you're interested, let me know.

          Have a super day!
          Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


            Mod Squad - July Thread!!!

            Yes J-Vo I will definitely pact with you for that. I have had a couple of days where I have had a couple of glasses of wine when I hadnt meant to ...mod amounts were fine, but I need to get back on track. Things with family are close to impossible at the moment, so I need to get myself sorted and deal with this AF,.......lets do it. Are we starting today?
            "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
            but in what direction we are moving."


              Mod Squad - July Thread!!!

              J-vo, I think the pact would start Monday August 3, through and including Friday August 7, is that correct? You can count me in for those dates.

              Deebs, you remember I met you on the August thread a year ago. I was not successful in that 30-day attempt, nor have I tried to go AF for that length of time since then. I completely understand the "drinkin' thinkin'" that I have done my time already, don't need to do it again. For me, AF weekdays are mostly a no-brainer, and AF weekends happen without too much angst, since I do them regularly. As long as I usually meet my goals of drinking no more than once a week, and an AF weekend per month, I have more flexibility about when I might choose to drink. That is just what works for me, I know we are all different.

              Moo, good choice to stay AF in times of stress. We need to chill out, but the alcohol can sometimes backfire.
              My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                Mod Squad - July Thread!!!

                Hey Everyone,
                Just popping in to say hi. I've been moderating fairly well, until tonight, when I drank a whole bottle of wine myself. I guess that's why I'm here. Why is it that I can do so well for so long and then I am over-taken with the desire to keep intensify the buzz and to hang on to it? I feel like a complete failure tonight. But I chose to do this, I know.

                Miss you all, and Kid, too. Sara
                "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


                  Mod Squad - July Thread!!!

                  Well, I'm back here tonight. Mom and Dad are here and all is well.

                  I went to my classroom today and cleaned up the mess that the substitute left from being in there for 5 months. I found a missing computer and my principal was extremely pleased as they were going to have to charge the woman who took my place. I cleaned up the mess, got my lists together and felt great about it.

                  My golf lesson was cancelled due to rain. Oh well, still upbeat and happy to be employed!!! Wierd. I would have never said that six months ago.

                  Moo, I was thinking of pacting beginning the 2nd (this coming Sunday) until Sat. the 8th. Can you do this?

                  Sun, yes, you're correct. That's the week. Hop on board. I need you. I love your modding goals and that is where I want to be. Once per week, weekdays are a no-brainer, and one weekend a month AF. That is the best plan, and one I want to do.

                  Welcome Sara. Congrats on moderating so well. You've done so well for a long time, and it's inevitable that we lose like that, but almost more inevitable that we get back on the wagon quicker and quicker.

                  Hi everyone.

                  Back into work to put up bulletin boards!!!! I also went out and bought fake plants that look real! Like palm trees! They'll make my room look so warm and comfortable. I love a homey classroom.

                  Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                    Mod Squad - July Thread!!!

                    Well for me I will be AF the rest of this week and the plan is to be AF over this weekend too. But I am happy to run with an AF week from the 2nd J-Vo and Sunbeam and anyone else that wants to do it too. I am really hoping to be AF now until 29th August, but I am also mindful that I am in a bad place at present and I am going to take it a week at a time.

                    I hope everyone is OK. I am sorry I am not participating very much at the moment. Times, they is not good. My head feels as though it is on backwards and all the normal good things I do for myself are a struggle. I have eaten everything that has not been nailed down for three days due to stress Today we seem to be entering a new phase. I had tears before breakfast (not like me at ALL) and then couldnt eat breakfast, so hopefully the eating has stopped! It took every once of strength I had to get up and go to work today. I would not say I am an overly emotional person, but family stuff always gets me right in the heart.

                    Thanks for listening friends....

                    Love MOO
                    "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
                    but in what direction we are moving."


                      Mod Squad - July Thread!!!

                      Just a quick fly-by to say HI -- it's a bit crazy around here at the mo and I'm off to the Docs so will report back in a bit later.
                      "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                        Mod Squad - July Thread!!!

                        G'morning everyone,
                        I have been mulling the status of our little group here:

                        Moo, I am sorry to hear your life is down at the moment, but it does make you more human to the rest of us. We are all here together for a reason: a big one is that we have relied on alcohol to get us through the stresses of life. Maybe as Eve mentioned it is occasionally still OK to do that, to relieve that stress valve. But if it becomes a habit, then you may go right back where you started.

                        Sara, Eve calls that bottle comsumption event Vampire drinking. A bottle is too much for anyone's good health and well-being, but if it happens once a year is that OK? If yes, then how about twice a year, three times? Just what is the limit? And where do we start being truly unsuccessful? I have no answers, these thoughts are just floating through my mind.

                        But all progress does count (as I keep telling J-vo), and I believe we have all made great strides in controlling alcohol. I think it is most important to have strategies in place to deal with the daily stresses of life. DeeBee's HALT acronym (hungry, angry, lonely, tired) is helpful, but what about stress from other cumulative sources?

                        OK, I'm done rambling. I'm off to a beautiful day: yoga class, buying flowers direct from a grower's field, then some wine with a friend. Tomorrow I will pick blueberries with another friend. I try to pick and freeze enough to last all year, but it never is enough because I eat them every morning with my oatmeal.
                        My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                          Mod Squad - July Thread!!!

                          I feel like such a twat for not catching up on the news before posting yesterday -- I'm so sorry Moo that you are having a rough time of it. Be kind to yourself today.
                          I"m here if you wanna chat, okay!!

                          Sun, sometimes it totally does my head in when I'm thinking of our little group and pondering everyones sucess/trials/news and then realise that we've never met before but we have such a strong bond. Amazing!!

                          J-Vo, you are sounding fantastic girlfriend!! All fired up and ready to tackle the world:-)
                          I wish my daughter had a wonderful caring teacher like you.

                          Vladster, how is the conservatory coming along? Are they finished yet?
                          My house looks very much like a building site at the mo. I've taken some (LOL lots) of pics so I'll post them when I get a chance to download. I'm still super excited and even the red mud being trapsed through my lounge is not dampering my spirits.

                          Eve, I am really learning alot about just how damaging sugar is to us. I can't understand why there aren't more restrictions on the manufacturer of "fast foods" to use alternatives.
                          I do believe that sugar is playing a huge role in my cravings as well as my mood swings.

                          The Doc appointment went well -- plumbing got the all-clear:-) I also spoke to the Doc about my drinking and excessive eating. We discussed me trying Baclofen on a trial period to see whether it will help with both (the research does suggest that it will work for both AL and eating disorders).
                          My goal is still to drink moderately, on special occassions. I don't know if there is anyone else on the Bac threads who's goal is to mod so it'll be interesting to see.
                          BillP made a comment about if someone needs medication to stop drinking then in his opinion they won't be able to drink moderately -- I think he definetly has a point but I'd like to prove him wrong:-)

                          So today is the last day of July, geez, how quick the month has gone!!
                          I'm looking forward to August -- it'll be filled with lots of challenges, new goals and stax of F.U.N.

                          TGIF Modders~!!
                          "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                            Mod Squad - July Thread!!!

                            Well Modders as DEEBS says its the last day of the month. This monthly thread has been a triumph. I for one really like it and think we should keep it monthly, much easier to keep up with thoughts and peoples lives....

                            DEEBS...thanks for being there for me- you are a mate.

                            Today started off with yet another flood of tears, but yet again I made it to work somehow. On the upside, I have managed to speak with the relevant family and get SOME stuff sorted out, a bit. I can at least see light at the end of the tunnel now. For this reason, I am glad its the last day of the month as it seems signicant, in that I can mentally draw a line under this week and see tomorrow as a fresh month, fresh start. I am slowly starting to put myself back together. I have taken the afternoon out of the diary and once this is typed I am going to the gym (first time this week, not pleased with myself, but getting back at least).

                            I was AF wed and thurs as normal and plan to be AF tonight. Small question mark over saturday, although I am really keen to try and be AF until 29th August. Sometimes there are moments in life when perfection cannot be achieved and getting through the day is the priority. This last week has been one of the most stressful times emotionally I have had in a very very long time and it is a testiment to this site and my progress that I have dealt with it mostly AF, but been able to have a couple of glasses of wine to unwind on two days without getting pissed or over doing it too much, The change is incredible. I want to thank you all for helping me to get there.

                            Love to in AUgust x x x
                            "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
                            but in what direction we are moving."


                              Mod Squad - July Thread!!!

                              Just be AWARE of your feelings if you do drink on Saturday Moo -- it's times like these where we can let our guard down and go over our limit. But saying that, you have already thought it through, you have a plan so you will be just fine:-)
                              "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                                Mod Squad - July Thread!!!

                                Be AWARE!

                                After thinking about what you said DEEBS and thinking that I wanted to draw a line under this week and start August fresh AND I wanted to not drink through AUGUST (partly to support you and partly because its a really great challenge), I decided to treat myself to a couple of glasses of wine tonight and not saturday.

                                I am doing this because after it all, I have had a good day, since about 11am I have been thinking clearly, getting positve, been to the gym and I am feeling I have not needed to drink even though the last two days have been unbearable.That is the right time to have a drink, not because its a saturday.

                                I am therefore being AWARE of my feelings and know that I can handle it well tonight and that then I have no excuses to not get August right. I also want to do the PACT with J-VO starting 2nd August. So tonight, I am gonna have a mod night and then thats it for a while....heres to AUGUST.

                                Once again DEEBS...thanks GIRL you made me think about what was the best plan du jour!

                                love Moo
                                "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
                                but in what direction we are moving."

