Hello Deebee, it must be so tough for you at the moment. Easy to drink the whole bottle and then some, but you didnt. As you say today is a new day and I hope it brings better news.
No announcement yet.
Mod Squad August Thread!
Mod Squad August Thread!
Comforting Blessing
May you see the light in the darkness during these challenging times.
May you feel the loving presence of those who hold you in their thoughts & prayers.
May your spirit find what it needs to sustain you on this journey.
May you discover your inner strength & face all difficulties with dignity & grace.
May you be filled with comfort, love, strength, grace & a lasting sense of peace.
~ Kirsti A. Dyer
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Just be the best advocate for your dad that you can be. PM me if needed.
Eve11"Control your destiny or somebody else will"
~Jack Welsh~:h
God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:
Mod Squad August Thread!
DeeBee, I haven't been on for a week so am just now seeing this. I do hope your dad is doing better today. It really sounds like you are trying to handle so much right now. I really feel for your husband too - how terrible to be taken advantage of by a friend. Many hugs to both of you and prayers for your parents.
Mod Squad August Thread!
Morning all. Don't have chance to post much these days but been keeping a check on the thread. Thoughts and prayers go out to DeeBee and Moo.
Planning to be AF from today until 4th September, anyone with me?Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message
Mod Squad August Thread!
DeeBee;698969 wrote: Thanks again everyone for the PM's and well wishes.
Yesterday was just a really bad day emotionally but I feel stronger and more positive this morning (just like you said I would Starts).
I did drink 3 glass' of wine last night with the single minded intention of forgetting about everything so I'm not very proud of myself this morning. That said, today is a new day so I'm pulling myself up by the bra straps and getting on with it.
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend:-)Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009
Mod Squad August Thread!
Wow!! You guys!! You really are wonderful!!
Thanks again for the support.
Eve, I took comfort from your words:-)
We have just had the results back of my Dad's andgiogram (sp?) and things are finally starting to look positive. He had 3 small heart attacks over the weekend but has stabilised now. He even phoned just now to ask me to bring him some fruit juice which he's not allowed to have so he's definitely feeling better.
Again, thanks so much -- you guys are the best!!"The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"
Mod Squad August Thread!
Yay! Your care for your dad has made a difference.
Vlad, is your health OK? What happened with those chest pains?My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.
Mod Squad August Thread!
Hi All,
I've not been as temperate the last week as I ought - still managed 2 AF days, but clocked up 16 drinks total the other days argh! But there are always Mondays and the new plan.
A thought about chest pains, Vlad - I get them on and off. One time (the day before I had to fly somewhere), I suddenly got scared and went to emerg. I checked out as absolutely fine, and what I've since discovered is that they are really something to do with my ribs. It's postural, not cardial. This should absolutely not be a suggestion that someone ignore chest pains, but if you just had something for one day, it could be bone or muscle related. Voluntary muscle, that is...
DeeBee, I'm so happy to read your news. Big smiles and hugs!
Mod Squad August Thread!
Just catching up after being away for a week:
DEEBs: so sorry to hear what you are going through. Hopefully you Dad will stablize now and his path will be one of recovery. I've missed "chatting" with you and it seems like you have so much going on! PM me if you'd like. I'm home now for the duration. . .
MOO: A much belated condolences on your loss. I hope your are finding strength with each passing day.
J-v0: when does school start for you?
Eve: You sound so motivated and Great. As do Sunbeam, Vlad . . . others.
We haven't heard from St. Jude in a long while. Has anyone seen her around on the boards? This is her busy season at work.
Greetings to all I missed-Dancing Girl, Starty, Louise KTAB. Welcome Ronnie. Looking forward to checking in more ... except when I can be on the golf course . . LOVED my golf school getaway!
Mod Squad August Thread!
Morning Squad!!
When the alarm went off this morning I groaned like I normally do and then stopped myself short with the thought of "THOUGHTS BECOME THINGS -- CHOOSE THE GOOD ONES"
I feel better already just reminding myself that I am in control of my thoughts and can change them.
I was AF last night (after much :teeterand feel so much better for it this morning.
I haven't been able to tirade up on Bac as quickly as I like because the GP was quite conservative in the amount to prescribe. I have an appointment to see her today and will discuss with her upping my dosage to see if I can reach the magic "off button".
My Dad is well on the road to recovery and is feeling much better this morning. In fact he feels so good that he snuck a sms to me in the early hours of the morning asking me to bring him more tuck money!!! When I called and questioned the nurses about what he'd spent his money on (bearing in mind he is strapped to a bed in ICU) she couldn't say!!
I am working from home today while the plumber finishes installing my new en-suite bathroom and then tomorrow I just have to get myself to work for the day. I am going to find myself in some serious financial difficulties if i don't get my A into G soon and get some business in.
How is everyone doing for AF time this week?
Vladster when you first mentioned going AF till the 4th of Sept I shrugged it off as I thought it would be out of the question for me but I'm keen to get back some of my AF-ness which I love so much.
Hope everyone is doing great:l
I also haven't *seen* Judie around in a while -- a special HI if you are lurking"The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"
Mod Squad August Thread!
Hey Gang,
I had a couple of great weeks and then a big oops on Saturday night. I actually entered 2 on the drinktracker thinking that would help me keep my goal of no more than two...but...it was a long evening and I was the only one drinking the bottle of white - and it was very near empty at the end of the evening thus the 2 had to be changed :-(
One book I read said that when one relapses they potentially learn from their mistakes and can try something different the next time around. As I think back to the evening we were in someone else's home where I didn't have as much control over the situation.
1. The hostesses wine glasses were a different shape than mine and it was hard to eyeball how many ounces I was really getting - thus it was probably more than 5 oz
2. She didn't offer a non-al beverage along with the wine.
3 When the conversation flowed and everyone was merrily drinking away it just became too easy to have too much without realizing the amount as the hostess was pouring the wine - topping off my glass, etc.
4. Ofcourse I didn't have my L-glut that day! I always notice those times that I've gone over my desired limit I haven't had L-glut.
What will I do differently next time?
1. Better to err on the side of too little than too much- Have a smaller amount poured into my glass
2. Bring my own non-al drink - perrier or seltzer or just ask for some plain water!!
3. Finish my glass and be careful of having the drink topped off as you can easily end up with more than your desired amount - kind of like inching your way into trouble!
4. Take my L-glut on planned evenings of drinking!!
Well, you all know I didn't drive so that was good. I did have the nasty headache the next day. Yes, to those of you thinking about modding - it can be very difficult to stop once you start. I had gone in with such a clear plan of only 2!!
I have to keep remembering that moderation means learning that less is often enjoyed more and I sure do like how I feel the following day when I've only had 1 or 2 as opposed to 4 or 5 that's for sure!
Here's to a better week!!
Eve11"Control your destiny or somebody else will"
~Jack Welsh~:h
God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:
Mod Squad August Thread!
Hey everybody!
Deebs, sounds like you are getting back on your feet.
Eve, your story reminded me to mention how I have changed my hostess efforts; I had friends here last Thurs for an end-of-summer celebration:
I only serve one type of alcoholic beverage, white wine. My friends prefer that, and I used to end up finishing the red bottle myself!
I only buy wine my husband will drink. Leftovers go back in his fridge in the basement. I used to buy stuff in bigger bottles, and guess where the leftovers went???
I use smaller glasses. We have a bunch of those huge acrylic patio glasses, but I got out the real glass ones.
I have both a pitcher of ice water and a couple of AF beverages on the serving table. I didn't used to provide water.
I don't top off anyone's glass, and encourage everyone to serve only themselves. They all have to drive home!
I gently encourage people to have a glass of water between drinks. One of the AF beverages is non-sweetened flavored seltzer. It is pleasant, but not strong enough flavor to clash with anything, but something else enticing to drink.
I provide all of the alcohol. Some people in this group used to bring wine, but I ask them to bring food. There is always plenty of food.
AskForHelp, are you still biking?
DancingGirl, how has your plan changed? It is fine to learn from mistakes.
I started a weight loss thread for us post-menopausal women in the fitness section. You guys have listened to me moan for long enough, and I found some new strategies tailored to my age group. BTW, I got my first senior discount this summer - yikes! I turned 55 this spring.My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.