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Mod Squad August Thread!
Mod Squad August Thread!
AMY;680151 wrote: You guys seem to live in dream land. I dont get it. It is obviously not working is it? I am trying to understand the point of this thread. Dont want to be harsh, but its just what I see. you invited lurkers, so I thought I would make my point to you all.
Mod Squad August Thread!
Yes, this is dream-come-true land for me. I can now share a bottle of wine with my husband or a friend, like a normal person, weekly or less frequently. I need to keep track of what I drink and participate in this great support group because I have a history of alcohol abuse. I believe that DeeBee invited lurkers to post who are drinking moderately. I do not believe her words invited people like you, who wish to come and attack this community.
Gyco, thanks for your support. It is always good to see you.My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.
Mod Squad August Thread!
Mooderator, Sunbeam, and Deebs were some of the first people I relied on when I first came to MWO, when I was seriously exploring moderating as an option.
You all are the BEST!!!!!! Have a great August over here!!!!! :groupluv:
Mod Squad August Thread!
Gykes!! Thank you for a great post (as always)
And a huge welcome to KT!! Congrats on 90 day AF!
I have always followed your posts with interest and am so chuffed for you that you accomplished you 90 days with spunk and style.
When i finished doing 60 days AF I also wondered why would I want to mod if I could go abstain.... my answer is I'd like to live my whole life in moderation.
Oooh, I just realised!!
We have a man in the house LOL!!!
Dancing Girl, thanks for sharing your journey with us. LOL i can hear the drum roll from here!!
For me, something changed when I STOPPED chasing the buzz. Drinking moderately is all about NOT chasing the buzz. I can count on one hand the number of times I have felt buzzed since joining MWO and they all bring back horrible memories.
We are the mod squad here and we're proud of who we are!
Sun, you are bang-on. The invite to post here goes out to anyone who's goal and plan is to drink moderately. Ofcourse our AF friends are always welcome to post if it is supportive and in meant in a good way. If you have an issue, please address it in a PM to the relevant member and they will sure to be keen to resolve it.
Scrubb, it's always good to see you. Thanks for popping in to show your support -- It means alot.
Now, where is everyone else??
Vladster, J-Vo, Moo, Judie, Ask, Peri, DM, and anyone I've fogotten -- I'm thinking of you guys."The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"
Mod Squad August Thread!
Deebs and everyone, you have my support too.
I know modding is not for many of us, but it works for some and I believe that we have to live in a world with alcohol so if we can control those urges so much the better.
I am also finding out that many enlightened rehabs and addiction centres are offering moderate drinking as an option to recovery.
This is not a one size fits all journey and that is wonderful to know!!Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009
Mod Squad August Thread!
Good Morning,
Thanks to all - I feel welcome here, and think this is where I belong.
DeeBee;680846 wrote:
For me, something changed when I STOPPED chasing the buzz. Drinking moderately is all about NOT chasing the buzz. I can count on one hand the number of times I have felt buzzed since joining MWO and they all bring back horrible memories.
Oh my, brave words - here's to living up to them! (I just scared myself a little).
Mod Squad August Thread!
Hello everyone and thanks very much for the lovely welcome and support from you guys, it means a lot to me.
DancingGirl thanks for sharing your baby steps with us, anything that can be added to our arsenal is a bonus.
Eve11 ta for posting the limits, I have no intention of getting anywhere near them. I have had my weekly allowance in one sitting on more than one occasion previously and that will never happen again. I am taking this deadly serious.
DeeBee good of you to to give me a few extra days AF but I have another week to go before hitting the big 90But I will get there no doubt.
Mooderator, Wine lover and Sunbeam I look forward to getting to know you guys better in the coming month(s)
And finally a big thanks to some of my friends from the army thread who took the time and effort to pop in and offer all of us their support, thanks so much.
Blimey I sound a bit like Gwyneth Paltrow at her oscar acceptance speechEthanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?
Mod Squad August Thread!
August Goals
Hi All
Well I'm a few days late checking in for August, but I wanted to say "hey" and get in on the August pacts for doing better, as I haven't been meeting my goals in June and July and I'd like to turn that around!
Deebs good for you for giving Baclofen a try. I don't know the BillP reference, but since I take Topo I wouldnt' agree that taking a med means a person won't be modding. However, one thing that tipped me towards taking Topo was its weight loss side effect, and I've been very pleased with the weight I lost and kept off (except for the 7-8 lbs I need to lose again) so eating, drinking, exercise and weight are intertwined for me.
My goal for August is to get back to my goal of drinking only 3 days/ week and only 2 drinks/day so that my limit is less than 7 drinks/week. I've done the 4 days AF for many many months in the past, but recently that has been difficult for me, so I'll be looking to pact by the day. Hoping those of you who are going AF for longer spells can support that without being tempted? Let me know. I also plan to start listening to tapes again and taking supps regularly. I already exercise pretty regularly. Following DB's lead, I think I'll really work on cutting out all the "treats" (sugar) that has crept into my diet.
So I'm on for Monday August 3rd for sure. and a couple of other days this week. Tuesday or Wednesday. Thursday for sure. Will try to check in every day.
Myst get off to bed for now. Work tomorrow, then counselling then golf. It's a busy but good life.
Mod Squad August Thread!
I'm late checking in too - 3rd August, tut tut Vladdie...
A busy weekend though, got loads sorted - ordered a dining table and chairs for the conservatory, bought the lighting ready for installation tomorrow and yesterday hubby painted the inside of the conservatory. Should be ready for sitting in this week. Also we've got one of those Apple TV's - you can rent and buy videos from it, not to mention watching YouTube stuff. So the weekend was spent messing about with that too - we rented Despereaux, School of Rock and Seven Pounds (very intriguing film).
On the modding front I've been doing OK, keeping the drinks to 14 UK units a week (about 7 drinks - NOT ALL IN ONE GO OF COURSE!!!) with the exception of week including the weekend at the MIL's - but even that went better than expected. Anyway my aim through August is to stick with this.
DEEBEE - Wishing you well for your AF August (you did it last year as well didn't you?).
MOO - Wishing you well too!!! I'm trying to exercise as well - hoping to build up half an hour a day on my stepper. Currently up to 15 mins a day.
WINE LOVER - Hope you had a great weekend!
AMY - Great to hear from you, hoping maybe you will post again soon. Only you can decide and know whether modding is for you. There are lots of great threads on this forum with great supportive people.
DANCING GIRL - Of course you may join the Mod Squad! Welcome and great going on no slips. It's hard at first, I remember this time last year, I was modding OK, but obsessing constantly - thankfully that seems to have subsided now. Modding takes a lot of hard work and practice, but once you get used to it, it almost becomes second nature.
SUNBEAM - Hope you have a great August! Oh and that Word Association Game really frustrates me, I sometimes wonder whether it was put there on purpose to hide the mod threads.
KTAB - Welcome! And well done for recognising that trying to mod after 30 days would be too soon. Congrats on day 82, well maybe you'll be on day 84 as I'm typing this!!!
EVE - I know what you mean about being able to focus on other passions, sometimes finding a new interest in replacement to drinking helps a great deal too. I know that joining a music group at church really helped to change my focus.
GYCO - Great to hear from you and great post. Thank you.
STARTS and ONEY - Thanks for your support as always!!!
ASK - Have a good nights sleep and a great day tomorrow.
WISHING EVERYONE THE BEST WITH THEIR GOALS FOR AUGUST!Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message
Mod Squad August Thread!
What a lot of great posts to start my week off.
Everyone is sounding so amped and focused for August (pat on the back).
I haven't had a craving once so far (holding thumbs and foot fingers) but then I have been so pre-occupied with my damn sugar-free diet that theres no spare time to think of anything else LOL!!
3 x 0 for the DT so far yeeeehaaahh!!
My weekend was fairly un-eventfull -- It has been pouring and I mean POURING with rain so the builders haven't been back. Hopefully tomorrow they'll start laying bricks. The daughter's hamster gave birth to 6 Fugly looking things to much screaming and excitement. DH came home trashed after the rugger on Saturday (we won!) and I dyed my sister's hair for her. Exciting stuff in the DeeBee household I tell you.
Right, I'm off to make a pot of chai tea.... see you just now."The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"
Mod Squad August Thread!
I read this this morning and wanted to share. Of course we want to grow, of course we want to move forward and progress. But sometimes we have to go through the whole "two steps forward and one step back" system. As long as we keep going, understanding that the "step back" is not failure, then our progress is inevitable.
"All progress is gained through mistakes and their rectification. No good comes fully fashioned, out of God's hand, but has to be carved out through repeated experiments and repeated failures by ourselves. This is the law of individual growth. The same law controls social and political evolution also. The right to err, which means the freedom to try experiments, is the universal condition of all progress."
-Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)"The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"
Mod Squad August Thread!
vlad;681794 wrote: Afternoon Deebs - congrats on the baby hamsters!!! Did you know 'chai' is Russian for tea?
Afternoon Vladster!!
The daughter has been calling me "granny" ever since the baby's arrived - WHATEVER!"The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"