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Mod Squad November 09

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    Mod Squad November 09


    Rejuv, how did day 2 go?


    Hi Sunbeam, Thanks for asking.
    Hi Moo, Eve, Emmy Deebs, Sara

    Completed Day 2 AF…used a couple extra doses of L-Glut for a couple of strong cravings that reared their ugly heads...but otherwise it was an OK couple of days.

    3 days AF, starting day 4 now. We went to the theatre yesterday(matinee), saw an awesome production entitled the Second Tosca. Went to Lunch first. We usually do a meal either before or after. We have season passes to two different theater groups , so during season; usually go once or twice a month. Usually we drink with dinner & at intermission. Didn't really miss it.

    When the booze brain hit was when we got home....couldn't hardly get it to shut up...but I won...we both did ( I think I've mentioned hubby & I are doing this together)
    Anyway...did the hypno tape when I went to bed...much better today :happy:

    Today, doing some work in the yard putting the garden to bed for the season...was in the 70's yesterday back to the 60's today & tomorrow...unbeleiveable weather for the front range here in Colorado iin November & certainly bizarre after we had over a foot of snow jus a little over a week ago...crazy weather...

    I planned days 3 &4 AF over a weekend because I had feared they would be awful physically, but with the tapes, supps & topamax it hasn't been bad...& hubby & I have been moderately heavy daily drinkers for years. (Wine for me, Scotch for him) Go figure
    have a great Sunday everyone!



      Mod Squad November 09

      Well done sounds as though you are off to a cracking start (both of you). I think its great that you are supporting each other. It will probably help your long term success....

      All ok here.....have been to the supermarket today and bought lots of healthy food, as now the family have done, I want to be really good for a few weeks before christmas. Bit of a health freak anyway, but an extra push required. I plan to get back to the gym this week (had a couple weeks of doing other excerise as was really bored with the gym, but ready to climb back on the horse now. Lots of healthy food. And most importantly, I decided today to give up diet coke this week. It is my second little beastie. I dont drink gallons of it, maybe one or two cans a day, but it has no redeeming feature as a drink, so I am back on the water!! Wish me luck.....

      Love to all
      "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
      but in what direction we are moving."


        Mod Squad November 09

        Hi Everyone , Just checking in before I start watching Football :h then the Lakers tonight . WOO HOO , I swear I love sports more than my hubby ! Glad to hear that everyone is doing well .. We went out to dinner last night with another couple , I did order a glass of wine , took 3 sips ( I counted) and handed it to my friend who had already finished hers.. Not sure whats happening , but , It didn't taste good , and I felt guilty I think I'm almost ready to be AF ... whatever I decide to do , I'm never never never going back to where I was 2 months ago :h Take care :l Em
        Non Drinker 9/09
        Non Smoker 6/09
        Tennis Anyone ?


          Mod Squad November 09

          Hi Everyone,

          Mooderator, I think it's great that you're looking at the big picture, and your overall improvement. I tend to get really down on myself when I don't meet my goals...It would be good for me to see that overall, I'm doing pretty well. The mistakes are fewer and farther between, and they're also not as bad as at one time. You also sound like you learned something from this outing. Next time you'll plan ahead better. Isn't it amazing, though, how we can sort of forget how awful a hangover is? At least I can. I remember intellectually, but not on a visceral level. Imagine if there were a way to recreate the hung-over feeling, just for a few minutes, in the midst of drinking. It would really help me STOP.

          Emmy, sounds like you're thriving! :yay:

          Rejuve, Well done! I'm so happy for you! It will definitely get easier, and the cravings less intense, as time goes by.

          I had another AF day, and feel pretty good. I haven't wanted a drink since my two Manhattans on Thursday night. I've been taking L-Glut and Kudzu, but I don't know if it's the supps or just the recent experience that's effecting me. Either way, it feels good not to want to drink.

          I also want to report that I think the natural anti-depressant Lavande recommended to me, called Amoryn, is helping. I've been off of Prozac for a couple of months now, and my mood is good on the Amoryn. No side effects, and I can still feel.

          Best wishes to all!
          "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


            Mod Squad November 09

            SARA -heavens yes that is true...if we could only recreate that doubt that would work ....and indeed mostly it does, the thought of it is enough to stop me most of the time. As we said, we get caught out occasionally. I am pleased to say it is very occasionally. Personally I think we have to see the big picture because the reality is that there will be errors whether we are attempting to be AF all the time or modding, or at least that is what I see here. If we are winning more often than not, which we are, then its going well. And if we get it wrong less and less often, which I do, then we are learning.

            EMMY - sounds as though you are doing great. I have had times similar to that when you taste a drop and just think, actually NO. Long may it continue.

            All is going well here. I started off superheathfreak kick yesterday and I am enjoying it already.....long may that continue too. I have a ball to go to at XMAS and I want to look and feel great.
            "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
            but in what direction we are moving."


              Mod Squad November 09

              I have now been in MWO for five weeks and have come to conclusion that long term moderaters is where I belong. To quickly retell my story I am long term drinker and averaged 12-17 drinks a week. Week one in MWO went to nine, week two had three drinks, did 18 days in row AF and last week had two. I intended to go 30 days AF but had three strait nights of social occasion and decided to drink moderately. I had three drinks last night at friends house during dinner which took about four hours. I do not plan to have drinks again until Friday night of this week when I go out with my sons.

              Cutting down my drinking and going AF has been great. A much better life has opened up to me. I have good energy, sleep well, improved communications and my emotions are under control. I do not think that our lifestyle supports AF. I will stay on drink tracker and join long term mods group. My rules for moderation are: never drink before six at night, one drink an hour, never drink on empty stomach, drink water along with AL, always take at least two nights a week AF and make relationships the objective not AL.
              My wife also convinced me of a new rule: if I break the prior ones I will go two weeks AF.


                Mod Squad November 09

                Hi Everyone:l

                MG ~ you sound like you have a good plan in place , stick with it:h

                I've been wavering the last week and have come to the conclusion that I really don't need or want to drink anymore.. I just don't have a desire ~ Going 30 days AF was easy . i KNEW I wasn't going to have a glass of wine for 30days , then on day 31 I started thinking about having a glass of wine even though I didn't want one .. I think its easier for me just to be AF .. no questions , I don't drink !! I'm emotionally invested in all of you , so I will continue to read your post and post here too , I promise not to throw abstinence down your throats , this is my personal decision and I feel everyone needs to do what is right for them. All your posts have inspired me and made me think about my own situation , and the AF threads have given me hope that there is "life" without wine.. :h

                I'm off to lunch and the mall , I need to start my Hanukah & Christmas shopping , Crowded stores give me anxiety I'll be back later :l Em
                Non Drinker 9/09
                Non Smoker 6/09
                Tennis Anyone ?


                  Mod Squad November 09

                  That's great Em! We'll be routing for you! Your decision makes a lot of sense. It would probably make sense for me, too, but it's not where I am right now, I guess.

                  I agree, MG, sounds like a good plan. It will help to have your wife in on it, too. No one can make us change, but support sure can help!

                  I've had a crabby afternoon...A million little things going wrong, that I won't bore you with. By 4:30 I was having thoughts of wanting a drink to change my mood. But I've chased those thoughts away. among other things, I was getting crazed over the messiness of the house, and starting to bark at the boys, making them help clean up. I called my husband and told him I knew I was getting overly stressed over minor things. He made me laugh, and persuaded me to let it go. So instead of stomping around the house making everyone clean, I'm relaxing on the couch with a diet tonic and saying hello to all of you. I know that every time I find an alternative to drinking as a response to stress, I get a little stronger in my ability to not abuse alcohol.

                  My son has come to join me. Must run...Later.
                  "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


                    Mod Squad November 09

                    MG 72, welcome back! On this thread we accept flip-flops, waffles, and sundry other items. We all work to support each other as we get our lives back, moving along a path that is unique to each of us.

                    Sara, you really are sounding better. It used to be that you blamed your husband for whatever, and now you let him help you. Wow. And staying off your Prozac meds is a big deal, using a more natural product. Good for you!
                    I spent some time reading reviews at for that book you mentioned, How to Look Not Old. I don't think I'm interested in many of the more drastic ideas, but I think it includes some simple ones.

                    Emmy, you will always be welcome here.

                    Rejuv, how goes it?

                    Moo, we do need to keep learning about how to stay in control of alcohol. Some of those lessons seem to be the same over and over, but often there is a slight twist that catches us off guard. So another lesson chalked up for you.

                    So far, my life is the same with or without Drink Tracker. I have absolutely no desire to drink any more often than once weekly. I had a couple (probably 3) glasses of wine Friday evening. AF weekends will likely continue to be part of my life, but take more effort.

                    Take care, all.
                    My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                      Mod Squad November 09

                      Hi friends,
                      I'll be able to post a bit while on vacation but probably not to the personal degree (addressing certain people, etc.) that I like as time is more limited.

                      I am noticing a BIG difference in the thinking about drinking while on vacation. In the past the plans would revolve around being back in time for the free happy hour. Now I'm just busy planning sightseeing activities and if drinking fits in to the plans it fits in, if not, no big deal so that's a big change and I'm very pleased about that.

                      Hard to think I'm on DeeBee's time more or less. The jet lag is a big adjustment but better today than yesterday for sure. We're in Thailand and will do some major sightseeing today. Will keep you posted here and there of our fun adventures. Major goal is to not have big or any hangovers while we try to enjoy the sites.

                      Hugs to all,
                      "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

                      ~Jack Welsh~:h

                      God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


                        Mod Squad November 09

                        On this thread we accept flip-flops, waffles, and sundry other items. We all work to support each other as we get our lives back, moving along a path that is unique to each of us.
                        ^^^^^ Well said Sunbeam .. We should all support eachother !!:l

                        Sara , I'm glad you decided to take care of yourself , don't sweat the small stuff

                        Hi Eve

                        Hey Moo , thats what is happening , I hope it last a long time too , don't want to jinx it , just taking ODAT ,, ( no , I don't go to AA)

                        RBMS.. you sound like ur doing great !!

                        I'm going to watch football , Everyone stay well , cya tomorrow :l Em
                        Non Drinker 9/09
                        Non Smoker 6/09
                        Tennis Anyone ?


                          Mod Squad November 09

                          5 days AF

                          Day 5 alls well....little restless this evening...good thing Mr Rejuve & I are going thru this together...the booze brain misbehavin...seems to be takin turns with us. Mine was talkin to me Sat night...his was talkin to him last night but mine was mine was talking to me again tonight. So I thought I'd just check in here instead, take an extra then go to bed with a hypno tape!

                          Thanks for the support Sunbeam, Emmy, Eve, Moo, Sara !




                            Mod Squad November 09

                            Emmy, Congratulations on being AF. I am sincerely happy for you!
                            Sarasmiles, thank you for the support and I enjoy your posts
                            Sunbeam, thanks for the welcome back that Emmy dittoed, you are always so supportive. Once a week having a few drinks is a good place to be.
                            Eve, Having activites not revolve around Al is right on. That was where I was but after five or six weeks of cutting way back I am where you are. As long as I stay moderate I believe I will stay this way.
                            Rejuv, Congratulations on being AF for five days. I am glad I went almost three weeks AF. It reset my emotions, cravings and allowed me to start over in a better place.

                            Have a great day to all.


                              Mod Squad November 09

                              Hello Modders...

                              Just read all the posts...everyone sounds good. EMMY good decision and I am gald you will be staying with us here.

                              EVE...I hope you have a wonderful holiday and I am pleased that you are feeling better about booze whilst you are away on hols..

                              SUN glad life sans drinktracker is going as usual, shows you are totally ready for this step ( thought you probably would be to be fair).

                              I am delighted to say I am DAY 2 DCF (diet coke free!!!!!!!). And no headaches! Its exactly like being AF, just a slight change in thinking and habits and bingo! I am going out to a pub quiz with friends tomorrow night. It is a week night, so I will definitely not be drinking AL, but I might allow myself Diet Coke whilst out. There have to be some pleaures in life I guess. But I might not, we shall see. I just dont want to drink it every day anymore. The health kick is going really well too.
                              "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
                              but in what direction we are moving."


                                Mod Squad November 09

                                :goodjob: MOO , so proud of you !!!!!!!! Lets ALL be AF buddies !!!!!:h
                                Non Drinker 9/09
                                Non Smoker 6/09
                                Tennis Anyone ?

