Nancy, I am so grateful to read your post about meditation. When Wip was here this was something she taught me in great depth and I found to be such an important part of my day.
I would never have guessed that I could learn so much about myself just by sitting.
Thank you for your post as it was just what I needed to read today.
I've been having a bit of a heart to heart with myself these last few weeks. Who am I kidding? I'm miserable, I can't stick to my mod goals, I am drinking too much, too often AND I am constantly thinking about drinking. Yesterday was a bad day but I felt confident that I could go the Abs route -- today I have already had the voices telling me that "I'm not that bad" and "It's okay to have a drink tonight, you deserve it"
I spent the day soul searching yesterday and feel like I've come to a fork in the road on my journey. I kNOW which way I should choose but feel myself so resistant to the idea of abstaining forEVER.
I just wanted to put this out there so you guys know where I am and what my train of thought is.
This group is so important to me -- not only in giving me unconditional support but also as my sounding board.