Hi Miss O it will be nice to see you regularily here next month.
Hello Emmy delighted to see you and Franzia here too. Unfortunatley I have no idea what a trackback is either, maybe somebody can shed some light on that. I wonder if you guys maybe need to upgrade your software for chat.
Deebee nice to see you back among us and I am glad you are begining to see some light at the end of that tunnel.
Hi Cyclefan well done on the af stint I think I will need to take a few of them from time to time to keep on the straight and narrow but then again I seldom choose the easy path in life. I am a big fan of exercise since I came here and I think you are right about it being tough to get back after a break. For me if I can keep a regular schedule it becomes much easier and more enjoyable. Big ouch on the teeth front btw.
Hi Delta count me in for the pact, what is left of it.
Sunbeam do you find it easier to always be af during the week or does that result in cravings come the weekend? Hope that question makes sense.
Moo you belly dance your cotton socks off girl. Sounds like a blast. I wonder what the straight male equivallent is? Answers on the back of a postcard please

And a big hello to any of you guys I failed to mention.
Well it is day 7 AF for me today and so far it has been plain sailing on a tranquil lake I am pleased to report. That pleases me greatly. Keep safe all.