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33 Days, thanks MWO

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    33 Days, thanks MWO

    I'm a self employed farmer, male 45 years old, college educated, married no kids, just cats, border collie, cows, sheep. I can't believe it but I made 30 days.
    It's been an amazing month for I haven't drank once.
    or had to lie about my behavior.
    Joined MWO many months ago, knew I was in trouble, lbut kept drinking,
    always at night, behind my wife's back, 10-12 ounces of vodka every night.
    Even when I promised her I quit, I could not and continued to drink.
    Saw my doctor for a skin injury and blood preassure was so high he gave me
    a prescription (Prescription warned against drinking while taking).
    Doc said "I would be dead in 10 years with my BP if I did not bring them down.
    Kept drinking for 6 months, through the holidays, winter time stumbling around, blackouts,
    empty juice drinks hidden all over the house, barn, closets, truck.
    Bought a blood preasure reading meter at walmart, my numbers we
    still wicked high, 164/123. Went back doctor, told him AL was becoming a problem
    ( ha ha) in my life/marriage, he could not help me and sent me to a psycologist who happily took my co-pays, listened to my life story, caused me to have a nervous breakdown, recommended I get my butt into a rehab center.......I did not go to REHAB I quit going to the psycologist. Started going to a men's AA meeting for 3 months ashamedly.
    Continued to drink my vodka hoping wife would not smell it on me. I got caught by her again for lying. Wife locked me out of the house. I was really high standing outside my house in the Rain whe a suitcase nearly hit me in the face. What did the neighbors think?
    Found a cheap hotel, checked in andthen walked 3 miles in the rain to a grocery that sold vodka, walked back to hotel(I did not drive my car as I knew I was very high), mixed 3 strong cranberry cocktails in the bushes on the walk back to the no tell hotel. My last drink was upon waking up the next morning at 7am in this shit hole on the interstate (noisy). Had to finish that pint.
    Went to my noon AA meeting that day, was crying after the meeting, met 3 or 4
    decent guys that helped me put down the drink. Hours then
    turned into days into weeks into a month. Now Day 33.
    Those few guys are OK, though many others at AA are aggressive and want to know why I do not have a sponsor, tell me to buy the big book and start the steps now. One guy yesterday URGED me to go "start drinking again because I was not ready to quit".
    He also said "if I did not totally dive in, 90 days in 90 days, higher power, sponsor, big book I should just start drinking again and see if that works better for me because I had not hit bottom yet". He also said my true sobriety date begins when I get a sponsor, not 33 days ago when I know I quit. I'm back in the house, not drinking, wife like the sober me. Although all the bad economy business shit that drove me to numb myself
    every night with AL is still there. Rootbeer, chocolate and running 4 miles 3 times
    a week are my new methods to feel better about my self.
    This site is my sponsor! I choose not to drink today.
    This community has helped me believe it is possible to stop drinking. I'm going skip my regular AA meetings for a while. I'm glad I'm at MWO. Thanks for listening. :new::thanks::thanks::thanks:

    33 Days, thanks MWO


    Your AA experience makes me sad. I go to AA as often as possible and have never gotten that kind of talk from anyone there.

    I have a sponsor but we talk so seldom I might as well not have.

    However, I do like the inspirational discussions and talking and listening to people who have been sober for years.

    Like you, though, my true "home group" is MWO.

    I am very impressed you have gone 33 days and I am looking forward to hearing when you go 60 days, 90 days, and all those usual anniversaries.

    :welcome: to MWO and I hope you find the help here that we all need and I have found here and I hope you can give some help when someone here needs it, too.

    Glad you are here.
    AF April 9, 2016


      33 Days, thanks MWO

      just replying

      thanks for your nice comments.
      If I don't start I should stay out of trouble.
      I did meet 1 nice man, and we talk once a week,
      he no longer come to my meeting, so I never
      see him. Happy Friday Night from Maine USA


        33 Days, thanks MWO

        Hi Moofarmer I just wanted to say well done on your AF time. I only went to AA twice but I am very shy and found it hard to relate to others there. I would imagine your experience is unusual though and for the most part it is great for a lot of people. However you get a**holes in all walks of life so maybe you were just unlucky to meet one there. Anyway keep up the good work you are doing great.
        Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


          33 Days, thanks MWO

          Well done and many congrats. Here is to your continued success!! :goodjob:


            33 Days, thanks MWO

            I knew you were form Maine, when you said "wicked" I lived there for a few years.
            Anyway, I had a similar experience with health care professionals. I started with Employee Assistance Program, the councelor sent me to the psychologist who put me on antidepressant, without really knowing what is going on, and sent me to another councelor, who specialized in substance abuse. The last one talked about herself most of the time.
            Here I was, in the circle (or circus?) of health care providers , taking drugs and drinking just as much, with addition to bleeding money and messing with my brain via antidepressants. I quit all - psychologist, councelor and drugs, but still drank alcohol every day.
            Tried AA - different groups, but found them pretty somber and depressing. I preffer groups with conversation and feedback, which AA does not allow.
            Then I turned into books and read eveything possible on alcohol. I also read about relationships, children of alcoholics and the whole picutre started to emerge.

            My first problem was my relationship with an alcoholic and abusive boyfriend who lied and cheated.
            He had to go for me to try be sober. Why my councelors did not want to adress this issue in spite my telling them about the situation?

            We are all different and drink for different reasons. Pick your own recovery path, see if it works, and if it doesn't try something new.
            Happy Forth of July!
            "If I lost confidence in myself, I have the Universe against me"
            Ralph Waldo Emerson


              33 Days, thanks MWO

              "If I lost confidence in myself, I have the Universe against me"
              Ralph Waldo Emerson


                33 Days, thanks MWO

                The New Me;652366 wrote: :new:
                Welcome and we hope to get to know you as well as MooF.
                "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

                ~Jack Welsh~:h

                God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


                  33 Days, thanks MWO

                  CONGRATULATIONS MOO! You should be really proud of yourself
                  Recovery Coaching website

                  "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

                  Recovery Videos


                    33 Days, thanks MWO

                    Have a great day.

