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Mod Squad August Thread!

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    Mod Squad August Thread!

    Good evening all Modsters,

    I've been lurking more than posting these last few days (or is it almost a week?). I've had seemingly endless house guests and a cold caught from the smallest of them, BUT, my moderation plans have not been derailed. Today is AF and probably tomorrow - the max seven a week works well for me, and I've come in at five for the last three weeks.

    Welcome Louise and hope all others are well.


      Mod Squad August Thread!

      Checking In too

      Hi Dancing Girl and Louise: don't think we've "met" so wanted to add my welcome to mods. Good job Dancing Girl sticking with mods during company and a cold!

      DEEBEE! Been missing you girl... but understand the craziness of a building project. Good job on all the AF days in August ... don't worry about 1 mod day mixed in... keep up the great work!!

      Nice to see Vlad made your 3 day pact. Great job. I was out all 3 days ( movies, picnic and dinner and basebll game....) I feel like such a socialite! So Vlad I'm on to my 3 days AF. Hope I do as well as you! Eve looks like you had a great week too.

      Everybody have a great couple of days.



        Mod Squad August Thread!

        Hey Everybody,
        Just checking in, my brother has been visiting, and I am busy doing things with him.

        AskForHelp, glad to see you are doing well, checking in during the week.

        J-Vo, are you lurking? Did you notice we have another teacher in our group (Louise)?

        DancingGirl, do you care to share a little about yourself? We all have various levels of revelation, here on the Internet, for all the world to see. But what kind of dancing do you do?

        Deeebs, many of my plants have recovered from the construction at my house in May/June, but a couple of shrubs are not looking good.

        Vlad, it is always comforting to me to know that there are other job choices out there. Then I am choosing to stay in the current job, I'm not there because I have no other choices. I read the classifieds every weekend just to see what else is out there.

        Take care, all
        My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


          Mod Squad August Thread!

          Wow we are a busy lot!!

          The roof (or part of it) went on today which was really exciting. AND I actually got some work done for a change!! TGIF is what I say!

          Has anyone heard from Moo -- I hope she is doing okay!!

          Sending everyone loads of good vibes for the weekend.
          "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


            Mod Squad August Thread!

            Good Saturday morning all,

            Thanks for the welcome, Ask for Help. Funny, we all have our own things to deal with - I find it easier to mod when drinking socially. It is the evenings at home just with hubby that are a struggle. It is then I find it easiest to choose to be AF.

            Sunbeam;692769 wrote:

            DancingGirl, do you care to share a little about yourself? We all have various levels of revelation, here on the Internet, for all the world to see. But what kind of dancing do you do?
            Thanks for asking I do Western Classical music and East Indian Classical dance. Studying these throughout my teens, 20s and 30s did much to keep my drinking under some sort of control, as you cannot pretend to be playing well with AL in your system and dancing is just out of the question! :H Now in my mid-40s, I'm teaching more than anything else (which I love), but my evenings became devoted to the wine bottle. I'm happy to have caught the habit before it really got in the way, or became public. This site has helped tremendously - and it was actually the "mod squad" thread turning up in one of my internet searches about controllling drinking that led me here.

            Happy to be one of you! :h


              Mod Squad August Thread!

              Hi all,
              It's Sunday evening and just got back from a week at the beach. It was kind of a long week as the adults were misbehaving, yet the kids were on their best behavior. Their is some tension with a few of the adult women, and one which starts all the sh** and it's just ashame. Oh well, for the most part the vacation went well, there was drinking, but I stuck to only lite beer, the weather was lovely for most of the week, we ate and ate and ate - I gained 4 pounds!!!!!

              I haven't had much time to catch up on here. Hopefully will get some time tomorrow morning. Take care kids!
              Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                Mod Squad August Thread!

                Hi Friends

                Well I wasn't as successfull this week as last, but sure had lots of fun We've had a stretch of beautiful summer weather and I've been out most evenings - a picnic, RedSox game, golf, and out to dinner with friends, so not enough AF days, but life is good nonetheless.

                This week I am heading off to a 4 day vacation/Golf School which I just decided upon tonight. I am so excited! and hope the weather stays nice. I have to work for a few days first but then off I go. Will check in when I return!!

                Everybody be good!



                  Mod Squad August Thread!

                  Hi Everyone
                  Can I join in on this thread, I have decided to try modding again, this will be my 2nd attempt but last time I did'nt have a plan in place at all. I went out Saturday and had my first drink in 6 weeks, I must admit I drank more that I wanted to, but I still had a good time, and I only plan to drink at social occastions (sp) now, there will be no drinking on my own and certainly no beer!!!!!
                  I really want this to work for me this time, and I am going to make it work for me.
                  I hope you all have a lovely day
                  :dancin: enguin:
                  starting over


                    Mod Squad August Thread!

                    Morning all,
                    Just got finished reading over this past week's posts. Sounds like everyone is doing pretty well meeting their goals, and lots of new modder friends to introduce myself to!

                    Well, I'm moving in a slightly different direction, still searching for My Way Out. I've ordered baclofen and am waiting for it to arrive. I've been reading the threads available about this medicine, and it sounds like it may be for me. I've got nothing to lose and all to gain. I've also ordered the book "The End of My Addiction" which it has arrived at the bookstore. I'll go pick it up this week.

                    Although my drinking has improved whereas I don't become intoxicated and I'm not drinking hard alcohol, I still go over my limits. This is where I'm looking to improve and hope that the baclofen will help me.

                    Deebs, sorry about your baby hampster. I think Sunbeam is onto something when she said that maybe his health was not good. I hope your daughter's ok. And the building project sounds like it's well underway. Good luck!

                    Eve, sounds as though you're under control and meeting your goals. I will read the article you posted "Do you drink too much?" Thanks for that.

                    Vlad - Did you take the job?

                    KTAB - Excellent work on 90 days! Wow. You should be chuffed!!!!

                    Sunbeam - You always show excellent control. You've found your way out, and I want to follow you. I know someone was talking about unstructured time/vs. structured. I'm going back to work next week after being off since January. Even though I think I've improved over previous years, I look forward to a structured lifestyle. I think my body and mind are craving it at this point.

                    Ask - excellent meeting your goals most of the time! And enjoy vacation/golf school!

                    Louise - welcome, and I've ordered the baclofen also. I think this is the next step for me to help control my cravings. I'm ready to move in a slightly different direction and think I need the help. I'd like to compare notes with you on this. I'm also a teacher. What do you teach?

                    Welcome Dancing Girl and Ronnie!

                    Have a great day all.
                    Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                      Mod Squad August Thread!

                      Hi everybody,
                      Ronnie, welcome! My first suggestion is that you use Drink Tracker. I wish someone had offered me that suggestion before starting to drink moderately. It records your patterns, in case you conveniently forget when or how much you last drank. We look forward to your future posts, and getting to know more about you.

                      J-vo, it sounds like a good idea to try a new strategy. That baclofen med does look promising for many.

                      AskForHelp, I think your fun is not the drinking at this point, it's the other activities you are enjoying. Ya gotta have fun in the summer, I live for it.

                      It is hot out, our first day over 90o this summer, too warm to stay out for very long. I have some gardening phone calls to make IF MY HUSBAND EVER GETS OFF THE PHONE!
                      My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                        Mod Squad August Thread!

                        Welcome Dancing Girl and Ronnie & hello mod squad.

                        I met my goal this last week - only 5.5! I noticed Sat. morning that despite only 2 drinks I had a slight headache. On Sunday (my second night of drinking) I was in a real funk. Had had a big beer the night before so it counted as two. I just couldn't get motivated and was slightly depressed. Adam 12 and I started talking about how even 2 drinks can really affect a person sometimes. I swear I didn't perk up until 4 pm or so and I felt like the whole day was just kind of wasted.

                        As I observe the changes I've made this last year I am noticing that I am definitely decreasing the amount of drinks I like to have at one time. I started off with no more than 3 as my goal and then have changed it to no more than 2. Now I am considering trying to apply Kid's "one and I'm done" motto as I can really enjoy one and don't feel the effects the next day like I can with two.

                        I am getting busier and busier in my life so that is filling up my time and it's so easy to say "No, I don't want that drink tonight because I won't be motivated to accomplish what I want to do tomorrow".

                        Adam 12 and I have started dance lessons and are having a great time with it. We had to cancel our London trip but are going somewhere much more interesting in the fall so we're busy planning for that.
                        Kids are back in school and I'm making sure they have a big breakfast before they head off each day (don't need a slight headache or fuzzy feeling to prevent that from happening) and am trying to work out and tone up more. Plus continuing to research this crazy problem we all have so I can share good advice with my mod squad buddies and lurkers.

                        Have a good day everyone.
                        "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

                        ~Jack Welsh~:h

                        God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


                          Mod Squad August Thread!

                          Morning everyone,
                          Did anyone see the news on binge-drinking baby boomers? Interesting clip. If I knew how, I'd post it here. Diane Sawyer was interviewing someone about this.

                          It's day 3 AF for me. I'm going for as long as I can at this point. I started bac. yesterday at a low dosage and plan to continue. I hope that this makes a difference in my ability to control myself. I'm looking for positive changes and new life experiences that I can enjoy. Just simple things!

                          Yes, Sun, I think it's time for a new strategy. I hope at sometime in my life, I can get to where you, Eve, and Moo are, and among others here who have found their "way."

                          I'm taking my son out to lunch today. He loves the Japanese Steak House and they have lunch prices. Then we're off for some school shopping for him and haircut.

                          I'm getting a little anxious about going back to work next week, but really looking forward to it unlike ever before. I feel this time has given me a chance to see that I have a great purpose in life and that's an incredible feeling. I think for years I was fighting with myself about having to put such long and hard days in with the kids at school. I'm not sure what clicked within myself, but I'm happy that it did.

                          Eve, you sound as focused as ever!

                          To everyone, have a great day.
                          Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                            Mod Squad August Thread!

                            Hi everyone.
                            I haven't been able to post in a while because the builders cut through my land line so I have no internet access at home for a while.
                            I have also NOT been meeting my goal of an AF August.
                            We recieved quite a shock last week when we found out my husbands partners had gone behind his back and done him out financially. It really has left me very bitter and angry. The one partner, who is my daughters god parents and we go away on holiday with them twice a year has totally destroyed my DH. I just don't know what we are going to do -- financially.

                            On top of all that my Mum has just been diagnosed with a rare heart condition. I can count on one hand the number of times my Mum has been sick so this has really been a shock for us.
                            Last night my dear Pops was rushed to hospital with chest pains and he couldn't breathe. The hospital didn't have a bed for his so they had to rush him to a private hospital up here. So I am lacking in the
                            sleep department as well as feeling queasy because I drank too much last night.

                            I'm sorry to be such a downer but wanted to apologise for not contributing anything positive to the group for a while.

                            You are all in my thoughts.
                            Love Dee
                            "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                              Mod Squad August Thread!

                              Oh (((Deebs))),
                              You are in my heart and prayers.
                              My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                                Mod Squad August Thread!

                                Dearest DeeBee,

                                What a cart-load for you to haul! And - for you to start a thread in sympathy for Moo with all of your burdens dragging you down. What a wonderful person you are!

                                You have all my sympathies (as does Moo) about parental health stuff. My father died almost a year ago after a heart-breaking decline. It is something we all have to go through - we all know we will eventually lose our parents - but knowing that doesn't make it any easier.

                                I'm appalled at the "friends" who did you in, though. Words fail me on that one!

                                Love and strength in such a trying time,
                                :l:l Dancer

